MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots - Discussion Thread

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Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

Ck Nish said:
I'll admit I was rude but felt it was deserving and I actually responded to every one of your points. Something that you failed to do with your previous to last post thereby only further proving how horribly you've condcuted yourself through this entire discussion.

And what's with your last line? Are you implying you're never posting in this forum again? Because I post in all discussions like these.

An understandable sentiment but what I like about the gaming industry is that all the players(devs,producers) actually have a face, some identity. A huge amount of popularity behind console gaming is thanks to this fact. It's also more interesting this way. You don't see lots of forums dedicated to DVD hardware, now do you?

This further proves my point..tht you don't have a proper comeback.Rude is just an understatment,you are acting more like a *Nah* and like Blade said stuff it :cool2: .

If you wanna leave the forum,then do one's stopping you as for me I ain't.You even gave yourself the answer tht you post like this which is exactly the reason..I dun wan't you to post in any of the threads I started.

Tht's your opinion on the gaming industry whereas mine's if you don't like it,then don't post don't see me crapping your last replies in every thread. abt locking this thread before it goes out of hand(it already did) or deleting all off-topic posts since this is going nowhere.
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

Also, to be fair to the rumours. It's not like Konami has never worked with MS before. When MGS was brough to the PC, MS were it's producers.

Meh, doesn't take much to jump on the triggers eh Nish?

You know how I react to fanboys.

Great job MM. Now you didn't even read my last post.
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

Talking about Kojima and MS, Solid Snake will actually be appearing in the next Super Smash Bros. game on the Wii !

So like Kojima said, MGS will most likely be coming over to X360, but just not Mgs4.

*Is trying to diminish the flame war*
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

I remember Kojima saying how much he loved SSBM on the GameCube and wished Snake could be a part of it too. That's why Ninty brought him in this time around.
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

I am not so sure that MGS4 is in the same league as Halo3 in terms of exclusivity.

It may very well be an exclusive, but there is a difference between MGS4 on non-Sony (who knows? Unlikely, but rumours abounded), Halo on non-MS (hah! But what if MS sells bungie just like Nintendo sold Rareware? 1 in a trillion chance), and Mario on non-Nintendo (only if Ninty goes belly up)
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

params7 said:
So very true, I feel many ports will be happening between Ps3-Xbox360.

But Mgs4 is Ps3's HALO, not any chance of it being ported.

This for me somehow doesn't make sense... It will be hard for me to make you guys understand why am i saying this but i will give my best shot...

See as devs will be producing everything on blue ray for PS3 as Sony is hyping it that that much and a lot more data can come on blueray... And also it would be a waste not to use up the space it has to offer... Now 360 does not sell with built in HD DVD Player wilh the unit... Devs knows this and they will obviously have to port it for the normal DVD capacity...

Now developers will have a hard time porting the gfx they produced for the Blueray to normal DVD so they will obviously either drop the idea or will produce low quality/less content... Now M$ wont let this happen as they definitely don't want their hardware being shown inferior to the PS3...

So it will be a very very tricky situation...

I hope i am making sense here :P...
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

Switch said:
This for me somehow doesn't make sense... It will be hard for me to make you guys understand why am i saying this but i will give my best shot...

See as devs will be producing everything on blue ray for PS3 as Sony is hyping it that that much and a lot more data can come on blueray... And also it would be a waste not to use up the space it has to offer... Now 360 does not sell with built in HD DVD Player wilh the unit... Devs knows this and they will obviously have to port it for the normal DVD capacity...

Now developers will have a hard time porting the gfx they produced for the Blueray to normal DVD so they will obviously either drop the idea or will produce low quality/less content... Now M$ wont let this happen as they definitely don't want their hardware being shown inferior to the PS3...

So it will be a very very tricky situation...

I hope i am making sense here :P...
Err no there won't be problem porting the game based off bluray or dvd. Most of the game data can be compressed and multiple dvds can be used if the need arises. The only thing that will bloat size would be uncompressed fmvs, audio and game data. Otherwise the game being pressed onto bluray discs isn't a good arguement for not porting it.
PS: The space offered by the storage media doesnt have much to do with ingame graphics in this case :P
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

Switch said:
This for me somehow doesn't make sense... It will be hard for me to make you guys understand why am i saying this but i will give my best shot...

See as devs will be producing everything on blue ray for PS3 as Sony is hyping it that that much and a lot more data can come on blueray... And also it would be a waste not to use up the space it has to offer... Now 360 does not sell with built in HD DVD Player wilh the unit... Devs knows this and they will obviously have to port it for the normal DVD capacity...


Ya but how can you be so sure that the game devs aren't artificially inflating the file sizes of these games(just because blu ray disks can hold them) ...maybe to stop piracy or something??

I mean even the current crappy titles out there for ps3 take about 16gb or so and these games are nowhere near as good as the xbox360 games that fit easily on a dvd.

