Lithuania urges people to throw away Chinese phones

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Seems like I have some reading to do on current affairs.

I hope covid 19 isn't part of biological warfare. Not that I doubt that such things can be engineered, but to live in a world where governments are willing to unleash such hell doesn't speak well of a good, peaceful and fearless future.

We need to work on this, yes. China and India have comparable populations and we have more young people than them. So more brain power keeping all things same as young people have more space mentally, so they may be able to concentrate better on the security problems and solutions.
India has failed to tap into brain resources but this might change . Maybe in near future as more and more defence equipment are being encouraged to be built in India. Still feel bit late to the party considering How China has progressed in last decade.

I have strong believe that Wuhan virus is Lab made but that is just my calculation not much to back it up than few dots connecting it.
Biological warfare is a thing straight from hell. What deterrent can we have against this, our own biological weapons?( not asking sarcastically, it is a genuine question, I hope people wiser than me will pitch in on this).
The best form of defence is attack yes make your own super virus that could target particular race(chinese) which we are up against.

I do not doubt USA or Russia or other countries are not engineering their own viruses . They all are surely have their own versions. considering how some defectors(example Soviet Spy killed in UK some time back) are killed with viruses.

We cannot be far behind. Sad to see myself supporting our own biological weapon but having seen how cruelly big powers dominate small countries . We need to be ready to hit back when times comes.
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Thanks for this. Government report will be released in March. This is concerning, as the prevalence of chinese hardware in India is very high. A large amount of things is either directly from Chinese companies or are from companies that outsource manufacturing to China.
Scary times.
India cybersecurity is a joke . I mean it is like open gate for China to just come and take it. A walk over.

Chinese hackers were able to take the Pentagon down some years ago.
India cybersecurity is a joke . I mean it is like open gate for China to just come and take it. A walk over.

Chinese hackers were able to take the Pentagon down some years ago.
Governement should sponsor cyber security certifications, competitions if it isn't already.
If we get too behind in this, the gap in cyber security resilience may make India to take a step back even if we achieve conventional military parity.
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The govt can, provided it gets time from the usual Hindu-Muslim, Hindu-Christain, Hindu-Sikhs, Hindu Khatre mein hain, Gau-mutr is the new Benedryl cough syrup, anyone critical of the govt is anti-national, so on and so forth.

The govt has taken some steps in this regard but very miniscule to what is needed.

Besides, we can't just stop dependence on the Chinese in a day, we will be simply left to die.

As already mentioned, trade with China has only increased instead of decreasing post Covid or Galwan. It proves that you cannot decouple yourself entirely from China at one go. It will take 15-20 years if the Govt is serious, else forget about it.

Read this how govt is fighting with its own people to hide the fact that our imports has increased from China rather than doing something constructive to reduce dependence.
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In return they made India go back from a position we were holding and then came back and start same infrastructure again .
This line gets repeated ad infinitum as if by holding Kailash we can solve entire border issue ? heh

Kailash was a tactical win. It had an expiration date. We cashed it in. What did we get ?

finger 5.jpg

Why does this matter ?

finger 4 china symbol.jpg

PLA had to remove their 'China' sign in view of the world. Used to be China but not any more. A disgraceful retreat for their soldiers. And they seemed to be in a tearing hurry to go back.

The army won Kailash, the army was involved in the negotiations and decided to give it up. Why do people question the very people who won the objective ? this is because of commentators that confuse political rhetoric with defense.

This is not the story of the past where what was won on the battlefield was surrendered at the negotiation table by politicians.

There are no politicians in these talks.

Few days ago they came and kidnapped an Indian citizen( tortured him) from within Indian territory( Arunachal) and then released him .
They're still smarting from the disgrace of two hundred of their soldiers we detained after they tried to intrude in Tawang :)

Oh so sensitive.

Every game these chinese play are psy ops but still manage to get away with their salami slicing.
This is all they can do and they are doing it with every one. Play games and tickle. Where is the action.

If in a housing complex there is this one owner that always has problems with all the neighbours ? world knows who the trouble maker is.

They have an asymmetric PR advantage. We are a free country with a free press. They don't know the meaning of the word.

Did you know the editor from Global Times got sacked recently ? Hu Xijin. Because he said it was getting difficult to do journalism in China. They fired him just for saying that. Everything that comes out of that country is a damn lie.

Sad part is despite all the bans on Aliexpress and trade with China etc . Trade has actually even higher.
Divorce after 30 year relationship takes time.
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Game has changed. You dont need direct engagement. Recently Chinese hacked into Mumbai power supply and it was out for 2 hours.
They hacked into ISRO too.

This country has plenty of talent to handle cyber. What is needed is a mindset change.

If some teenager discovers a vulnerability and reports it the present laws will get him or her locked up for hacking.

and this Corona Virus is now a biological warfare reality. One deadly virus is enough to bring the entire country down without firing a single bullet.

Chinese does not need nukes or their military might. India is very vulnerable in cyber security and to deal with biological warfare.
Corona is not biological warfare. The response to a NBC attack is nuclear.

Won't stop people saying corona is a weapon including ex-mil commentators who really should know better. Guess the commentator hat has become bigger than the military one they once wore.

