Man and the Moon

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As far as those who believe those conspiracy theories, you can visit any astronomical observatory on the planet that has laser reflector telescope. During Apollo missions a large laser reflector was places on the moon near to where the craft was landed to measure accurate distance of moon from the earth. That is still there and countless observatories have verified that its really up there since 1970s.

As far as computation power goes, why do u people underestimate simple mathematics and physics. These guys did not depend on the crafty supercomputers but all numbers were crunched manually and just fed into navigation analog computer.

And honestly a college graduate will be able to do that if given enough data. You dont need supercomputers to go to moon. That is the reason why these missions were also very dangerous. As if something went wrong they have to diagnose and correct it manually. Thats the reason incidents like Apollo 13 happened.

at last some sense on this thread :ohyeah:
Funky said:
As far as those who believe those conspiracy theories, you can visit any astronomical observatory on the planet that has laser reflector telescope. During Apollo missions a large laser reflector was places on the moon near to where the craft was landed to measure accurate distance of moon from the earth. That is still there and countless observatories have verified that its really up there since 1970s.

Hmmm.. so there is a mirror on the moon. Still doesnt prove that men landed on the moon. Unless its a regular shaving mirror that needs to be put there in person. :bleh:

I am sure you guys have the photo of that mirror now that we have such powerful cameras. May I see it? It should make a nice wallpaper.

shrey said:
as for me , i wouldn't believe a bunch of poor conspiracy theorists living in semi obscurity over the whole of the scientific world ... :|
The only difference is that we have read more of conspiracy theorists and you have read more of anti-conspiracy theorists.

Another factor is, its fun to tease people when they go defensive. Like we do to the PS3 guys, I like it when blade takes their case.
Just google for "The laser ranging retro reflector".

And there is not 1 but 5 of them up there AFAIK.

And they were delicate enough to need assembling on the moon itself.

Could not be deployed by unmanned crafts.
You misunderstood me. I dont want to see pics of the nevada desert. I want to see the pics of reflectors from the earth.
Renegade said:
You misunderstood me. I dont want to see pics of the nevada desert. I want to see the pics of reflectors from the earth.

lol its laster reflector. I dont know how many telescopes dedicate their resources to take pics of those from earth.

The best way to detect its position there is by using laser.

Many observatories have specialised equipment for this. They fire a laser beam from earth and wait for reflected beam to reach back to observatory. Special telescopes are used for this. And has been confirmed by numerous observatories across the world.

EDIT: Its funny that those people who are quoting FOX documentary specifically forget to mention the explanations given to all those theories in the same documentary which actually ends with the same laser reflector explanation where they actually show an independent observer testing the presence of mirror on moon :P
well just to add fuel to the fire. wudnt it be easy for NASA to just plant the reflector on the moon with an unmanned mission just to make the moon landing authentic? :P
Rave said:
well just to add fuel to the fire. wudnt it be easy for NASA to just plant the reflector on the moon with an unmanned mission just to make the moon landing authentic? :P

DUH!! thats what we were talking in last 4 posts
Well, if you're the religious type, then according to the scriptures, it is impossible for earthlings to fully leave our earth's atmosphere. Apparently, something about an invisible barrier that prevents all life forms from leaving beyond a certain point.
Ck Nish said:
Well, if you're the religious type, then according to the scriptures, it is impossible for earthlings to fully leave our earth's atmosphere. Apparently, something about an invisible barrier that prevents all life forms from leaving beyond a certain point.
I think they didnt consider we could leave in a spaceship.

They thought we would try to leave in a 'dhoti'.
Rave said:
well just to add fuel to the fire. wudnt it be easy for NASA to just plant the reflector on the moon with an unmanned mission just to make the moon landing authentic? :P

hehe, read last page :P

Anyway, it will be easier today to use unmanned crafts. It was easier for them to have a man inside the machine to do the job in 1960s and 70s.

This is where technology limitation comes into picture.

We had just about enough computing power to fly a craft with human inside to do all the work of feeding settings at right time. But it was not technologically possible to automate the entire process back then. Think about it ;)

Entire landing process was done manually back then. No computer was powerful enough to do it back then. All the steps needed human input. Changing course included.
I think they didnt consider we could leave in a spaceship.

They thought we would try to leave in a 'dhoti'.

Yeah, all our theological, scientific, philosophical accomplishments etc. etc. are a complete slap in the face when you compare it to what our western masters taught us.
And they were delicate enough to need assembling on the moon itself.

