#ModiSarkar 1 Yr Coming Up : Your Experience?

Do you feel the difference in your personal life after ModiSarkar took charge?

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^^ Oh. please, nobody with an iota of common sense and intellect is going to believe in the dumb conspiracy theories thrown about by Aravind Kejriwal. That sort of drivel is for his idiotic fans who wouldn't even pay their taxes sincerely and think that anything they do is excusable, but would put on topis with anti corruption slogans and think of themselves as high and mighty heroes and AK as a poster boy of a largely meaningless anti corruption movement against everyone else but themselves. .

AK wants to run the state like he runs his party. With total dictatorial control and with nobody with more authority than him. He wants to shut out the media from making any criticism and he wants to shut out any entity that has any authority. The strife with the governor is nothing new. He has been over stepping the limits of his authority as CM and trying to step on the toes of the governor for a long time now. He has been trying to bypass the established constitutional processes. He gave orders that no files be routed through governors office even though it is established process. The latest stunt is of the same variety. Regarding the posting and dismissal, he apparently had the file in his office for over 2 days and does nothing and then when the governor uses his authority, he goes crying like a sissy.

If he wants to cut out the governors authority for efficiency sake as he tried to portray it as, let him get constitutional amendments to that effect though due process. Why does he think he is entitled to different rules than the rest?

Also, on a side note..


As per his own account, his daughter tried to offer a bribe to get driving license without requisite documents to the concerned officer without him asking for which and which he refused, but he didn't get his daughter arrested? if he is so honest and law abiding and considering the fact that he as been a public servant and is the CM of a state, there is no way he doesn't know well enough that offering a bribe to a public servant is just as much a crime as somebody asking for one. If he is so honest and duty bound, he would have got his daughter arrested and let the law take its own course. But he doesn't do that and has the audacity to narrate it in public and brag that corruption has reduced. What is this if not corruption. If it was somebody else in his daughters place, would they have walked free after offering a bribe? If the officer is really honest, he would have got the person arrested. But he must have come to know she was CM's daughter and let us go.

At the end of the day, he is no better than the worst of Congress or BJP.
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^^ Oh. please, nobody with an iota of common sense and intellect is going to believe in the dumb conspiracy theories thrown about by Aravind Kejriwal. That sort of drivel is for his idiotic fans who wouldn't even pay their taxes sincerely and think that anything they do is excusable, but would put on topis with anti corruption slogans and think of themselves as high and mighty heroes and AK as a poster boy of a largely meaningless anti corruption movement against everyone else but themselves. .

AK wants to run the state like he runs his party. With total dictatorial control and with nobody with more authority than him. He wants to shut out the media from making any criticism and he wants to shut out any entity that has any authority. The strife with the governor is nothing new. He has been over stepping the limits of his authority as CM and trying to step on the toes of the governor for a long time now. He has been trying to bypass the established constitutional processes. He gave orders that no files be routed through governors office even though it is established process. The latest stunt is of the same variety. Regarding the posting and dismissal, he apparently had the file in his office for over 2 days and does nothing and then when the governor uses his authority, he goes crying like a sissy.

If he wants to cut out the governors authority for efficiency sake as he tried to portray it as, let him get constitutional amendments to that effect though due process. Why does he think he is entitled to different rules than the rest?

Also, on a side note..


As per his own account, his daughter tried to offer a bribe to get driving license without requisite documents to the concerned officer without him asking for which and which he refused, but he didn't get his daughter arrested? if he is so honest and law abiding and considering the fact that he as been a public servant and is the CM of a state, there is no way he doesn't know well enough that offering a bribe to a public servant is just as much a crime as somebody asking for one. If he is so honest and duty bound, he would have got his daughter arrested and let the law take its own course. But he doesn't do that and has the audacity to narrate it in public and brag that corruption has reduced. What is this if not corruption. If it was somebody else in his daughters place, would they have walked free after offering a bribe? If the officer is really honest, he would have got the person arrested. But he must have come to know she was CM's daughter and let us go.

At the end of the day, he is no better than the worst of Congress or BJP.
You sir are an Idiot of the first order. No other state has these restrictions. A CM is completely correct to appoint whoever the **** he wants. Its like telling a CEO you cant have the secretary that you prefer. Its a choice of his own to select his team. That lame ass governor is a BJP con. BJP cant backsea control a government.

And how many did you survey that dont pay taxes properly? Or are you an idiot that just blabbers and slobbers when he becomes excessively jealous? I've see a lot of your types. Who think no end of them selves and think people like AK are where they are by being like BJP and Cong. Cause any other way would mean having to accept that he is better than you. In your head that's a very hard thought. But no worries. Live in your dream land and piss on anyone that remotely threatens your sense of superiority. But the fact will never change. While you are an erratic armchair critic driven by jealousy, he is out there changing the country and succeeding quite a bit. Much better than this Achhe din sarkaar.