Think about what makes a weapon. It needs to be controlled. If you can't control it then its the equivalent of a dirty bomb.

A dirty bomb that went off and affected the entire world.

Corona has to be the most lousy weapon ever.
I have strong believe that Wuhan virus is Lab made but that is just my calculation not much to back it up than few dots connecting it.
I too believe the Wuhan virus was hand tweaked and escaped as a result of a leak. People were calling this out as early as Apr 2020 but oh we could not say that because then your posts got taken down. And instead we got a bunch of lies. No human to human transmission from China mouthpiece WHO and then paid articles in Science & Nature journals saying it was just CT to think this was not natural.

Corona is man made. PERIOD. No way does a natural virus know so well to infect people and spread so fast. It got its training in a damn lab.

Things changed by Jan 2021 thanks to the DRASTIC team. A bunch of strangers from many countries working together managed to unearth more than intel agencies from major powers.

I find western responses here rather muted. I mean why hasn't China been kicked out of the UNSC. Why this pussyfooting from the west.

Over 5 million dead across the world thanks to China's incompetence. That isn't something people are going to forget any time soon.
The best form of defence is attack yes make your own super virus that could target particular race(chinese) which we are up against.
We've been working on chemical for some time now. Going back to the 80s. There are conventions in place that prevent such methods in war and penalties in place.
I do not doubt USA or Russia or other countries are not engineering their own viruses . They all are surely have their own versions. considering how some defectors(example Soviet Spy killed in UK some time back) are killed with viruses.
That was polonium in 2006 and Novichok in 2018. Chemical not biological. What was the response ? After 2006 not much but the one in 2018 got traction.

The UK kicked out Russian intel officers. They were joined in this by 28 other countries including the US with the result is well over a 100 Russian staff had to leave.

We cannot be far behind. Sad to see myself supporting our own biological weapon but having seen how cruelly big powers dominate small countries . We need to be ready to hit back when times comes.
They are doing these things all over the world. It's all part of greyzone tactics. That is actions across multiple domains but falling short of the war threshold.

Does not have to be like for like. We have options.

All to say cyber and medical are not the areas India is wanting :)
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They most probably won't lose 1 on 1, but will take terrible losses, also a war with India definitely isn't on any country's list with even a semi competent leader. The destruction would be too high on both sides because of abundance of nuclear warheads. People should be reminded that any war now will engulf both countries totally. Wars suck away country's resources and morale. We can't afford to do that and neither can China.
China will keep engaging India in small scall skirmishes to keep its population deviated from whatever internal issues it may be having. India is too strong militarily to be engaged directly and one can bet China knows this.
Nuclear does not come into the picture. But under a nuclear overhang there is more scope for conventional than has occurred.

The other point is war or not isn't up to us. Best we can do is be prepared. And this is being actively looked into.

What i said earlier about China losing comes is here from a discussion on NewsX from Nov.

Q. When it comes to capacity what are the conversations that we should be having in terms of our own calculations of what is a minimum credible deterrence ?

General Dhruv Katoch: If there is a conflict which takes place in the Himalayas, India will have to go it alone.

And if Chinese use the nuclear threat, we now have the Agni 5 to counter. It can reach any point in china so i think that nuclear threat has been deterred, both through our submarine capabilities and through land capability.

As far as the Indo-pacific is concerned, No i think that if a major battle takes place there India will have to join in.

The Americans won't join in the high Himalayas but for India to stay out of an Indo-pacific war will be absolute suicide

We will have to join forces and see the Chinese don't get in
This means if China goes for Taiwan we can't sit idly by. Because they will come for us after

From another discussion in October, General Dhruv Katoch again

Q. China seems to be trying to tell us that enough conversation, it's time for something that we have been preparing for and that is some sort of a posturing, some sort of an optical battle and that is exactly what is ensuing across the border ?

General Dhruv Katoch : I've been following this development in eastern Ladakh very closely and to my mind it looks as if China has once again tried to apply psychological pressure on India.

Now their aim is, if Indians withdraw or they accept Chinese terms then it is a win-win situation for China and of course it will be lose lose for India.

I don't think the Indian military or the Indian political leadership is going to go for that. The army chief has made it very clear that we are prepared to spend the winter there and if it comes to a LOC type of full-time deployment over the years then we are prepared for that too.

What has to be seen is whether China is prepared for a full-time deployment ?

Are their troops capable of it and do they wish to go through that or do they wish to go in for a minor conflict ?

Now as to this conflict business I just have one statement to make which i have been making repeatedly.

It is my belief that this conflict will not be confined to land warfare.

If it takes place, the Indian air force will come into play and if the Indian air force comes into play the tank posturing which they are doing really won't make much of a difference because the battle is not going to be fought over the high Himalayas.

The battle will have to be fought over the Tibetan plateau and that is where the key results will lie so China should be prepared for that.

They have moved s400 regiments there to boost their air defense cover but we will see as to how we can negotiate that because ultimately the battle will have to be won and lost over the skies over Tibet.

And if China is ready to go that route, if China is ready to take that risk well she will find that India is ready and more likely than not China will lose this round.

