Modi Wins again!

Nikhil said:
Progress and money isnt everything.

I also sort of admire him for the progress Gujarat has undergone.

but that is no reason to allow him to live.

I'll kill a thousand people and then I'll make Karnataka the best damn district in the world. Does that mean my sins are wiped away ?

Let me beg to differ here, if progress is not everything then what is ? Caste-based politics ? Whatever happened at godhra was real sad..but you cant really help it because after a certain level you cant do much. Remember the bombay riots ? Infact what modi has done for gujarat is remarkable. And he deserves where he is right now.
Anish chill dude. Its my opinion-not a fan of Modi and Bjp, but then not fan of congress too.

The reason why I said I am flabbergasted is because elections do use media to gain confidence for votes, but since that wasnt the case. Publicity is a double edged sword but he managed to survive. When I said what progress he could make-i didnt mean what he did on the past, lets see what he can do more in the future. In my opinion, congress are worse then bjp since they cash in on minority votes. I wouldnt be suprised if they also evade taxes and break laws. To me all political parties are same for now.
Just drive from Mumbai to Gujarat and you will notice what this guy has done to the state.

The highway, road conditions are just unimaginable. I have traveled to many states and the only state which has better roads than Maharashtra is Gujarat.

I frequently go to Navsari, Bilimora at my friend's place. Its not a big city. These are small towns and they have everything. Water , electricity is there.

Here go just outside Mumbai boundaries and you get load shedding.

I dont hate BJP and Shivsena. Sure I dont agree with their Hidutva propaganda. But they atleast dont put mask on their face. And I have seen better things happen in their rule than years of congress rule.

Communal riots dont need Modi. Those are politically motivated riots but its common people's mentality which results in things like this and keep in mind this has happened in Congress rule as well. I have seen and experienced horrors of 1993 Mumbai blasts and riots first hand. We have long way to go from being a secular society in the first place.

None of these parties are secular. Congress made political issue out of Godhra for their own benefit to lure Muslim votes. They are as much responsible for riot horrors as anyone else.

The worst thing that could have happened to Gujarat was congress Rule. The state is in best shape and probably the better states to live at this moment than any other state irrespective of your cast and religion.

People in Gujarat are not idiots, they wont re-elect this guy for his 3rd term if they were not happy. Our personal propaganda does not matter. Its ground reality that matters the most and people of Gujarat have spoken.
And most importantly ppl voted at 60% and in some parts more than 70% voting was done........thats shows how much he has done....and ppl having faith or determination to vote

here if even 50% is passed its a miracle

i guess now this 5 years is more important for them if still progress continues(or happens which most doesnt beleive) than i guess congress will have no chance for next 2-3 decades there...

btw the way its shown on tv doesn't make sense.....i m sure next 2009 election wont go in hands of bjp with this result.....but yup of neighboring state like us(Maharashtra bjp days might change)

in next mah election electricity(power issue ) will kill congress thats sure..ull come to know in next 4 months when again the load shedding starts
I feel Congress sucks for not promoting the friggin metro project in bbay. Sucks bad, we really need metro in bombay. The roads are pathetic here, infact pathetic is also not the right word to use for the roads in bombay. So much of load shedding for ppl living in thane, navi mumbai & the outskirts of mumbai and there is so much of wastage of electricity @ the st00pid advertising hoardings here :mad:

Really congress definitely dosent deserve my vote this time atleast. They think theyve become too shana after they got elected 2 times. But frankly speaking shiv-sena is also not less. Maybe i might vote for Raj Thackeray's MNS :p
KingKrool said:
And you think secularism would have won if the Congress came in?
I agree that Modi is communal. I claim that he is no more communal than the rest of the louts who pass off as leaders of our country...
Democracy is dead either way.

I'm not sure why you say this, but unless the elections were rigged in any way, i'd say democracy is alive & well. The ppl have spoken, isn't that part of what democracy is anyway. In many ways this result parallels Bush's victory in 2004 when the press were hounding him in a similar manner as they did with Modi. I think maybe when emotions get the better of us, even the so called impartial journalists are flouting their own rules.

It just all goes to show ppl anywhere are very forgiving so long as their lot improves.

What i'm curious to know is how much further he will be able to go (on a national level) as a result of this ?

He won't have any choice but to tone down the communal rhetoric if he wants to have any hope of getting there.
I face load shedding and all parties are equally responsible for it ..
and all prty workers too
the people who did vote for last 50 yrs and all who dident vote
crap amongst us takes politics and then enjoy it in there own way (ie make money) is the mistake or rest of resident indians .. They dont face stringent compitition just like intel and Microsoft :p thats just brings out worst
* the above comments are made in as and is condition and the poster is not responsible for any comments if it hurts any one (all kind of sentiments included)as the comments are made true from heart as an common indian brought up in india.. pl dont take on this post seriously pl
It's sad indeed, although it had to happen, there are no surprises here. The sad part is that it is not just a state, such politics will be played all over and by all parties now :(
Didn't the BJP do similar last time they got into office.