Could not be deployed by unmanned crafts.

i think funky explained the mirror part well far as viewing those reflectors from the earth goes , there is just no way of doing so, even the hubble telescope doesn't have that kind of resolution so just wait for another unmanned mission :P
Renegade said:
You misunderstood me. I dont want to see pics of the nevada desert. I want to see the pics of reflectors from the earth.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, I'm waiting to see what our Indians will do in 2008.
Anish said:
I'm waiting to see what our Indians will do in 2008.

^^Lets hope it doesnt head for the Bay of Bengal...:lol:

Well, as for the reflectors, i think its not all too difficult to place them with unmanned crafts..afterall those unmanned crafts were controlled by humans from ground control.... as funky says..without human input, it was not possible..same goes for the unmanned crafts...they cud be controlled from ground to perform all experiments on lunar surface..else, do you think all those unmanned probes from usa n ussr were possible?? and just like any other experiment to perform on the surface, placing the reflector too cud have been an experiment the machines were pre programmed to do on the surface..i dont think a probe which cud collect lunar soil, perform a 'walk on' on the surface was incapable of placing a reflector on the surface...:P

Its quiet possible tht after the conspiracy theories emerged, nasa may have deliberately described the unmanned probes as dumb bots which cudnt really do anything but send home pictures of the surface...(when actually they were not as dumb as projected by nasa)...just so tht they cud justify tht the reflectors were placed by humans...:P

U see, everything is possible in this world...u cannot deny any theories..:hap5:
Jeez.... :P

Go and do scientific study of all the things. I was hooked to astronomy growing up and i have studied all these things in detail as much as i can.

That technology was simply not there in 1969. The early unmanned lunar craft was an impact craft. It simply went and banged on the lunar surface. Thats what we could do with unmanned probes in 1960s :P

The lag compensation and pre judging came much later. Even our voyager crafts were dumb pre planned flight crafts which were sent on 1 way mission with very very very little change possible in their travel path manually.

Leave alone putting mirrors on the moon in 1969 ( first of the 5 mirrors was carried by apollo 11 and it was testes by 100s of scientists immediately after it was installed.

The thing you say above were beyond technological reach on earth. There were very few automated robots on earth that time. And they were very huge car creating machines thats it :P

Leave along sending automated robot on moon in 1969.

Think scientifically and all those conspiracy theories go to dustbin. There is enough proof of human going on moon. Its as simple as that.

It was not as easy. And 10s of people have suffered themself for this by loosing their life and eye sites. ( over 40 Apollo astronomers lost their vision completely or partially due to damage done to their ratina by cosmic radiation )

This was no conspiracy. It really happened. If you guys are soo astonished by the conspiracy theories dont rely on 1 documentry. Spend some time and collect all the stories yourself. Everything you need is there online and in any good library.

If in mumbai go visit nehru science center and planatorium. There is a good library there.

I have spent countless weekends there during my school and college days.

Or come to my home, i have over 2000 xerox pages taken from different books and internet regarding Apollo missions :P
Funky said:
Or come to my home, i have over 2000 xerox pages taken from different books and internet regarding Apollo missions :P

Alright guys this is it, this is the moment you all have been waiting for. Lets march this april.
^^well funky, what u r saying is convincing nevertheless...but i'll still be waiting for tht next trip to moon..doesnt matter which country does it as long as it is not america..:lol: If we see those flags up there, never ever will any1 say anything again..:hap5:
Yamaraj said:
Russians didn't try debuking their claims in 1969, because no one would've believed their reasons - because of the Cold War infrictions and jealousy on both sides.

If that was the case then why didn't the Russians film their own fake moon landings??Sure , they already lost the "fake" space race but then they could have showed the world that they weren't far behind.If the landings were a fake ,then can someone tell me what happened to all the billions of dollors that were suppossedly spent on the mission??

And in a country where secrets are hard to keep( After all america is a country of rats--for more details see the movie "Depated":bleh: :bleh: ) how come this whole conspiracy never got exposed?? And what proof do the conspiracy theorists have that proves that man never landed on the moon??

Over a dozen astronauts walked on the Moon and they brought over 800 pounds of Moon rock home to Earth.So some body pls. explain , how they managed to get hold of those "moon rocks" ???? Nopw don't tell me they got those rocks from Nevada:D:D I think they even store these in the Smithsonian.Infact NASA even gave samples to scientists in dozens of countries and none of them challenged their origin.I would like to belive the conspi. theories but the evidence that humans did walk on the moon is is simply overwhelming.:) :)
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