Monkey Island is back, Baby !!!

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Well i know there is a E3 thread for upcoming PC Games and all, but this requires a separate thread. Well, it's monkey Island for gods sakes, and all set to come this July :clap:

LucasArts Reveals Monkey Island Return With Telltale Deal, XBLA Remake

LucasArts has revealed the return of the much-loved Monkey Island franchise, with Telltale Games premiering Tales Of Monkey Island and WiiWare and PC starting July, and a Special Edition of the original coming to XBLA/PC later this summer.

The deal with Telltale, in the traditional episodic style of the Sam & Max, Strongbad and Wallace & Gromit episodic game developer, will bring Tales of Monkey Island to PC and WiiWare starting on July 7th.

According to the official announcement, Telltale will be "delivering a completely new epic storyline and swashbuckling flair that will unfold across five monthly episodes."

Source : Gamasutra - News - LucasArts Reveals Monkey Island Return With Telltale Deal, XBLA Remake

Tales of Monkey Island Impressions - Story, Humor, and Five Months of Updates

E3 2009 is still under way, and one of the many games on display at the show is Tales of Monkey Island, the all-new episodic adventure game being developed by Telltale Games for publisher LucasArts. Tales of Monkey Island will be an all-new adventure series starring the classic characters from the lighthearted Monkey Island pirate adventure games, including on-again, off-again pirate Guybrush Threepwood, his lady-love Elaine Marley, and the dastardly ghost pirate LeChuck.

Source : Tales of Monkey Island Impressions - Story, Humor, and Five Months of Updates - Preview GameSpot E3 2009

Ohh hell, i can't wait. The most loved game of my life is making a comeback.:clap::hap2::clap:
PhOeNiX said:
Tales of Monkey Island Impressions - Story, Humor, and Five Months of Updates[/SIZE][/B][/U][/B]

U've to update the game every month for a new epidsode?? saaad.. but neverthless, its an awesome series
Well it's episodic content, like a TV series :P Instead of waiting 6 months for the entire game, they release one episode per month for 6 months or so. Well, the wait is worth it imho.
Yes it does. And so does your style of getting the required post count for the market section. Top to bottom in the gaming section, all i see are your posts in every thread. :P Though i don't care, still, be subtle about it man :P I won't be surprised if you have heard about Monkey Island for the first time.
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