Max Payne 3 - Discussion Thread

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Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

@Gannu : I was replying to alsiladka, notice the "^^" in my post? Apparently he doesn't like the new version of Max and wanted it changed.
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

Time slows down when you are facing the barrel of a gun.

Time just slowed down for me !

Can't wait for this :D !!!
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

Max payne All the way. Loved 1 and 2 and even the movie which managed to get the same feel as the game. Will definitely play 3 :P
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

whoa a news i've ben wwaiting for ages to be announced thanks mate max payne 2 was uber awesome but why does the person featured on the cover looks like sam fisher :huh: i hope they dont consolize it for the pc gamers
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter


Hope this game is as good as the others!

It'll be awesome! Especially on the new gen consoles!!!

GREAT FIND, i honestly was looking around this morning, i didnt find this, i looked for max payne aswell!!! REPPED MATEY!!!!
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

hey wasnt the first 2 max games were developed by remedy :huh:

funny stuff

Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

Now that's something to look forward to !

Loved 1 & 2 :hap2:

ubergeek said:
hey wasnt the first 2 max games were developed by remedy :huh:

funny stuff

They were developed by Remedy and published by Rockstar Games !
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

Gannu & Bluffmaster -
Agreed he is looking more evil and badass. But this is not at all anywhere similar to what Max looked like. In the previous games, he used to look handsome yet rugged and cool.

Don't know about you guys, but i cannot find even 1% of Max's look in this face. It only reminds me of GTA's character.

Max's character was one of the best in the gameplay history. There was no need to change the look. Whatever remorse, cynicism, weariness they had wanted to show, they should have shown it via his actions and thinking.

Man i really wish they revert back to the original max.

First the movie and now this :angry:
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

wow!! Max Payne I & II were my fav. games ever...I really wished many times if it is going to hav a 3rd part...and here comes my dream come true :)
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

Spectre said:
Max is looking more like Sam Fisher (SC) :(

Bring in the Max back from the original

I was just wondering why noone noticed that. :S

Heavily bearded Sam Fisher

btw Although I have played Max Payne I and II in bits and pieces.. I don't remember anything in specific.

Is it worth playing it again ? As in would it be interesting after so many years?

Btw played Mafia last month and found it truly amazing..
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

Great News.... I loved both Max Payne games... They are in my all time favorite list... :clap:
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

loved max payne part 1, but didnt quite like the second part. hopw this game does not dissapoint.

i think he looks a but like niko (the character from gta 4).

agree with alsi ladka, preferred the old max.
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