And look what happend to them in the last national elections.

To be able to do the same thing everywhere requires identical conditions as in Gujarat, i have trouble seeing that will be the case elsewhere always.
Um ok

1. First off, if everyone is communal, I prefer the guy who is open about it and at least does some development work. The congress would come in, pretend to be secular (all the while being the communal pigs that they are), but still do no work. I don't believe Modi has solved all the development problems, and no, the villages don't have 24/7 power. But they do have power 20 hours a days which is a damned sight better than most big cities in congress (or BJP for that matter) ruled states.

2. I say democracy is dead because we are ruled by a class of people who have least respect for the rule of law and true equality.

3. I wish Modi had won fewer seats. Why? Because that would have forced him to change gis style of governance. The fool is going to continue being authoritarian, as are his lousy supporters. Every Aamir Khan movie will be unofficially banned in Gujarat. Does Aamir Khan deserve this? Well, yes and no. Yes, because he is a self serving pig who always manages to create controversy just before a movie releases. But I say NO because the people of gujarat have the right to make a choice. All they have to do is not watch the movie. If they don't go, the movie will flop there and be taken off the screens. If they go, that means people do want to watch it, and those lousy Modi supporters who want to ban it are not doing the will of the people.
In that case does it matter at all..if Modi won.

If he pushes too hard, too fast, come the next elections he will go.

But 3rd time invincible can you get. :)
Nikhil said:
Modi looks set to retain his seat. How sad. I was hoping he would lose and after losing some Hurkat-ul-mujahideen or LeT guy comes and kills him and we would be free from this ***** forever.

what a sad day for secularism in India.

Secularism - a Much tossed about word, Anyone care to define it? or explain what it means?

KingKrool said:
And you think secularism would have won if the Congress came in?
I agree that Modi is communal. I claim that he is no more communal than the rest of the louts who pass off as leaders of our country...
Democracy is dead either way.

Looks like people have got it all backwards - what we just had was an election, with freedom of choice to vote for whoever they want (and it was not a cooked up election either like in many countries) - I do believe that is the definition is of Democracy - and Democracy is very much alive and kicking in our country.
The Sorcerer said:
.....Congress should maintain their standard..........

Congress has standards ?? ? that is a new one .... What are their standards? bend as low as you can before the G family, and keep talking about "the minority" community.

I am curious in what way do the laws of the country disadvantage any community at all. Why the harp about "the minority" community.

Maybe this is all that "the secular" parties have to offer and ride on, duping the gulible.
If your only definition of democracy is the right to vote, I feel sorry for you. Malaysia is a democracy by that definition. We all know their treatment of non-muslims.

I don't equate Modi with the communalism of the congress though. The work he does seems to benefit most. People claim that muslims don't receive the benefits of it. I am not sure that is true. They were backwards before. It will take longer for them to rise. Doesn't mean there is a communal approach there. He put it well when he said that if he provides water and power to a village, that goes to all residents and that he has no way of differentiating between individual houses along the road...
Modi won. Not by false voting or by buying votes. Genuinely.

Whatever happened in Godhra was a series of incidents and as said earlier, the riots were unavoidable, let it be BJP/Congress.

Much has been said. Wont be repeating the stuff. But he has won for the good. Next 5 yrs gonna be decisive for Gujarat. I m happy that he won! :)
KingKrool said:
If your only definition of democracy is the right to vote, I feel sorry for you. Malaysia is a democracy by that definition. We all know their treatment of non-muslims.
I don't equate Modi with the communalism of the congress though. The work he does seems to benefit most. People claim that muslims don't receive the benefits of it. I am not sure that is true. They were backwards before. It will take longer for them to rise. Doesn't mean there is a communal approach there. He put it well when he said that if he provides water and power to a village, that goes to all residents and that he has no way of differentiating between individual houses along the road...

Don't feel sorry for me, I can talk about democracy and similar subject for hours (and with facts), feel sorry for yourself if you think Malaysian and Indian elections are the same.

for all the faults - Indian elections are the most fair elections ANYWHERE in the world.
by any measure you care to name,

If anyone thinks they are unfair - please elaborate how?

Of would someone like to define "fair elections"
i didn't say they were unfair, and also not sure how one would measure fairness actually

Any ideas :)

if you read a page back, i used the same line you just did about democracy, but not as confident as you are on fairness