Anish, I too belong to this group:no: and would buy this car once it is released.

(with a reservation of some meagre and managable funds to "mod" it to my purpose and use)
People / Members here who are criticising the car have no merit in their criticism, infact they are just portraying their ignorance about the matter.The car has not been test driven yet and the pseudo experts here (many of whom do not understand the concept of an "automobile" or "transportation" and its related concepts and business models) are "Giving" or rather "Thrusting upon others" their esteemed opinions.:huh:
as Chaos mentioned earlier this car will sell as it is Cheap and VFM (as compared to other existing models / brands). and to those who worry that TATA's will loose money in this venture,(and have "parked' their funds in TATA Motors

hyeah: ) Relax ....TATA will make money , not from the actual sale of these cars but from after sale activities like sale of spare parts, accessories, service etc...(huge margins here:hap2: )
My observation / experience with TATA motor products till now is that they make very good chassis / engine / body but the other parts like plastic dashboards, switches, seats and upholstry etc are below par to the japanese ones both in their design and physical construction. Also their final QC and Inspection before despatch is sub standard. (due to the licence / quota system and "Govt. Controlled" regime "influence" prevailing in our country till about a decade ago.)
For 1.25 Lakh of rupees you do actually get a full Metal body, set of 4 New tyres, A New Battery, A Steering wheel with a NEW engine giving 15 ~ 17Km /ltr (City road conditions) and carries 4 passengers comfortably :rofl: :clap: what more can one want ....:cool2: