Mukesh Ambani's mansion in the air!!!

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@yamaraj --- Just because you do something for the environment, you should not expect others to do the same.

You can HOPE for that but you cant expect them. If you do, you will just end up feeling bitter and frustrated. I stopped expecting the people of this country to be sensible(in all respects.... elections, traffic, cleanliness, etc...)

Mere BAAP ka paisa hai, main jo chahe wo karoon.:lol:

Who said one needs C2D and 8800GTX when one can game on older rigs with decent enough fps?:bleh:

Why travel in a fuel guzzling Big car when a Maruti 800 does the same for less?

Why have AC when the heat might be unbearable but a ceiling fan does ok too- you won't die for sure?

Doesn't matter what one does- it's their money irrespective of how they got it and they may do whatever they like with it as long as one is not using it for anti-social or anti-national purposes.

If one has the riches, why not live in luxury.

It would have been bad(for him) if he was going bankrupt because of his extravagant lifestyle.:cool2:
^^Agar baap nahin deta to khud kamao :rofl:. After that what you do with the cash is completely upto u.
zhopudey said:
Err.....why are you talking about yourself in the third person? :ashamed:

There was an episode on Seinfeld many yrs ago where they parodied that.

It's funny, but when i moved to the US from europe, the first thing that hits you is how comfortable ppl are at flaunting their wealth. In Europe it was defnitely less conspicous, if you made too much, you get taxed out like crazy.

But what surprised me about the US was how few ppl felt the way Yamaraj is talking bout in comparison to say ppl in England or to a greater extent France. I never did understand why, but maybe it has to do with the general optimism that you can make it if you try.

I didn't really sense that same feeling in Europe. Over there the emphasis was more on quality of life rather than how fat your bank account would be. These are fine as ideal for people, i personally cant see anything wrong in either.

It's when the majority of society disapproves of the wealth that i think its a problem. When society imposes constraints on your freedom to do WTF you want to with your own money so long as your freedom stops where some one else's begins.

Politicans are obviously in a different boat here, does it stop them , hell no, lol. If they can get away with it, then why can't the ordinary man do so as well.
Excuse me...nobody here is saying that one cannot spend one's hard earned (or otherwise) money as one pleases. The point is, whether obscenely flaunting your wealth is the right thing to do or not. What are you trying to prove? Does mukesh ambani sleep more peacefully at night than the common man?
Ambanis have inherited wealth from their father.They have not experienced the hardships their father faced.They have been brought up leading a lavish style of life and hence they are used to living that way .Only when a person experiences the problem ,then understands its real pain.

They want their family to enjoy the luxuries of life and hence such a mansion .When you have wealth amounting to 65,000 cr you are bound to get tempted to get yourself the best house available there .
As far as social responsibility is concerned ,so many people earn their living by working for reliance.The have opened many schools and colleges

If you have the wealth ,I see nothin wrong in flaunting it.After all ,u r indirectly

giving to somebody else .:P

zhopudey said:
The point is, whether obscenely flaunting your wealth is the right thing to do or not.

Ok then, from what viewpoint(s) can you say such a thing is either good or bad ?

make it orginal because i did not find reasons given so far had much merit.
heh, one guy is spending hiw own money.... and so many to complain....

what's wrong with that, he has the $$, he's spending it... you cannot rant at someone for NOT trying to irradicate poverty or whatever..... It is not a rich man's "duty" to donate, then why the fuss???

He's got the money, tell me, all those who're complaining, what do u suggest he should do with it????

Spending is a GOOD use of money, If nobody spend anything, economy will scramble in few hours, forget about days......

You guys dont expect everyone to donate everything for " environmental cause" or whatever??? do you, because if that happened, again, the economy WILL crash ...

In my opinion, I think he should make 10 more such houses, and employ 6000 more people.....

High standards of living is a good sign, every individual makes the society, If we were to go by theories of some of you here, we would still be living in caves, and planting trees everyday!!!
well is there ne harm in using the money properly? or lets just simplify it.. say invest where its more needed rather than flaunting????? the main thing tht hasnt been literally spelt out up till now is "greed".... u cant escape it and as the history has shown greed has always been a downfall of self ;)

In my opinion, I think he should make 10 more such houses, and employ 6000 more people.....
High standards of living is a good sign, every individual makes the society, If we were to go by theories of some of you here, we would still be living in caves, and planting trees everyday!!!

oh my i wonder how much resources would be wasted then considering celebrities are giving quotes like turn off ur TV instead of keeping it in standby, dont leave fans andd light on...... :rofl: :rofl:
Systemic Anamoly said:
well is there ne harm in using the money properly? or lets just simplify it.. say invest where its more needed rather than flaunting????? the main thing tht hasnt been literally spelt out up till now is "greed".... u cant escape it and as the history has shown greed has always been a downfall of self ;)

that is another issue, we are on discussion about spending what u have.......

Systemic Anamoly said:
oh my i wonder how much resources would be wasted then considering celebrities are giving quotes like turn off ur TV instead of keeping it in standby, dont leave fans andd light on...... :rofl: :rofl:

aaahh!!! you mean to say the guy should be living in smaller house, to save resources, say energy etc..... I have a different opinion, In an ideal world everyone would live with equality, live in houses that are alike, use equal resources, in short they would be living identical lives, but If u ask me my friend, I would not like to live in a world like this, there is more to the meaning of life than physical resources.......

