MAFIA II ~Discussion Thread~

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I haven't played the first title. I think I should probably play it before I attempt Mafia II since this is a sequel. Have heard a lot about the original game.

But since it released sometime in 2002, would it be all that great if I play it today? I mean the graphics et al. :ashamed:
The graphics would look like cardboard cut outs right now. But the game still holds merit for it's storyline and awesome characters. PC version has full 1080p support along with AA. So it's worth picking up if you want to know how the game mechanics work. GTA moulded audience would find a lot of stuff to criticise about the game, but it's only a matter of getting used to certain things.
Haven't played GTA 4 because of its crappy port to PC when it launched. :P :ashamed:

Let me see if I can pick up Mafia. :)
Mafia 2 will have small tie-ins with previous version, but new players won't be isolated, as these inclusions are only for those who played the original and will be happy to see the reference ;)

The game is expected to leak out by per my dealer told me... :P
I've played Mafia 1 till 75% i guess, but did not finish it. Can anyone give a link to the detailed storyline?

I just don't want to miss anything before playing this awesome game again.

Btw how long is the gameplay time of Mafia I? I do understand that it is a sandbox style game but anything like under 16~20 hours would be okay'ish and playable IMO not taking into account the side missions. :P
It's pretty long. I didn't maintain a time count for the game, but it's over 18 hours easily. Most of my time was wasted in that god forsaken 'Fair Play' race mission. That was the only mission which was extremely long, if you're not accustomed to simulation racing. There are no side missions, except for the sub-quests obtained by Lucas Bertone. Those quests are optional, but you'll miss a chance to pick up new vehicles if you choose to ignore them. Apart from that, travelling consumes a lot of time in the this game due to the uber-slow vehicles of the 30's.
Desecrator said:
I haven't played the first title. I think I should probably play it before I attempt Mafia II since this is a sequel. Have heard a lot about the original game.

But since it released sometime in 2002, would it be all that great if I play it today? I mean the graphics et al. :ashamed:
I would strongly recommend against it. Mafia was the kind of game that you would either absolutely love or absolutely hate. It has a great story line, but the controls are really poor on the PC. I think there are many people who could not get past the initial police chase sequence and put off by the game. My own experience was that I absolutely wanted to play the game just for the story, but was hampered by poor controls. I had to use both combinations of Game Pad and Keyboard/Mouse to play get though the game. Gave up midway after a string of crashes.
This game was not made with the intention of playing with a controller. I tried to use it with my 360 controller and failed miserably. It was built for the PC and the controls are OK. Console version of Mafia had got bashed because of their poor controls and hence was deemed a bad port job.
^^ The PC version controls weren't good either. I had to use the controller for the driving while switching to Keyboard/Mouse for everything else.
It is arguably the best story based game, the toughest level for me was the race! I did have to play that level quite a few times, but in the end totally worth it!

@Lord- cmmon really, I dont think the police chase was that bad.
I never faced any any levels....I guess...The Saboteur is also very similar in racing level....
LOL The Saboteur had ancient cars with slow ass engines. :rofl:

Was fun nevertheless. I think I'll give Mafia I a miss then. I hope the storyline of Mafia II doesn't confuse me ultimately. :ashamed:
Desecrator said:
LOL The Saboteur had ancient cars with slow ass engines. :rofl:

Was fun nevertheless. I think I'll give Mafia I a miss then. I hope the storyline of Mafia II doesn't confuse me ultimately. :ashamed:
Too bad, you'll miss out on a legendary pc game :-)

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Just completed the demo and it's fap-tas-tic. This game looks 10 times better than GTA and plays much better as well. For some reason turning on AA on my system drops the frames to a lousy 27fps; without it, I get a smooth 47fps. The physics are jaw-dropping, even without APEX. Voice acting is spot on. Character movement however is a bit stiff. Cover system is very adaptive. We can order food at restaurant, point a gun at the civilians and they hide in fear and heck you can even bribe the cops. I'm off for a second run at the demo. This is definitely a GOTY contender.

Sorry for the shitty pics, but this is what my hardware can pull off. ;)
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