Chapter 4. And boy I'm impressed. Unlike many typical TPS games, this game is pure fun. You never feel repetitive thanks to the cinematic phrases the game puts you through. Man I'm loving it. Never had so much fun with a TPS. 
And the multiplayer part is fun as well. Its fast paced, and you'll need to use some cover and bulletdodge to survive here. Ofcourse choosing the right place to take cover plays the main role. Don't know about ping cause this game uses matchmaking method but the experience is as smooth as the single player mode.

And the multiplayer part is fun as well. Its fast paced, and you'll need to use some cover and bulletdodge to survive here. Ofcourse choosing the right place to take cover plays the main role. Don't know about ping cause this game uses matchmaking method but the experience is as smooth as the single player mode.