Stop throwing mud on people for wrong reasons. Find some good reasons to citicize. Leave the b**ching and inane crap for BJP bhakts. Oh and STFU if you cant.
Cant weigh in much about the rest of the stuff (i know it will take time). But i did expect him to be a bit more proactive about the pakistan situation.

Personal life : No change.
You sir are an Idiot of the first order. No other state has these restrictions. A CM is completely correct to appoint whoever the **** he wants. Its like telling a CEO you cant have the secretary that you prefer. Its a choice of his own to select his team. That lame ass governor is a BJP con. BJP cant backsea control a government.

Delhi is not just another state. It is an NCT and treated like a Union Territory and Lt. Governor has the ultimate authority even if there is a conflict with the elected Govt.


There shall be a Council of Ministers consisting of not more than ten percent, of the total number of members in the Legislative Assembly, with the Chief Minister at the head to aid and advise the Lieutenant Governor in the exercise to his functions in relation to matters with respect to which the Legislative Assembly has power to make laws, except in so far as he is, by or under any law, required to act in his discretion.

Provided that in the case of difference of opinion between the Lieutenant Governor and his Ministers on any matter, the Lieutenant Governor shall refer it to the President for decision and act according to the decision given thereon by the President and pending such decision it shall be competent for the Lieutenant Governor in any case where the matter, in his opinion, is so urgent that it is necessary for him to take immediate
action, to take such action or to give such direction in the matter as he deems necessary.

If AK wants to change status quo, he better do it though constitutional processes rather than crying like a sissy all over the place.

Secondly, it is laughable and you are seriously out if your mind if you really think anyone would be jealous of AK or his party. Even pigs would/should feel insulted if somebody calls AK a pig. I earn my own living and pay my taxes properly and contribute to society In the way feasible to me. Unlike AK, I don't live leeching off my friends, family and the society at large. I would rather die than live like a parasite that he is. I would also at at least try to practice what I preach unlike him. If he is really sincere, he wouldn't be bragging about how a govt official declined a bribe offered by his daughter. His daughter would be in jail instead.

Lastly as I said before as well, you don't really need to play the part of AK's personal b1tch and rabidly defend his behavior or his supporters in forums and demean yourself like this. But then, this has apparently become a pattern that I have been seeing in a lot of AK supporters that I came across. So go ahead and be my guest if that is how you want to live .

At some point in the past, there were some honest folk who naively believed in AAP's agenda and supported them for it only to be disillusioned and and such supporters no longer exist today. The other category of who still exist are of type who generally lack self respect and self esteem and advertising their support for AAP or wearing t-shirts or topi's with anti corruption slogans is their only means of convincing their own conscience that they are honest and that whatever discrepancies they might have done in their last tax returns or what ever other questionable things they may have done in their life is OK because after all they are supporting a so called anti-corruption party and blaming the politicians for all corruption.
BJP for last 3 years of UPA stalled every bill, opposed everything from FDI to GST. Interestingly NaMo was leading the GST protest as a CM of the state, along with other BJP states. Now they have made a u-turn on all these issues while the acts remain unchanged.
They were opposing stuff they themselves proposed in the last NDA. This is just the usual opposition nonsense. Make a noise just to be noticed. every party does it. Its just opportunism. Some do it better than others (!)

What does this show ? its makes the ruling administration appear indecisive and fuels the perception that they are weak. That is the objective. But if you have the numbers, you get your way some times.

It just shows how cunning the BJP is. Why should other parties have to sit and take it? Ofcourse, the nation gets ****ed in their tussle, but as long as they have blind bhakts nothing will change.
We say this when good proposals get stalled. Don't forget it applies to bad ones too. That is what we want to guard against.
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Provided that in the case of difference of opinion between the Lieutenant Governor and his Ministers on any matter, the Lieutenant Governor shall refer it to the President for decision and act according to the decision given thereon by the President.

So shouldn't this have gone to the President?
Some positive difference is there. Still the state level development (or lack of) is largely driven by the State government. So the direct impact of central government schemes is not as much
I guess it will be 0/3 for a long time! Talking about UCC & Ram Mandir is a political suicide!
Well, this is one of those questions that remains to be answered. Did Modi win because of development or because of hindutva.

