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Finished twelve chapters so far. This game is one heck of a thrill ride.hyeah:
Took a nice screenshot:
My impressions about the gameplay:
The main thing I like about the gameplay is that though you're almost all-powerful and mow down lots and lots of enemies yourself, the game never feels cheap. It makes you feel that the reason that Max can kill so many enemies at once, is because he is extremely efficient, experienced and ruthless when handling a gun compared to all his inexperienced enemies.
A single shot to the head can kill Max just like any other enemy in the game. But being armed with just a pistol against an AK-47 wielding army, neatly executing enemies one by one with perfect shots to the head while dodging bullets with extreme efficiency in slow motion, leaves you with a feeling of absolute badassery.hyeah: This makes you look forward to every gunfight, and the game never feels repetitive.
And though Max is efficient, you, as the player, need to be efficient in controlling him as well. Even in Medium difficulty, the game is quite challenging. And you will die many times before you nail the correct way to tackle each gunfight, while using Bullet Time to your advantage. The game's cover system isn't the tight, restricted one found in games like Mass Effect. The game encourages you to use cover to your advantage, but punishes you for staying in cover too long. You still have to get out of cover lots of times and take enemies on up close and personal, while avoiding being too reckless. Finding the right balance between using cover and staying out of cover is key to winning each gunfight.
And finally, a comment about the on-rails sequences. These are new to the Max Payne series. But they are pulled off with such flair and polish, that it can give the Uncharted series a run for its money. Sometimes these are quite challenging as well : killing five to six enemies at once while falling in slow motion = HECK YEAH!