Market Section - Product Pricing n Discussions [NO Price checks]

Once you buy a tech product it's value goes down. This changed with GPU shortage and now everyone tries to apply the same to everything.
Yeah. I feel like I've seen many posts where people just list their 2-3 year old used products at close to their original price. Some of these threads keep getting bumped forever because there's no value for the buyer.

Personally, I can buy a product at marginal discounts only if it has been used for less than a year and is under warranty. Anything more than that and I would look for a significant discount to current prices. For instance, if 3060 is available for 35k currently, there's no way I'm paying 30k for 1.5 year old card. But that's what the quoted prices are like. Then people will get really offended if someone comments on the pricing. As if they just discovered that this is a forum and not OLX.

I guess we should have some general guidelines for pricing, mainly to protect buyers, but also to help sellers price their product correctly. This can be a mammoth task though, so don't think anyone will be up for it.


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In about 2 hours of posting a new sale thread, my post is out of the first page (see attachment).

Only two new posts have been made, rest all are bumps. I feel this is unfair for new threads and bump interval should be raised from 24 hours to 72 hours.
While I agree on this but others have option to see your thread which is listed under new threads section.

I'm not sure of how it renders for Tapatalk, but in mobile browser one can see the thread.


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While I agree on this but others have option to see your thread which is listed under new threads section.

I'm not sure of how it renders for Tapatalk, but in mobile browser one can see the thread.
All these years using TE and this is the first time I'm seeing this option. What a fail. TIL, thanks!
In about 2 hours of posting a new sale thread, my post is out of the first page (see attachment).

Only two new posts have been made, rest all are bumps. I feel this is unfair for new threads and bump interval should be raised from 24 hours to 72 hours.
And now you feel the same :tearsofjoy: I already highlighted this and many people disagreed.
Yesterday I bumped my thread and within a minute my post was 7th or 8th position by someone bumping their 6 threads all at once.
And now you feel the same :tearsofjoy: I already highlighted this and many people disagreed.
I did, in fact, make a supportive comment on that as well. Only disagreed about merging multiple threads, but totally agreed on the part that market section should not be flooded the way it currently is.
I did, in fact, make a supportive comment on that as well. Only disagreed about merging multiple threads, but totally agreed on the part that market section should not be flooded the way it currently is.
Well to be fair there is a search functionality and everything is tagged so I doubt anyone goes through the search manually , unless someone is just scrolling through looking for good deals instead of buying something specific :/

Though I agree with your suggestion and it happens in WTB thread too , I guess forum is really active which is not a bad thing it means market for used stuff is also big which is always a good sign if you ask me :/
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Members with multiple sale threads usually become Resellers.
But for items of the same category it's best if they do so under the same thread instead of posting multiple threads especially those made within a span of a few mins or hours. Those can be suggested for merging.
TBH it's not that big of a problem because members can always scroll to the next page. I mean who looks only at page 1 of Classifieds threads and then stops? I tend to reach page 7-8 lol of both FS and WTB's lol.
### relisting Thread as i forgot to include pics# , requesting the mods to close the older thread

Listing the below storage medium for sale. all are unused and bought with a project in mind which never materialised. Rates are excluding shipping.

# Memorex-DVD-R-4.7GB Pack - unopened pack of 50 DVD-R - 2500/-

Memorex DVD-R 16x 4.7GB 25 Pack Spindle - Buy Memorex DVD-R 16x 4.7GB 25 Pack Spindle Online at Low Price in India - Buy Memorex DVD-R 16x 4.7GB 25 Pack Spindle online at low price in India on Check out Memorex DVD-R 16x 4.7GB 25 Pack Spindle reviews, ratings, features, specifications and more at

# Memorex DVD+R DL8.5 GB - 25 Pack Unopened - 2000/-

# Memorex DVD DVD+R DL8.5 GB - 38 Opened - 2500/-

# Memorex DVD+R DL8.5 GB - 15 - 1000/-

# Moser Baer CD r - Opened - Unused - 50/-

# Moser Baer DVD R - Opened - 100/-

# Fuji Film CD RW - unopened - 200/-
Is the time machine included? /s
Some thoughts from

You talk about warranty and upgrade paths.. GO BUY NEW! nobody is stopping you man..

