Letsbuy.com Deals and Coupons

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5 Days since my order.. not shipped yet. Letsbuy is surely gonna get bad name from my side.

On the other hand, ordered stuff from Flipkart.. and boy do i wish they had a courier service for us to avail to send/receive products like blu dart etc.
I was planning to purchase a laptop from letsbuy.com, but after reading so many problematic stories in this thread, i decided not to buy from letsbuy.com :)
There are problems with all vendors online and offline, but letsbuy has been totally good for me, its a thing that people only come forward for negitive experiences. Overall letsbuy is much better and a quality shopping destination.
I don't know about others, but i had OK experience with Letsbuy.

Ordered SGS on a Monday. Till wednesday status was "Information needed from delivery service" or something like that. I called up the customer care once on wednesday and then on Thursday.

Got my SGS delivered (with stock Gingerbread!) on Friday, everything OK and seal intact. :)
Funnily the status of my order was still the same. Lol

Very happy finally with my online purchase of SGS for just Rs. 19120 :) :)
Sumit05 said:
Flipkart is much better than letsnotbuy.com

Yea,most of the ppl are aware of that.

LB is only for coupons.

If price are same at both flipkart and LB pll will chose flipkart blindly.....
Actually, the issue with letsbuy is, its awesome when things are fine, but if you are the unlucky ones who face any issue like wrong/defective product or any other service issue, then its just impossible to get the situation rectified.

And these are the times you realize the benefits of better management & policies, say of the ebays and the flipkarts of the world..
manju2manju said:

How did you get it for 19120? Which coupon?

I also ordered SGS 2 days ago using RCOMLB1 coupon Now Waiting For It

But i paid 19999

Hi manju2manju

I used a coupon provided by a member in Team-BHP forums.

BTW, when you do receive your SGS, please let me know if it came with Gingerbread or Not.

My phone came with Gingerbread 2.3.3 whereas the Letsbuy website mentions that it will come with Eclair. Not only that, the box of the Phone mentions the OS as Froyo (2.2).

BTW, the manufacturing date is July 2011.

So it seems, the guys at Samsung have already updated currently shipped SGS to Gingebread, whereas the packing box they are using are still old - and it mentions the OS as Froyo.
SGS was released with 2.1. Letsbuy must have taken the phone info from somewhere with that.

I guess Samsung hasn't updated their box which still says Froyo.
^guys, thanks for clarifying, can you guys suggest on how to acquire such coupons, do they come in as part of some offer or scheme on some other site? etc
I'm buying an Optimus One from Letsbuy. Currently, its out of stock. But still, I guess the best coupon is the HDFC one so that I can make it a COD order? Or is there some better coupon out there? RCOM is not applicable for COD right?
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