Just Hacked My PS3 :D

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Many Many happy returns of the day ,
thread turning to be Birthday thread
Spoilers doesn't work. This thread is going offtopic.. :P

In other news:-

Sony Released Firmware update to Cease PSJailbreak

Sony has officially released a new firmware update for PS3, version 3.42, which seems to only include "additional security features" as explained by Sony's director of hardware marketing John Koller in the official announcement on the PlayStation Blog.

As rumored and then confirmed by Eurogamer, this firmware update's intention was to stop the much-discussed "PSJailbreak" exploit -- in which users used a USB dongle to "fool" a system into thinking it is a debug unit, allowing installation of "unsigned code " (the expectation being pirate games) on the system.

Users who wish to continue to connect to PlayStation Network are required to upgrade to 3.42, but Eurogamer's Rich Leadbetter claims that "people who have the Jailbreak are sticking to 3.41 and using a proxy server bypass to remain online."
And thats why i haven't updated yet... Got a shitload of old games to play through anyway. Thx for the wishes guys :)

Gannu , u need to clear ur inbox !!!! Anyways , the package should reach you Saturday morning. I just couriered it :)
Happy birthday!!!..

great to hear your successful crack... is there a way to play the backups yet..?

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dhruvrock2000 said:
The phone can be removed but you need to do the jailbreak everytime.

Backup speed is ok i guess. I just backed up Brutal Legend in under 10 minutes. Playing it right now with inFamous disk inside the ps3 :P (Gannu plz take note :D )

Can u create your own steps as in ? You want me to post step by step instructions ? I can make a sticky i guess with total noob proof steps.
Ohkk...so u can play backups..that great..when can we have a tutorial / guide :)
Congratz man, happy b'day and so nice u hacked ur ps3 :D

jojothedragon said:
Where is the video promised? I don't believe you yet :|
and why is that? o.0

don't go loco

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BTW is it necessary to have one game disc inside while ur playing "something else" ?
finally got to know someone has done it....all this while have been hearing from ppl....my frnds frnd has done it....but no one knows tht frnds name :p.

waitin for ur tutorial man....and also the video

btw happy b'day...get high on ps3 2day
Yes it is necessary to have a disk inside. Any original game will do. The way it works is that it the backup manager " mounts ? " the disk over the one you have entered.

Initially when you start up the PS3 with the jailbreak on, it will show you the disk you insert. You can now enter into the backup manager and select a game which has been backed OR you can select the disk inserted to be backed up. Once selected , the backup manager shuts down and takes you back to the XMB. Now instead of the disk inserted , it will show you the one which you selected in the backup manager. So in a way it is mounting the backup over the inserted disk.

I'll create another video with gameplay and all posted. I'm gonna post one with me just initiating the hack in a bit and backing up a game.

I'm also backing up a game to a USB drive to analyse file structure and determine storage paths. I'll attempt to FTP into the console tonight and will try to locate which directory is being used to store the game. Fun times :D

PS : I guess i'm too big a geek ! This is how i am celebrating my b'day :/
Now i'm really thinkin of buyin a PS3. :D
already have N900....Sooooooooooooo

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BTW congos and happy b'day :)
This can be a great story for our Magazine.


Official thread.

Desecrator said:
Damn you bastid! :P

Congrats on the first successful hack of the PS3 on TE - wonder if anyone did it in the IVG? Could be a first time for any Indian perhaps lol.

And yeah please put up a n00b-friendly guide on the Guides section. :)
Just be careful about the new firmware update, could lock u out.
Haven't updated as of now. Stuck in college with netbook or would've made the step by step post already :S

Now that they are getting LV2 syscalls , i think getting CFW is a very much possible. Oh n btw... from what i'm hearing on freenode , they have managed to access the RSX chip which was locked out on linux earlier plus there might be a way to get back OtherOS again on the slim
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