McLaren show off new MP4-21 livery

TheMask said:
yep.. for every 100 tifosi, u'll perhaps find a single mclaren fanboi.. :eek:hyeah:

Well but even 100:1 ratio could not take ferrari anywhere last season. Its like saying 'for every 100 morons you find 1 sensible guy' and thats good enough..
Why do you people always talk abt ONE season ?? :p

Let us talk abt the 5 FIVE whole years they spent at the top(6 if you count 99's Constructors championship). :p

Ferrari are the greatest team in F1 and there is no doubting that. Even in the past 5 years, Ferrari have been the best. Their record will not be broken for a looooong time.
TheMask said:
yep.. for every 100 tifosi, u'll perhaps find a single mclaren fanboi.. :eek:hyeah:
yeah but even a single mclaren fan is enuf for 100 tifosi

rmmbr the old saying, majority is always of fools :tongue:
Nikhil said:
Why do you people always talk abt ONE season ??
Let us talk abt the 5 FIVE whole years they spent at the top(6 if you count 99's Constructors championship).
only the present counts..past, as they say, is history ;)
and again the saying goes...ur as good as ur last performance. :eek:hyeah:
PS: Well said Renegade :clap:
@QuickFire .. I'm with you mate.. McLaren tops on my list..

I'm not putting Ferrari down.. It just seems stupid. These Ferrari dudes actually doubt themselves.. Thats why they always bring up the topic on how Ferrari is better etc..

Well, being McLaren fans, We just know !!
We dont doubt ourselves :D...

A McLaren fan started this discussion :bleh:...

Anyways.. didnt look like that 1 McLaren fan, helped yall with the championship in 2005 did it :bleh:..

Lets talk about the present?

Well, McLaren has a history of problems with their V8's so i think yall should not be talking of the present :bleh:

Ferrari will pwn McLaren's ass :bleh:...

Dont ignore Ferrari's 6 Year domination :bleh:...

McLaren never had that long a streak, AFAIK.
Looks like Renault is strong just like last season with there amazing Chasis and smooth performing engine... but as M. Schumacher said they(Ferrari) are fairly competitive and Honda are good for this season tooo....
Wish someone could join me for Malaysian GP... damn 3 years and still waiting now....
tifôsi said:
wheres my arch enemy Renegade? :bleh:

forgot what he supports :S
Im right here tifosi. Looks like I did rub in the humiliation too hard. You cant get me out of your mind. :bleh:
I support McLaren

Nikhil said:
Why do you people always talk abt ONE season ??
Its not about ONE season, as you ferrari fans like to put it to hide the humiliation. Its about the LAST season so live with it until ferrari is on the podium.
Looks like I did rub in the humiliation too hard
the humiliation was so hard .. i forgot which team u support :bleh:

good to see you anyway

lets start afresh for the new season :p....

i like this build up ;)
goldenfrag said:
Well, McLaren has a history of problems with their V8's so i think yall should not be talking of the present
Ferrari will pwn McLaren's ass :bleh:...
b4 ferrari fanbois get over enthusiastic, lemme quote this from a recent F1 article -
Ferrari has been singled out as a potential challenger to Renault, Honda and McLaren in 2006, but reliability problems have beset the new 248 F1 racer.
QuickFire said:
b4 ferrari fanbois get over enthusiastic, lemme quote this from a recent F1 article -

Ferrari has been singled out as a potential challenger to Renault, Honda and McLaren in 2006, but reliability problems have beset the new 248 F1 racer.


It takes a Renault, a Honda and a McLaren (the power of 3) to pose 'potential challenge' for one Ferrari! BravO!! :hap2:

And though Ferrari had a very bad last season, and the fact that Renault and McLaren did much better, why is it that all the teams always end up looking upto posing a 'potential challenge' to Ferrari? The fact is Ferrari has rocked the F1 world for too long a time to be compared to a dead cat. Every constructor & driver knows what Ferrari 'can' do.. and what they usually end up doing in style. Hence, even after a very poor season, we are still talking about Ferrari!
Masky said:
And though Ferrari had a very bad last season, and the fact that Renault and McLaren did much better, why is it that all the teams always end up looking upto posing a 'potential challenge' to Ferrari? The fact is Ferrari has rocked the F1 world for too long a time to be compared to a dead cat. Every constructor & driver knows what Ferrari 'can' do.. and what they usually end up doing in style. Hence, even after a very poor season, we are still talking about Ferrari!

OMG!! pwned!!!

And yeah.... better if their problems are identified pre-season instead of in the middle of a race like McLaren :p
Renault is more of a silent killer.. they are silent all thru n end up killing the competition.. hope this season's gonna be exciting :D
TheMask said:
why is it that all the teams always end up looking upto posing a 'potential challenge' to Ferrari?

Sire sorry to say this but you need a lesson in reading comprehension. You suck.

ferrari has been singled out as a potential challenger to Renault, Honda and McLaren in 2006, but reliability problems have beset the new 248 F1 racer.

So its ferrari that is a challenger and not the other way round.
Renegade said:
Sire sorry to say this but you need a lesson in reading comprehension. You suck.

So its ferrari that is a challenger and not the other way round.

Lol.. i may suck.. lets not talk about it here.. :p

and sire, speaking of 'reading comprehension' perhaps u shud look up the dic-tionary.

challenger (noun) : the contestant you hope to defeat;

in which context, what i said perfectly holds good. :eek:hyeah:
nice to see more members in this thread apart from QF and me....

This seems like a nice contest developing!!! GO MASKY!!! You have the Scarlet force behind you!!