Well i know there is a E3 thread for upcoming PC Games and all, but this requires a separate thread. Well, it's monkey Island for gods sakes, and all set to come this July :clap:
LucasArts Reveals Monkey Island Return With Telltale Deal, XBLA Remake
Source : Gamasutra - News - LucasArts Reveals Monkey Island Return With Telltale Deal, XBLA Remake
Tales of Monkey Island Impressions - Story, Humor, and Five Months of Updates
Source : Tales of Monkey Island Impressions - Story, Humor, and Five Months of Updates - Preview GameSpot E3 2009
Ohh hell, i can't wait. The most loved game of my life is making a comeback.:clap::hap2::clap:
LucasArts Reveals Monkey Island Return With Telltale Deal, XBLA Remake
LucasArts has revealed the return of the much-loved Monkey Island franchise, with Telltale Games premiering Tales Of Monkey Island and WiiWare and PC starting July, and a Special Edition of the original coming to XBLA/PC later this summer.
The deal with Telltale, in the traditional episodic style of the Sam & Max, Strongbad and Wallace & Gromit episodic game developer, will bring Tales of Monkey Island to PC and WiiWare starting on July 7th.
According to the official announcement, Telltale will be "delivering a completely new epic storyline and swashbuckling flair that will unfold across five monthly episodes."
Source : Gamasutra - News - LucasArts Reveals Monkey Island Return With Telltale Deal, XBLA Remake
Tales of Monkey Island Impressions - Story, Humor, and Five Months of Updates
E3 2009 is still under way, and one of the many games on display at the show is Tales of Monkey Island, the all-new episodic adventure game being developed by Telltale Games for publisher LucasArts. Tales of Monkey Island will be an all-new adventure series starring the classic characters from the lighthearted Monkey Island pirate adventure games, including on-again, off-again pirate Guybrush Threepwood, his lady-love Elaine Marley, and the dastardly ghost pirate LeChuck.
Source : Tales of Monkey Island Impressions - Story, Humor, and Five Months of Updates - Preview GameSpot E3 2009
Ohh hell, i can't wait. The most loved game of my life is making a comeback.:clap::hap2::clap: