The Game is fantastic fantastic fantastic!
Got it delivery at 3:45 PM by flip kart
Installation took only some 45 Min or less I think its very less comparing to its huge size
Its running at all Very High on machine(Direct x 11)(my specs u can get from my signature) expect for MSAA
Finished first 2 Chapters! What a seamless integration of cut scenes and game
Btw, Multiplayer is something what i call pure awesomeness !
And Bullet time! OMG!!! I'M awe struck!!
OK guys its time to continue play play play
Finally verdict!
Better get addicted to ecstasy i think you can get out but not this!
And u were doubting me !
Got the game delivered yesterday and today when i tried to install i was getting the DVD read errors from the Disc1 so I decided to copy the contents to my local hard drive and then tried to install but even then I get the DVD read errors from Disc 2 and 3. Can you please help me how to proceed further here? any download solution like the EA's origin?
Got the game delivered yesterday and today when i tried to install i was getting the DVD read errors from the Disc1 so I decided to copy the contents to my local hard drive and then tried to install but even then I get the DVD read errors from Disc 2 and 3. Can you please help me how to proceed further here? any download solution like the EA's origin?
Had a marathon run yesterday and completed 6 chapters. Currently on Chapter X and called it a day. Collected all the parts for two golden weapons. The voice acting in the title (more specifically Max's monologues) are so fcuking brilliant - possibly one of the best for any game till date. I loved the level designs in the Brazilian favelas. Looks like the amount of painkillers strewn around the levels are a whole lot lesser compared to the previous titles. The speed-boat level was a thriller ride!
Happened to notice Vinnie Gognitti's tombstone at the cemetery!
You need to have a 120 Hz monitor to benefit from >60 FPS. On a 60 Hz monitor, 65 and 80 FPS are pretty much the same. And the difference between 60 and 120 FPS is minimal even if it exists theoretically.
If you have a 120 Hz monitor, yes, you may notice some difference![]()
Spoilers PleaseAlright the office chapter was effin' awesome! And the cutscene following that where max shaves his head with the the Max payne theme music made me all nostalgic.