Mass Effect 2 on PS3

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Ethan_Hunt said:
Blur? Seriously? Strike that off your list and get going with ME1 NAO!
But Blur has got pretty decent reviews averaging 8+. :ashamed:

Thought it must be a good game.
Desecrator said:
But Blur has got pretty decent reviews averaging 8+. :ashamed:

Thought it must be a good game.

Your choice. If you want to narrow down your options and backlog, then skip this one. Else put this game at the far end of your backlog list. Perhaps in a time when you run out of titles to complete, good titles I mean. Out of the list that your presented, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 will get over pretty soon, if you play it non-stop. With that out of the way, LP2 is still far away from it's launch. So pick up Mass Effect and it's sequel. Make sure you play both of them in succession and not create a gap. The story would leave you hanging for more and ME2 delivers on every aspect. Both of these games would be enough to keep your busy for quite a few weeks, depending on how many side activities your perform.
^^ Also, if you are playing ME 2 on PC, import ME1 save files. I started new game without importing ME1 files. ME2 was little strange for me coz it depicted things which i had not choose in ME 1.
I imported my saves from ME1. That made it easier for my Paragon points and the rest of the stuff to be ramped up soon in ME2. I regret having a lousy ending in ME2, I'm afraid to carry those saves over in ME3, given the choice. :(
Aha so the games (both?) have multiple endings eh? :P

I lovvvvve games with multiple endings. Have had enough of the 18 odd endings in Heavy Rain. :D
It's all about the choices you make and the decisions you take. This will make or break your game. I have never been so sad in my video gaming history till ME2's ending because of my one stupid mistake. I can't really reveal what happens, but you'll figure it out once you start playing it.
@Desecrator played Heavy Rain 18 times???


"I have never been so sad in my video gaming history till ME2's ending because of my one stupid mistake. "

me too. Thats why i felt there is no point playing second time coz you already made a mistake. I will carry my erroneous decisions to 3.
sugat123 said: played Heavy Rain 18 times???
LOL nope. I played it twice from scratch including the first time. But apart from that, you can play from the last but second/third/fourth level to reveal the other endings. :)

Tears filled my eyes with one of those endings. Now let us not derail the thread. :ashamed:
sugat123 said:
me too. Thats why i felt there is no point playing second time coz you already made a mistake. I will carry my erroneous decisions to 3.

I didn't want to play it again either. For once, it was good to see a more realistic ending and the level of attachments to each characters made it even more lively.

Mark my words - In ME3, I'll do whatever it takes to get a proper ending, even if that means tearing up the whole Galaxy to get the job done. I will have my vengeance.
^^ yea....:D

just hope that because of some arbitrary decisions we made in ME2 doesn't come in way to get a proper ending in ME3.
ME1 was more of an RPG than ME2. ME2 is a rather linear sort of shooter, but an awesome shooter, there is very little rpg elements on it.

As an RPG fan, I enjoyed ME1 far more than ME2
jojothedragon said:
Whats the big deal with the controller? Can't you get a wireless kb+m for your laptop?
The problem is I connect my Laptop to LCD for gaming n pretty much hooked onto controller for gaming. Keyboard Mouse would require extra space too :P
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