if you wanted a webtop, why not simply buy a nettop(bigger screen plus cheaper)madnav said:im not sure if this is the reason but the phone will double up as a laptop with laptop dock (a laptop with screen and keyboard, no cpu+mobo)
Many phones powered by tegra2 and intel atom will now be incorporating this.
A possible/desirable hack would be to install ubuntu as that alternative webtop while using with laptop dock.
The 1GB will surely matter in that case when the phone has to handle 2 systems.
only downside with atrix i have so far is locked and encrypted bootloader. I get a feeling that moto will unlock it soon. It did release unlocked bootloader with Xoom as google would not want a restricted flagship tablet.
Also Moto Droid was best example for why unencrypted bootloader is important for them to be successful commercially; not sure but that phone outsold then iPhone competitor.
you have to buy a laptop dock to use this feature. And carrying a laptop DOCK plus a phone to use it with?? Any not-so-full-of-tech guy would tell his friend
"Hey look, stupid here!"