LTT Expose by Gamers Nexus

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Gamers Nexus just dropped a video commenting on the recent state of Linus Media Group & Linus Tech Tips.

The Video by Gamers Nexus

I think Linus could fix 99% of his problems by just investing more time per video. Also the claims of malice made in the video seem ill founded to me.

What are your guys' thoughts?
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Greedy opportunistic to the point of not prioritizing accuracy.

I've been watching LTT for over a decade now, they've de-evolved from being informational to dumb entertainment some years ago and that's fine. People's priority changes, their outlook in life changes, and what's important to them changes. Linus started to change around the time of his second child, people (mostly men) usually get goofy when they hang out with kids and that 'persona' makes for really good entertainment.

I never trust their reviews or findings or even opinions, most often I watch the enterprise stuff to get exposure of what's out there and then find more trustworthy source for an actual review like another youtube channel or forum posting.
I don't think either is true.

I've been watching their videos for almost 5 years, and 'quantity over quality' feels like has always been the way. If what Steve said in this video about not having to look hard enough for errors/misrepresentations in LTTs videos, this could be true for earlier videos as well - they used to be smaller in number of employees & have been pushing videos just as harder as they are now, so this more likely. I think it's only thanks to this 'drama' that other creators are forced to respond now.

As Steve also pointed out, it helps to be first; not pays. Take other YouTubers like Mark Rober, Veritasium & SmarterEveryDay; They are some of the successful ones & upload videos as low as once a month. They are consistent, accurate & address issues better. It's not really smart to deliberately overlook proper representation & falsely boast about proper representation then double down on it when an issue is raised about it; especially when you're catering to tech-savvy audience in such an active community.

Edit - Would like to add Linus's response from LTT forum here. I guess he's smart enough to 'nobody is perfect; we're trying' his way out.
to frame our recent actions as "sacrificing accuracy" is misleading at best.
- quote from other response.
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I had stopped watching their videos a long way back, I just didn't like the way they presented their content, but I had no idea they had so many problems with their data (taking Steve at his word here).

But even beyond that, how much of an arrogant dirtbag do you have to be to have the audacity to auction off a test prototype a company gave you as if you own that, like it's your own property? AFTER you potentially sink the company that owns the prototype with bad testing and a point blank refusal to take accountability for that and retest, and double down on a recommendation based on the bad tests?

I'm completely blown away by how much LTT has fallen. A few years ago, even if I personally didn't like their style, I thought their content was more or less accurate, and they did some interesting things.
After their lab addition I feel the jokes and banter is added too much now it's distracting to the actual content. Their quality has gone down so much that now may be 3 or 4 videos are worth watching every month, rest is kind of garbage.
Some nice YT drama in the morning lol, tbh I''ve never been a fan of LTT reviews and stopped watching altogether a while after they moved into their new studio, their content has some interesting subjects but the way it's presented got too obnoxious for my taste especially with the constant and abrupt push for their merch every 2 mins.
I wouldn't be surprised if he spun this around and made some tshirts on the current highlighted problems.
What they have done to Billet is unforgivable. On his forums he is also trying to downplay the issue.
This precisely. Brands send new products to experienced/knowledgeable folk who can properly review it. If LTT is not bothered to read instructions/compatibility list, they are worse than a lay-person in this regard.

Mouse feels weird? Pick it up and flip it over! How can an entire team miss the protective covers? They've become lazy or burned out from overwork at this point.
I think there is some not so transparent intentions too. If you look at the accuracy errors, when they tend to paint the big brands in a favorable light, they keep the verdicts in place and post the errors as footnotes. But when the data make them look bad, even if the data checks out , they were happy to pull videos until they were able to get better numbers. While GN has not made that accusation - I mean there is no way to verify their intentions, but the pattern they have established is pretty damning.
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Maturity is when you realize that about 90% of linustechtips videos are irrelevant, making unrealistic comparisons just for the sake of video, which do not make sense in the real world, but shoving unwanted curiosity down the throat of viewers to make a illusion that it is interesting.
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More "drama":

"Hey man I sold your motorcycle by mistake but atleast it's not just gathering dust in the garage."
I think there is some not so transparent intentions too. If you look at the accuracy errors, when they tend to paint the big brands in a favorable light, they keep the verdicts in place and post the errors as footnotes. But when the data make them look bad, even if the data checks out , they were happy to pull videos until they were able to get better numbers. While GN has not made that accusation - I mean there is no way to verify their intentions, but the pattern they have established is pretty damning.

Part of the reason I stopped taking their reviews seriously was that the likes of Nvidia etc donated hardware worth thousands of dollars when they first moved to the new studio, one can't really expect objectivity after receiving expensive handouts.
I probably last watched a LTT video a decade back. His video was absolutely wrong on the fundamentals of physics. Instead of acknowledging his lack of knowledge on the subject, he doubled down on his incorrect understanding instead in the comments. I realised he is simply incapable of presenting anything objectively and his sole purpose is to monetize by marketing to the majority of the clueless market, facts be damned.
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