Mobile Phone Screen Protectors

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i would like to se some pics of this screen gurad and maybe people can post back who receive them with the quality ?
Screen Protectors for following members are shipped today by India Post.

1. tech4pk - Speed Post

2. kkndka - Speed Post

3. hp-india- Speed Post

4. Utsav - Speed Post

5. viralbug- Speed Post

6. major9 - Regular Post - Yet to receive Payment

7. Punker - Speed Post

8. asheet - Regular Post
Thanks for the update. Will let you know as soon as I receive the post, which might take anywhere near 8 to 10 days, 'coz my address is a little outside city limits. :D
@ Punker, Master Varun Saxena - is this your transfer?

You have asked me to ship in the Name of Mr. Anil Arora, Please clarify.
Speed Post Tracking numbers:

1. tech4pk - ET258608055IN

2. kkndka - ET258608081IN

3. hp-india- ET258608078IN

4. Utsav - ET258608104IN

5. viralbug- ET258608064IN

6. Punker - ET258608095IN
@gmano ......payment made for moto E6 screen protector....plz notify asa its reflects onto ur account...
will pm u my shipping details
hey gmano how many times will i ask u to give me ur acc details so that i can transfer the money

u dont respond to my mails

when will i get the screen protectors
Thansk mano for all your help! we will update you once we receive the items. Thanks again for all your help to this community.
Can anyone Help me in organizing this GO? I would like someone to make a list of requirements and collect money on behalf of me and send it to me, I will ship the protectors to individuals.
can people please post pics of the screen proectors or pics of them applied onto their phones ? this will givet he rest of the members an idea of teh quality.
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