Modi Wins again!

I am proud that Modi won .. Congress sucks big time i hope congress loses in the next elections .. Gujarat has excelled under Modi give credit to him where its due .. One should always remember that is under Congress's rule during the independence period ( 1947-1997) India became a total hopeless country ..
Proud of BJP , proud of Narendra Modi .. congress means whiners they always whine abt things they r ass*****
yes, if all Congress stands for is appeasement to extremeists then good riddance !

That party has been in power far too long anyway, needs a change of guard and fresh ideas.

If Modi has been good for Gujarat there's every chance he may be beneficial on the devlopment front in a larger sphere but the lack of accountability nor reconciliation i feel is what will hold him back in the long run. Face it, the guy's tainted !. Whether he's convicted or not there is a significantly large electorate that won't let that go.

That's one potenially good alternative to the status quo we lose out on.
Nikhil said:

Secularism is an Europeans concept, which was needed and developed to take down the stranglehold of the church in public affairs - Separation of Church and State. Then since most Europeans were Christians of different sects, It was needed to create an Identity NOT based on religion but based on nation state. It was essential necessary for the multi cultural and multi ethnic state.

In India, the dominant religion is Hinduism which itself has 3 million odd gods a couple more [Christ,Allah, u name it] is no big deal. The same with language,culture,traditions,cuisines etc. Hindu's never identified themselves by religion rather by language they spoke. There was natural multicultural state that was already present.

Long before Secularism was "invented", the Hindu king in Kerala welcomed, the Jews that had traveled to Kerala and gave them land etc because it was just one more addition of culture/God/language to already existing multicultural environment.

Its high time we stopped copying Europeans blindly. for a start, we could stop looking at ourselves thro their eyes.

ps: i'm not a Hindu
The media keep on cribbing for the same old issue on the name of secularism and all... Bloody morons...

Modi won coz he deserved it. Not coz some foolish promises he cant keep. His deeds speak of the development and everything he has done for Gujarat.
blr_p said:
yes, if all Congress stands for is appeasement to extremeists then good riddance !

That party has been in power far too long anyway, needs a change of guard and fresh ideas.

If Modi has been good for Gujarat there's every chance he may be beneficial on the devlopment front in a larger sphere but the lack of accountability nor reconciliation i feel is what will hold him back in the long run. Face it, the guy's tainted !. Whether he's convicted or not there is a significantly large electorate that won't let that go.

That's one potenially good alternative to the status quo we lose out on.
Congress is not having anything else to blame modi for and they brought back the Godhra stuff and fake encounter stuff and all... Idiots. This is what happens wen someone stands out of ordinary and changes the system. Hell yeah, the guy did change the freakin Government system dude. And it is the system we blame for every damn thing. The guy dint blame, he just changed it and now people blame him for that!
Nikhil said:

what a sad day for secularism in India.
sad day for secularism indeed. maybe if you stop regurgitating what the "media" feeds you you'll find...examples like Taslima Nasreen. where your so called "secular" congress and their communist allies surrendered to Islam.

Her own experience of sexual abuse during adoloscence and her work as a gynaecologist[2] where she routinely examined young girls who had been raped, influenced her a great deal in writing about the treatment of women in Islam.[3] From a modest literary profile in the late 1980s, she achieved a meteoric rise to global fame by the end of the twentieth century for her feminist views are seen as criticism of Islam and of religion in general. She currently lives in exile in India in a secret place and has received death threats from Islamic fundamentalists at different times.

Her literary debut in the genre of fiction began with the publication of a 76 page novella titled Lajja, (a Bangla word meaning shame) where she, through graphic description of the rape of a Hindu girl by a Muslim man, purported to symbolize marginalization of the Hindu community in Bangladesh. Taslima subsequently revised the novella, restructuring and substantiating with more information, it is now a more than 200 pages book.

and ours is supposed to nation where "mind is with out fear" - atleast according to our National Anthem and look what happened

The latest blow came in September 2007 when a movement was initiated in West Bengal by Islamic extremists and communist sympathizers demanding expulsion of Taslima from India. As a consequence, she has been forced to leave Calcutta and seek refuge in New Delhi. [17]

A protest, called by the militant Islamist "All India Minority Forum", against granting of Indian visa to Bangladeshi feminist writer Taslim Nasreen turned Kolkata into a scene of flaming vehicles and scampering school children on 21 November 2007, forcing the deployment of army in the city after nearly 15 years. A call for a road-blockade went out of control as thousands of frenzied people from central Kolkata's Muslim-inhabited areas unleashed a free-for-all for hours. Taslima was first moved from Kolkata to Jaipur, a day after violent protests rocked Kolkata over her stay in India. She was then shifted to New Delhi the following day. The Intelligence Bureau kept her in a 'safe house' within a National Security Guards complex in Delhi. [18

so much for free speech huh.
All said and done, Modi's victory was the logical conclusion, English media especially the so called class media who think favouring a minority community is secularism should go jump in the well. Whats worse is these so called minority communities also are not seeing any development, look at their literacy rate improvement in the last 50 yrs far below national average. Yeah keep them un-informed and stick with the secularism bullshit to stay in power, god I dont know how educated ppl like those in this forum yet see Modi as the evil, go do a proper check he is the best candidate for PM.

Stop reading all their faggot comments (english media), go look at economic statistics because ultimately that is what is affecting all our lives directly.
Aces170 said:
god I dont know how educated ppl like those in this forum yet see Modi as the evil, go do a proper check he is the best candidate for PM.

Stop reading all their faggot comments (english media), go look at economic statistics because ultimately that is what is affecting all our lives directly.

Very well said! :hap2: :hap2:
^I concur!

The Congress and communist bunch are mere hypocrites, and have a rich past of crying fowl all the time. Modi may not be the ideal or the best choice for Gujarat, but he certainly is the better one.