Letsbuy.com Deals and Coupons

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kartikoli said:
i am getting this error while trying to make a payment

Seems like you are using the linkification addon for firefox. Can you try disabling it and then going ahead with your transaction?
praveenk said:
coupon code:KGc868e83de1

100 off on min. purchase of 250
not working

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boogeyman said:
Seems like you are using the linkification addon for firefox. Can you try disabling it and then going ahead with your transaction?
yes but could not verify as the coupon expired
kartikoli said:
not working

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yes but could not verify as the coupon expired
Firefox usually has some error on Letsbuy. Earlier it used to be with their BUY button. Just use IE or chrome
Just for info:
Letsbuy.com CC strength are four persons only. Chances of your call being picked up in <3 min are exceptionally remote. I got this info after complaining that my call charges (STD) are more than the discount on the site. They also don't seem to have any idea as to the status of shipping.

I was told on last Friday that my 2 phones would be shipped on Monday, whereas I actually rec'd the phones on Monday itself!

While it was frustrating to deal with the CC, only the RCom coupon (15%) kept me on! The rate was indeed the cheapest !

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boogeyman said:
Firefox usually has some error on Letsbuy. Earlier it used to be with their BUY button. Just use IE or chrome
That seems to be the case with many sites that involve payments. So, I went back to IE for all my banking/payment transactions !
Got an email from them.

Thanks for placing your order at Letsbuy.com.
We would like to inform you that we have received an alert from our concerns bank that there is an IP conflict with your transaction. Your transaction has successfully completed but due to that alert we would like to request you to please provide us with certain documents, which are mention below:
(A) The credit card/debit card statement, which clearly shows the card number and the billing address of the card. The statement should be a recent one and should be of the same credit card/debit card used for the transaction.
(B) A photo ID of the credit card/debit card holder whose credit card has been used for this transaction.
This may be any one of the following: -

Driver's License or,

Social Security Card or,

Passport or National Identity Card or,

PAN Card / Voters Card.
After these documents will be provided, we will forward the same to the bank for removing the alert.

Kindly acknowledge the mail asap.

Please feel free to contact us at our customer care nos.

+(91) (11) 40808888, 5 days a week (Monday to Friday, except public holidays) between 0930 hrs to 1800 hrs IST.

Thanking you and assuring you our best of services at all times.

With Regards

Customer Service

Did nebdy face this prob b4??
sensatul said:
Got an email from them.

Did nebdy face this prob b4??

Call your bank and speak to them related this issue,Might be some issues with card you made the Transaction
cc is busy since morning as their IVR is not working I am really worried about this. Don't want my 14k in water!!
sensatul said:
Got an email from them.

Did nebdy face this prob b4??
Why would anyone disclose their Credit Card number, Details ??? Just ask them to sort it out with the payment gateway staff or ask for a refund and order again.
Got this from Letsbuy, try out:
our customer support number is temporary down. Feel free to touch base with our customer care department at 08802851859
teche said:
Got this from Letsbuy, try out:

our customer support number is temporary down. Feel free to touch base with our customer care department at 08802851859

Ya CC numbers were out of service till 4pm later they were working fine,i spoke to The CC at around 5pm,they even updated the status on FB

Guess they are flooded with call.
Got email and SMS from LSB that order is shipped via Aramex today. how much time it should take to reach B'lore? Given AWB no. is of no help.
Somebody posted the story of TE member getting a used laptop on letsbuy's FB page.. With links!

j_jindal is famous and PR for TE... expect memberss!!
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