I am sure the first time a rich man made a house of concrete, because he had more money, there would have been people complaining, those like you I believe, but thanks to the man, u live in a house of concrete.
Lot of peeps flaunt their rigs on TE ,dont they. :P

People on TE ,please stop flaunting your rig. You not contributing to the environmental cause by using a 700w psu for a 450w machine .:P :rofl:
Put yourself in his shoes, he is most probably hobnobbing with lots of other CEO's, they see what the other has. There is a certain standard expected. Once that's reached the rest is a matter of taste. You may or may not agree with that. The guy is expressing himself to the world and saying this is my house.

Look at the house's of CEO's elsewhere in the richer world.

If anything someone from private enterprise can pull this off, i think it should be a signal that things more moving upward for this country. You can expect a lot of wannabe's and me-too's to follow.
if atall u care bout what the celebs have to say on global warming issue take 2 do as follows
sandy said:
People on TE ,please stop flaunting your rig. You not contributing to the environmental cause by using a 700w psu for a 450w machine .

else put up a sign in ur siggy screw u celebs :rofl:

@blrp from wat i m seeing is only mukesh is doing the monkey act :rofl:
blr_p said:
Ok then, from what viewpoint(s) can you say such a thing is either good or bad ?

make it orginal because i did not find reasons given so far had much merit.

It's useless trying to reason with hedonists.

If running ablaze before the physically disabled in hope of downplaying him is morally and ethically alright with you, I'm done explaining my beliefs and opinions.

It's not a home that he is building for his family, for the five of them could do very well without this high rise tomb - only comparable to the Egyptian pyramids. He is erecting the altar of his ego, from where it's easier to look down on the ordinary people crawling like little insignificant ants - working harder, and only harder with every passing day.
easy boys (err.... sorry, and any gals around), save ur energy for the next ATI/nVidia or AMD/Intel clash, that's more important to us.....
Yamaraj said:
He is erecting the altar of his ego, from where it's easier to look down on the ordinary people crawling like little insignificant ants - working harder, and only harder with every passing day.

That's exactly what he is doing, its an altar of his ego.

Tho, if he wants to live in the stratified heights of his bldg, i dont understand why it necessarily implies he is looking down on people or that someone/something is certainly losing out as a result of it. If anything he should be thinking about how to conquer the world.

- Were slaves forced to build it without pay and under inhumane conditions ?
- Have ppl had to lay down their lives for this building ?
..does the pyramid analogy still apply :).

I'm trying to find reasons to be indignant about this building but am failing to do so :huh:
kniwor said:
easy boys (err.... sorry, and any gals around), save ur energy for the next ATI/nVidia or AMD/Intel clash, that's more important to us.....

Will you people stop interfering? It only spoils the argument.
But Yamaraj, that does sound a bit extreme (and commie). While some of your views did get me thinking, I will never be in favour of communism. All men are not equal, hence they cannot have an equal status in life.

On the other hand, we do give an undue amount of importance to wealth. A person is not considered successful unless s/he is wealthy. Too much obssession with wealth (and other material goods)

(can't say that I'm any better).
kniwor said:
You guys dont expect everyone to donate everything for " environmental cause" or whatever??? do you, because if that happened, again, the economy WILL crash ...

It's better for such a fragile economy to crash now, than to let people fool themselves for years to come.

kniwor said:
High standards of living is a good sign, every individual makes the society, If we were to go by theories of some of you here, we would still be living in caves, and planting trees everyday!!!

A good sign of what? Wealth doesn't always translate to happiness. And there more to life than a few coins of "precious" metal or printed pieces of paper. Pleasure and satisfaction comes from within.

You're thankful because you don't have to grow your own food. But there are others that do it for you, and they're starving themselves thanks to this great balanced "economy" of ours. When there are no more farmers, because they may all want to become Ambanis as well, you can say goodbye to your life.

kniwor said:
I have a different opinion, In an ideal world everyone would live with equality, live in houses that are alike, use equal resources, in short they would be living identical lives, but If u ask me my friend, I would not like to live in a world like this, there is more to the meaning of life than physical resources.......

Why? Do you think you're special? What's life according to you?

blr_p said:
I'm trying to find reasons to be indignant about this building but am failing to do so :huh:

Because you're partial to his "achievements" and wealth.

zhopudey said:
But Yamaraj, that does sound a bit extreme (and commie). While some of your views did get me thinking, I will never be in favour of communism. All men are not equal, hence they cannot have an equal status in life.

I usually don't associate myself with the communists of this country, partly because of their loyalty to the Chinese and Russian counterparts more than to their own people. But there are certain things in communism that I prefer over the sheer chaos and corporate-owned world of capitalism. You don't have to rely upon the Western definition of communism that infests our mass media too.

Why is physical labor looked down upon and not paid well? Farmers spend their lives growing food that we all feast upon. Yet, due to some reasons, armchair experts - corrupt and inhuman, earn all the respect of the people and are paid handsomely as well. Tell me why shouldn't I bother with the sanity of our "modern" culture, where hard work is looked down upon and bureaucracy is hailed.

Businesses exist because we do. It should never ever be the other way around.
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