That was the entire premise of the first reply, that it's better to buy new when spending that kind of money. It was not a personal attack on your bloodline.

You want to buy the cheapest possible mobo with the shitttiest vrms and features be my guest.. do what you want? i'm not forcing anyone.

Profanity aside, B660 motherboards start at 12k and with decent ones that have class-leading VRM's at 14k/15k, specifically the MSI Pro B660M-A Wifi. See

at 20m 17s for vrm temps under 35C with a 12700 and for current pricing under 15k.

this combo is almost atpar with 12400, and i have priced my processor 6-7K below that.

The 12400 is not even in the same universe. It has 42% greater multi-threaded performance with the same 20% IPC increase over the 8700k that the 12100 has. The 12100 at four cores actually has slightly better multithreaded performance than the six core 8700k.

and to answer your question! YES, I WILL absolutely buy this combo if i was in the market for a 12400

And all of us would tell you it's a really bad idea. It makes no sense to buy into four year old hardware at 20k.
I don't understand that if they're having buyer's remorse after buying 12th gen why not just sell that off instead :D

So if you want to game at 1080p 12400F might be a better buy, you will recieve slightly better fps.. but at 1440p.. there will be no differences
Anyone care to explain to me how they reached this conclusion? It doesn't make any sense to me but maybe I'm missing something.
Is it just me or have folks actually started putting 5/5 condition for old used items out of warranty ?
The above cpu mobo combo was one (its been updated since) and then there is still a Samsung tab rated like that. I will have to reconsider anything I post going forward. Having encountered the illogical logic, if it works and is cosmetically ageless it will be assigned 5/5.
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Is it just me or have folks actually started putting 5/5 condition for old used items out of warranty ?
The above cpu mobo combo was one (its been updated since) and then there is still a Samsung tab rated like that. I will have to reconsider anything I post going forward. Having encountered the illogical logic, if it works and is cosmetically ageless it will be assigned 5/5.
Yeah by their logic any AM4 processor will stay 5/5 forever. A couple bent pins is 4/5, a few more ripped off is 3/5 /s
It doesn't make any sense to me but maybe I'm missing something.
I think what they meant is as you push higher resolutions, GPU becomes the limiting factor, and at 4K as long as processors don't have drastically different performance, the FPS levels out (as GPU is being pushed to the max)

At lower resolutions, keeping the GPU same, we see more linear distribution across processors. Hence most CPU reviews include 1080p gaming benchmarks
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Is it just me or have folks actually started putting 5/5 condition for old used items out of warranty ?
The above cpu mobo combo was one (its been updated since) and then there is still a Samsung tab rated like that. I will have to reconsider anything I post going forward. Having encountered the illogical logic, if it works and is cosmetically ageless it will be assigned 5/5.
Well the "condition" of the product does include working and cosmetic/physical condition only. Other factors like warranty etc. have their own section and are separately mentioned.
It is the exact same logic as used by Amazon/Flipkart or other marketplaces when you use their exchange or to sell used item services.
Well the "condition" of the product does include working and cosmetic/physical condition only. Other factors like warranty etc. have their own section and are separately mentioned.
Well, then one can make the argument that a HDD with a few bad sectors is still 5/5 ? It still works fine otherwise.
No I don't agree to that since with age and usage, the probability of failure do increase so we cannot really say that it will continue to work just like a brand new one for the same comparable period of time.
Well, then one can make the argument that a HDD with a few bad sectors is still 5/5 ?
An HDD/SSD is an exception in this case of course as there is mechanical wear and NAND wear involved. It is actually measurable and hence can be checked.
By item condition it is almost always meant if it's working or not and about physical conditions.