Monitors LCD Screen Wipes

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preethamkumar said:
good our homies or good.
and what r going to do with all that gfx card

That's an OT topic if I ever did see one, man :S .... I'm trying to help someone get the heck outta here if u cannot help or contribute anything except one liners delivered with bad english....
blr_p said:
Exactly, or any soft cotton cloth, old t-shirts are good too.

and a capful of water, dip cloth in, wipe, done.

total cost < Rs.10

thnx for Describing the Vesti Procedure :bleh:

Micro Fibre will do a Less Smelly Job I guess :rofl: keep ur Moniter in good shape :rofl:
I don't use a vest, i have bits of cloth cut form old vest..

so technically it ain't a vest no more :P

Ockham's razor at its best :D
naaaa I spent R.150 getting a microfibre cloth that comes with colin like spray + soft blue colored brush!

Seperate cloth for r.S 100 wasno longer available so have to settle with the set!

Trust me it's a good investment for those who don't like fingerprint on Lcd's.
Hi, I found 3M ScotchBrite microfibre in Pune at 70 bucks a piece. These come highly recommended to clean your LCD screens and I was surprised to find it here. Haven't found LCD cleaning fluid though, anyone know where to get lcd cleaning fluid or isoprophyl alcohol in Pune, please let me know.

Ps the 3M microfibre is available at Dorabjee Pune.
trader123 said:
naaaa I spent R.150 getting a microfibre cloth that coms with colin like spray + soft blue colored brush!

most 'colin like spray' are corrosive and will damage the monitor surface. double check if its 'OK' to use on TFT-LCD monitors.
Mix distilled water & isoproryl alcohol (highest concerntration) 1:1 ratio

use a spray bottle for a fine mist on LCD screen

use Jockey Vest :) (Combed Cotton does not leave cotton fabric strands) to clean the LCD screen

Gently clean from top 2 bottom

Use the solution in a well ventilated area. Don't wanna inhale too much of this stuff :rolleyes:
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Yup, I got the same blue scotch brite one from Dorabjee Pune though these were packed differently. So I guess they are widely available.
masky, how are the wipes you picked? need one for my lappy, its fingerprinted badly :cry:
raul said:
Hi, I found 3M ScotchBrite microfibre in Pune at 70 bucks a piece. These come highly recommended to clean your LCD screens and I was surprised to find it here. Haven't found LCD cleaning fluid though, anyone know where to get lcd cleaning fluid or isoprophyl alcohol in Pune, please let me know.

Ps the 3M microfibre is available at Dorabjee Pune.

I got a 3M microfiber cloth piece for Rs 30/- from a store :D . Although it is very small in size. Haven't opened it yet.
Saw some yellow one at Dorabjee today, smaller and cheaper too at 30 bucks. Picked up a couple. I guess these are widely available now so microfiber wipes is not an issue.

Sourcing isoprophyl alcohol is. Saw a kit at some camera shop on MG road, 650 bucks! That's robbery.
raul said:
Sourcing isoprophyl alcohol is. Saw a kit at some camera shop on MG road, 650 bucks! That's robbery.

Just last week I got a 500ml bottle of GR grade Isopropyl Alcohol made by Merck (they are one of the high quality chemical makers) for around 300/- from a chemical shop in Dava Bazaar in Mumbai.

Buy from shops which sell only chemicals, it will be much cheaper there, look in the Yellow pages for your city.
Don't forget to buy distilled water together with isopropyl alcohol from the same chemcial shop... :)

If tap water is used for mixing the cleaning process will again leave markings after drying which happens quite quickly...
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