Man and the Moon

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shrey said:
the article also contains explanations for the supposed flag fluttering without the astronauts handling it and the terrain

Yeah..but that article has no explanation for the identical locations...neways..i dont think tht this argument is going to settle anytime soon....its only if ESA or some other nation send a probe to moon and take high res pics of its surface will we come to know of the whole truth..tht alone beats me as to why no one is interested in sending a probe back to moon..i guess we have more better documented pics of the martian surface than our very own moon..and the ones we have of the moon were taken by the NASA missions..:P

So i'm waiting for an independent nation to send a probe there n take high res pics of its surface..the truth will only come to surface then.. mind u, there is a lot of man made debris on moon surface already (thanks to all those unmanned missions by russia, US and the ESA..what we are looking for are the six flags supposedly planted by NASA astronauts at each landing location..if there is a flag one will ever say a word again..
IF the moon landing were a hoax,then why didn't the then USSR question those claims by NASA?? If that was the case, the russians would have come out and debunked the whole hoax.

First it ws pearl harbour, then the moon landings ,then the kennedy assassination. What next?? -- that 9-11 was an inside job?:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I find it rather hard to believe that Amrikaans landed on the Moon in 1969 with computers that were no more powerful than an electronic wrist watch today, but larger than your typical bedroom. And still, they can't build a proper space station without relying heavily on Russians.

Russians didn't try debuking their claims in 1969, because no one would've believed their reasons - because of the Cold War infrictions and jealousy on both sides. Think of it this way - what if Pakistanis claimed that the Indian thermonuclear explosion at Pokhran in 1998 was a failure! How many Indians would've believed them? But, it's a truth.

I'm not saying that we should believe everything conspiracy-theorists have to say, but it doesn't hurt to think of an event from a different angle. Whether you like it or not, Pearl Harbour gave Amrika the chance to participate in WW2. This was an appropriate time to become a World superpower when the current ones like Britain, France and Germany were declining down. And, history doesn't disagree with this.

It's also not mere conincidence that first JFK, then his brother RFK were assasinated by professional hitmen.
Suppose USSR did question the moon landing, what are they gonna do? How can they prove it? Information related to space programs are considered highly classified and they just produced enough photos and footage to convince the innocent public and the media. Even if soviet some how tried to prove the fact, it would have just resulted in the cold war turning into a world war 3.
arrow055 said:
What next?? -- that 9-11 was an inside job?:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I have all the videos/documentaries on all such conspiracy theories. 9/11, area 51, world banks, iraq war etc etc

Americans keep themselves busy alright
I too agree tht during the cold war era, had russians questioned the the moon landings, there wud have been a lot of hue cry over it as the world wud have simply slapped them a tag of 'Jealous guys'... because it was supposedly a phenomenal feat..not only for the americans..also for the human race at large..and the joy of it was so intense tht such a spoiler from the russians wud'nt have found any they kept their silence...

Truly its hard to believe tht the ppl who pioneered the first trip to moon had difficulties making their own space station in the 90s and they had to take the help of the russians to understand how the MIR operated for making the ISS..

In the 90s when the russians had run out of all the money to run their space program, the americans paid them billions for keeping the mir afloat and in return, letting its astronauts study the anomalies of long term space stay in the mir...the russians needed the money, so they had no problems with the pact...and let me tell u that this is no conspiracy theory..its a well documented proof and has recently been declassified by the americans..

the book i'm reading now, Bryan Burrough's Dragonfly has indepth details about the american-russian pact for the mir..

Its a very good book if anyone wants to read about the secret and the not so secret deals between the 2 countires with their space programs..and all the trouble the deal ran into later..:)
Private Ryan said:
^^simply bcos they are not on the There have been numerous explanations given for the fluttering flag tht it is because the astronauts are trying to fix it to the it flutters..but in one pic, when no one is near, even then the flag flutters.. thts simply cos of a wind gust in area 51,Nevada desert whr the whole thing was shot.. :P
Look at this ones one is trying to hold it...still it flutters..such creases are not possible without the effect of air..

I would really recommend you read up on this

Apollo Moon Landing hoax accusations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and here is the proof that the flag was not fluttering

Another thing is,would you beleve the world's scientific community with peer reviewed reserch or the few conspiracvy theorists?
^^At the moment i dont really believe may be true tht america went to the moon but then again, the theories supported to prove tht it cud be a hoax of the century are strong enuf too..

plus there is no doubt the NASA has edited pics..deliberately or to hide some thing more serious is debatable..check all those pics with the camera lens crosshair going behind the objects..why they wud do it is a mystery no one has an answer to..

and as for the GIF image...i cud make those at home using photoshop..we usually do all tht background cleaning up in compositing...i'm telling u this cos i belong to vfx industry...and image sequence clean up is the most basic thing we else do u think were movies like matrix, 300 etc possible?? ;) All the action scenes are done in front of a green screen...later they are painstakingly superimposed over other layers including backgrounds.. apparently 300 is the best example of this..all those imaginary sceneries u see in the back are all matt paintings..the fighting scenes are shot in front of the green screen..then they are superimposed, although there are a lot of technicalities tht go beyond simple masking,color correction, light correction, mocap etc..i wont go into details for the sake of casual readers..:P

Check this image..this is where the actual action takes place..from space ships to zombies to dinosaurs..;)


the thing is, if u can imagine u can create anything.. its very easy to superimpose the second astronaut body movement onto the first without touching the flag we keep doing it every day... its plain masking...:P

Hollywood movies have been using these techniques since 1900s... and given NASA's budget..they had what it takes to make the most expensive movie of all

Well, i'm not saying tht the image may be entirely fake..what i'm saying is that image effects like that are very easily achievable...:P

Like many i wud rest my case only after an independent country sends a probe to moon and checks out the flags there..if they are one will ever say a word again..:)
^^I did..buddy...actually twice over the last 2 days..but the explanation for crosshairs is well, not convincing enough...and so is the explanation given for the identical background..check the pics i posted earlier..the backgrounds aint just similar..they are the same..:P lol..this fight isnt going to take us anywhere...we will have to wait for the next probe to for me..i really do not trust a Cold war era CIA controlled United states of AMerica..:lol:
^ When you have the reputation of the worlds most powerful country at large in a scathing cold-war, trust nobody.

But as Ryan said, I'm really waiting for the next lunar mission. I hope its not in 2015 (just a coincidence.. err ?) ;)
ah i guess all questions will be answered when the next lunar mission happens..:) as for me , i wouldn't believe a bunch of poor conspiracy theorists living in semi obscurity over the whole of the scientific world ... :|
Its not 2009 but 2008.

It takes of next year in March.

As far as those who believe those conspiracy theories, you can visit any astronomical observatory on the planet that has laser reflector telescope. During Apollo missions a large laser reflector was places on the moon near to where the craft was landed to measure accurate distance of moon from the earth. That is still there and countless observatories have verified that its really up there since 1970s.

As far as computation power goes, why do u people underestimate simple mathematics and physics. These guys did not depend on the crafty supercomputers but all numbers were crunched manually and just fed into navigation analog computer.

And honestly a college graduate will be able to do that if given enough data. You dont need supercomputers to go to moon. That is the reason why these missions were also very dangerous. As if something went wrong they have to diagnose and correct it manually. Thats the reason incidents like Apollo 13 happened.
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