Take cover, press shift to enter bullet time, pop out of cover and headshot as many guys as you can. Usually works. Becomes tough when enemies start to flank you.
Take cover, press shift to enter bullet time, pop out of cover and headshot as many guys as you can. Usually works. Becomes tough when enemies start to flank you.
This worked great for me as well. Better than rushing out and then activating bullet time to take down the baddies. Get behind cover > switch to bullet time > lean from cover > pop some headshots! I used to switch off bullet time while reloading a gun and activate it when done reloading.
A:-Yes.Why not when bruce willis rocks!So did you like the game or not?
You've got to be kidding me! This game had one of the best visuals for a PC game launched recently and brought down most high-end setups to its knees. And being optimised for low-end systems at the same time as well.
3.Hows the game's visuals.
A:-Brilliant but could have been better.
The game has low end textures especially in early areas when he is inside some building or so, the visuals after Level 9 are phenomenal