He then goes on to describe what a fight would look like.

It has always been my belief that as far as China is concerned it will only enter into a war with India if it is absolutely certain it will win.

And as of now there is no certainty in the mind of the Chinese leaders that victory is assured. In fact most likely if China were to get into a conflict. China is most likely to lose it as of now.

Many people make the mistake of looking at the total forces which the Chinese have visibly and the total forces which India has but it doesn't work that way.

You've got to see what can be employed by the Chinese over Tibet, in either eastern Ladakh or Arunachal or both of them together.

Ultimately the battle is not going to be fought really by the ground forces, the ground forces are going to come into play at a very late stage.

The initial battle will be psychological which is being played out now, then it will get on to the cyber and space domain.

Then it will come down to where we are looking at missiles and air warfare, then artillery, movement of tanks etc and finally infantry assaults where they will actually try to capture objectives.

I don't think it is going to reach that stage because getting control over the Tibetan airspace is going to be a huge problem for the Chinese.

As of now i don't see them getting it and without getting total control over the airspace they cannot win a land conflict. Period.

They're not going to get into a war and it is important to understand that so long as India is prepared there will be no war.

If you lower your guard, if you lose out psychologically well China's won that game but it's not going to happen now.

That is why the air force continues to remain deployed, the army continues to remain deployed and the political will is not shaken.

We've to keep our guard up through this and the coming decades if we want to avoid a war.

The fight will be total but not in the way you think as in total war. Rather it will not be restricted just to military but go into many other domains. Space, cyber, economic, diplomatic, psychological, legal etc.

China's objective is to do enough to turn India China neutral. Come at you from many angles and domains. Build pressure and be unrelenting.

An app ban as a result of Galwan is an example of India doing the same thing. It's not obvious right. What do apps have to do with Galwan. It's hitting them on a different level and telling them game on.

A short sharp win that puts India in its place or a series of them across domains in a time period that causes a lack of confidence.

This means India does not talk or do anything against China. India acknowledges China is the boss. Become their vassal in effect.

Right now, India and other quad countries have a veto on China policy.
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Corona is man made. PERIOD. No way does a natural virus know so well to infect people and spread so fast. It got its training in a damn lab.
But natural viruses are known to be able to spread and infect a large number of people. Especially those which spread via air. We have not been able to get rid of influenza either if you haven't noticed. I think a lot of what you are sharing makes sense but some (including this) cant be stated with the assurity with you are claiming it.
Speaking of the Hyundia Pak tweet, calls of boycott on buying Hyundai/Kia vehicles are growing. Hyundai India resorting to blocking users and their tweet didn't help matters.

While most news sites comment sections are filled with anger on Hyundai, the comment section of NDTV on all of the hyundai tweet article has a grand total of 0 comments. This tells us a thing or two on who there audience are.
Speaking of the Hyundia Pak tweet, calls of boycott on buying Hyundai/Kia vehicles are growing. Hyundai India resorting to blocking users and their tweet didn't help matters.

While most news sites comment sections are filled with anger on Hyundai, the comment section of NDTV on all of the hyundai tweet article has a grand total of 0 comments. This tells us a thing or two on who there audience are.
I dont know why a third country company has to interfere in this.

something is fishy here as I think someone has tried to create controversy . Lets see how this unfolds in next few days.

Problem is Pakistan is loosing ground in Kashmir fight and now begs every other country to help them raise Kashmir issue in whatever way possible. This might be there doing and taken many within Hyundai in surprise too.

After terrorist attacks are being answered in same language . it is finding it options very limited.
But natural viruses are known to be able to spread and infect a large number of people. Especially those which spread via air. We have not been able to get rid of influenza either if you haven't noticed. I think a lot of what you are sharing makes sense but some (including this) cant be stated with the assurity with you are claiming it.
How did the virus learn to infect people so fast ?

As American biologist Bret Weinstein said on the Real Time with Bill Maher show, “This virus attacks so many different tissues in the body, it does not seem natural. The fact that it does not, at least at the beginning did not seem to transmit outdoors nearly at all is very conspicuous. I mean, after all, most animals live outdoors. So, a virus that seems to be adapted to indoor transmission is a bit conspicuous.” Outdoor Covid-19 transmission still remains rare.

Assurity ? concrete evidence. Heh. When the crook is concealing it then this is how they get away. But after 80k+ animals tested they still can't find a natural host. Can't find it anywhere in nature.

That is because the host is humanised mice. Mice that have been engineered to have lungs that respond like humans. So now you can tweak the virus test with 20 mice. Take the sickest one, insert into another cage with another 20, take the sickest one and so one. This is called serial passage. It's not possible to engineer a deadly virus artifically otherwise. No chance. Billions of permutations. This way was pioneered by Ralph Baric gets nature to do the work. So there is no trace, can't tell it was engineered.

I believe eating bats or even playing with them won't get you infected. People in other countries around China do eat bats and have done so for long.

bat woman.jpg

Look! Bat woman does not need a mask. No risk of catching anything ?

That whole wet market thing was bunk. Hey, let's blame the animals, they can't talk back right.
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