The customers own only the hardware, the IPR to any of the software and firmware still belong to Sony and they are just granting you a license to use it as it is in the original form. Modifying, distributing or using a modified firmware counts as a violation of their IPR and hence illegal. They have every right to protect their IPR by what ever means necessary.
Yes they own the hardware and they have every right to run what ever software they want on it. If the console came with a platform to facilitate games(which obviously is bundled cause its a GAMING console) the user has every right to use that platform for running the software he wants. Sony can not sell a hardware and say use it only for gaming.
They have every right to do so and if you have already agreed to their terms by opening the seal on your PS3 after purchase. People who do not want to comply with the same have the option to not buy.
LOL Do they have the right to kill me if their terms of use indicate that they have the right to kill me if open their seal? Obviously Sony can write any shit they want to in the terms, only the reasonable and lawful part can be enforced. Its one thing to not aide in making programs compatible, and another to deliberately break promised/existing features.
Reducing prices will not stop piracy. it will not even reduce piracy in the same proportion as the prices. you already see how PC games sell for peanuts and people would still rather pirate a 15GB game that sells for 400/- than buy it. Where is the incentive for them to reduce the prices?
You dont understand how piracy works, the people who you mention are those who wouldnt play the game if they didnt have the choice to pirate it. Its similar to how people wouldnt watch as many movies if they didnt have the option to pirate them.
So the people u mention cant be counted in the cycle.
The main reason piracy exists is cause of the exorbitant rates that are charged. Make the rates reasonable and get a delivery medium just as easy as pirating a game /movie, and you will see people buying it!
Dont expect me to go throught the hassle of finding a dealer, contacting, ordering, transferring money, waiting for the game to arrive, courier hassles, and finally getting the game. Any one would chose to simply put it in his download que and play the game a day later!
Despite its release date, Wii is old gen tech like PS2 and you should already know that Wii is nowhere close to PS2. If you want to pirate, its fine, but at least don't blame Sony for trying to protect their IP. They are only doing what they have every right to do.
Really, why count the trees when the fruit is sweet? What it lacked in tech it made up in innovation! Just cause the tech used is not as good as PS3 you cant underrate it! I mean even when you are comparing you are comparing just the PROCESSING power, what about the motion sensors and all they used in the WII way before the PS3 even released (and dont even mention MOVE releasing almost half a decade after Wii)!
Consider the whole package, not just the processing power. Also, we are taking about a gaming console, not the gaming console with most processing power. Ultimate aim is to see what makes gaming more fun. Justifying by judging on all the wrong parameters is stupid.