Also several games like assassins creed are already being made for both ps3 and 360. Besides if the games don't fit onto a single dvd then multiple dvds can be used.
Re: MGS 4 Not a PS3 Exclusive Anymore?

Okay here's an update:-

"The internet was aflutter with rumours this weekend, as reports speculated that the massive PlayStation 3 Metal Gear Solid instalment, Guns of the Patriots was stealthing its way over to Xbox 360 - rumours that Konami has since debunked to CVG.

"Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time," a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still "exclusive to PlayStation 3."

The original internet report pointed at the MGS instalment branching-out onto multiple platforms due to Konami's concerns that there won't be enough PS3s in gamers' hands by the time it hits shelves.

Though going by the company's official word, it looks like there'll be no Solid Snake action on Microsoft's console for the time being. We wouldn't totally rule out a 360 version in the long term, but you can bet the game will be exclusive to PS3 for at least a year.

We'll be sure to pipe up if Konami flips its stance

Xbox 360 News: Konami: "MGS4 is exclusive to PlayStation 3" -
Remastered MGS 4 trailer released

This one literally just came in -- Konami has released a new trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4 and PlayFrance has the scoop. The trailer is similar to the E3 one released last year, but has a ton of additional content and has been remastered using the newest version of the MGS 4 engine, leading to a ton of little visual improvements. Animations, particle effects and over-all graphic fidelity have all definitely increased with this newest trailer - the scene where Old Snake puts the gun to his mouth, in particular, showcases some incredible lighting effects. It's great to see Konami hasn't been resting on their laurels, this new trailer shows a clear and marked improvement to a game that already looked amazing. The trailer ends with confirmation that the game will be coming out in 2007 - naysayers be damned.

The new trailer clocks in at over 13 minutes in length and what a blissful 13 minutes they are. The final scene with Raiden is incredible and worth the time investment by itself. What are you doing? Check it out NOW -- it demands your attention.


*Updated* Incredible new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer will make you cry in excitement - PS3 Fanboy

For watching the video,try this..
News [PS3-TV] Un trailer pour MGS 4 !

..The future of CQC'ing Param's butt,pulling down Maconie's pants,making it look like bluffy did it and then octo-camoing the wall seems so bright :P .

Can't wait for the final product..need action figures too ;)
Re: Remastered MGS 4 trailer released

Just saw it on PS3fanboy..the trailer was gr8, no doubt abt it....the wordings subtitles were funny....the raiden one was a complete goner...he is gonna protect Snake in dreams....I know its remastered...the game is gonna rock on PS3...wonder would be able to play as those drones
Kojima demos Metal Gear Solid 4!!!

PlayStation event in Tokyo features first real-time demo of the eagerly awaited PlayStation 3 title -

At Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation Premiere 2007 press conference in the massive Roppongi Hills complex today, most in attendance were expecting to see reruns of trailers shown at the E3 Media and Business Summit. So they were taken by surprise during Konami's presentation, when director Hideo Kojima gave the first-ever Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots gameplay demonstration.

Hopping down the building from where Snake started, the aged soldier approached a set of familiar bronze statues last seen in the Tokyo Game Show trailer. Here, Kojima went to the menu screen and selected the active camouflage option, where players can access disguises for Snake's face and body. Snake normally wears an all-purpose "Octo-Cam" camouflage suit, which lets him blend into his surroundings. However, apparently there are other selectable camouflage patterns in the game, one of which is called the "Statue-Cam." Kojima selected the Statue-Cam and an appropriate face mask, and--voila!--Snake's camouflage suit displayed a bronze finish. The PMC soldiers then walked by, mistaking the grizzled commando for a statue.

Kojima then showed off how the Octo-Cam camouflage will help Snake blend into his surroundings--semiautomatically. Whenever Snake performs an action, like hugging a wall or hitting the floor, the suit automatically changes its pattern to match that of the surface Snake is touching. Kojima demonstrated this action by having Snake evade a PMC soldier by lying in wait on the ground and blending in with the tiles of a nearby building.

He also seems to have gained a new move that involves delivering a death grip to an enemy's crotch, rendering that person unconscious in an instant.
More of amazing stuff here - Kojima demos Metal Gear Solid 4 - PlayStation 3 News at GameSpot

Though the Videos are awaited everywhere, will post it asap.

The game sounds amazing :D & would be on the top priority on each n every gamer not only PS3 / 360 gamers....but IMO even PC gamers would be interested in the title!!! Lets hope it releases soon....I cant wait for my PS3...(damn three more months to go for my PS3 :@ )
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Re: Kojima demos Metal Gear Solid 4!!!

When do we get to see this video, :D I cant wait for this!

The octo-cam sounds amazing, and so does the new move:P i never thought Snake was a batty boy:P:D hehe

please post vid, asap:P:D thanks dude!
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