If one considers the voters that pushed for him were mostly young and there will be yet more of them in 2019, you would think it was development. In which case appeasing the other camp would be political suicide. yet at the same time you can't alienate your core base. So there is a fine line which so far Modi has been able to navigate, mostly by keeping his mouth shut. His silence is is his greatest strength, he says.
For me, the biggest improvements are as follows:

1. We can proudly move in the world and say we are Indians. Pakistan at this moment cannot even think of challenging India again and again at the border.
2. Reduction in terrorist attacks.
3. China incursions have decreased drastically.
4. The first health insurance that we had done for our family members is the prime minister insurance plan. And I beleive it's a very effective move.
5. Although the service tax have increased but the price of a lot of commodities like food, oil etc have stabilised.
6. Although, Indians still tend to keep things dirty. But, atleast the general awareness and willingness for a toilet at home and against littering have developed. Still though we have a long way to go.
7. Corruption have decreased. It can't be eradicated. But, atleast I can now see that people are less willing to give bribe. And at the central level scams have not surfaced atleast till now.

Having said that. Everything is not prefect. But, Policy paralysis is worse than a bad decession. Things are more positive for now. It's like a breath of fresh air. People say that Modi is only good for marketing. But, the fact is that nothing can sell or be known without it. You make a good policy but nobody could apply as noone knows about it. That would be just as bad as not implementing it. I don't mind if Modi would be able to achieve even 20% of what he said as long as there is improvement. At the least we all know that mr Modi is not a bad person. He is not concerned about living in big bungalows and making money for his family. All his time is for the nation itself.

For now, I am just hoping that Mr Rahul Gandhi don't become the PM.
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1. we've always done that but it happens more with nda govts. The talk was about incredible india. But the world would be very happy with just credible india. Pakistan can still challenge and will challenge. Expect it.
2. been the case since 26/11
3. this will continue unfortunately but a solution might be closer now than in the past.
4. yes
5. well, this up in the air at the moment, the states are cribbing they will lose revenue due to GST. maybe the present increases are to appease them.
6. well this is why they want to impose a cess for swachh bharat.
7. it isn't as blatant. the coal auctions & the spectrum sales were uneventful. but the general model still applies. in fact even more changed hands in the last election.

I don't mind if Modi would be able to achieve even 20% of what he said as long as there is improvement.
My figure is even lower at 10%. thing is others have to also agree. and that is not certain.

congress is waiting and plotting like any party. They are not the GOP for nothing. But this govt would have to screw up badly for them to return. 47-90 was congress time then we had twenty years of weak coalitions. Now the centre of gravity is with the bjp. we will see how long for.
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One of the biggest achievements of this government is

No major scams, not even a faint indications of the same in last year. I was really Fed up with listening to a brand new scam quarterly. News channels have no major breaking news other than sensationalism of stupid right wing activities of VHP etc.

Whatever we're discussing is about possible situation of not meeting the expectations. Even 20% will be ; indeed an achievement in itself.

All central ministers seem to be honest and really concerned about the task at hand.

I sincerely hope that they're on track with their development only agenda and succeed. China seems threatened with these developments and carefully mending it's ways.
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Fantastic performance so far!!


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The shortest answer which i can think of is: Hahahaha. No.
As per Ministry of Finance, Service tax rate has been revised from 12.36% to 14% w.e.f. 1st June, 2015. The same will be applicable accordingly.
This govt. is really sounding to be a pro-corporate. I dont see any positive thing happening in the lives of the ordinary citizens esp the poorer sections like Farmers and issues related to the land tax and others.
And about the so-called insurances, hold your horses. There is a reason why they put (*). I have a feeling that its going to be more of a pain in the ass than helpful. I did applied for both the two insurances though only because my father insisted.
Its only natural for a citizen to hope great things from the govt regardless of any political party to which they belong. I also feel the same. BUT i have no high hopes from this govt. So i'll keep my expectations to a minimum. I dont want to read about some lameass promises. I want to see actual actions from them. Screw the election manifestos. And dont even get my started about Mr. Amit Shah's love story to the bangladeshis who live in the North East parts.
The visuals had nothing to do with the words. Coincidentially, the words of our many politicians have nothing to do with their deeds or results.
Check out the company specific videos in that channel.

There is no doubt that companies would want to take advantage. But there are two problems to grapple with.

demand is down globally. why invest if there is no quick return. so only those with deep pockets can enter. This is the biggest reason why many projects got stalled earlier. Now India is a big market but if you stimulate demand then you risk increasing inflation which was a big problem not long ago. If people are not gainfully employed and inflation rises then its a sure recipe to lose in the next election. So we move slowly, no big bang reform.

land, infrastructure, tax regime etc which is secondary.
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