Neo Anderson
oi dude. You have lotsa ways to hide the core windows look n feel. Theres a shell called "SPB Mobile Shell". It can completely hide the contacts UI and put on a really cool looking skin on it. It has kinetic scrolling, a 3d carousal view, quick image contacts etc. you can look at the screenshots over here in my post . I'm using the SPB shell over Windows Mobile 6.1 on my kaiser
hemant0285 said:i am still confused.. need some more reviews... I wanna go for X1 but worried tat it has the old Microsoft windows 6.1 .... even if I upgradxe it to 6.5... The basic grpahics of contacts messages are as same that of 6.1... compared to N97 s symbian win 6.1//6.5 has cheap lookin graphics... ny suggestions reviews....
SIze s a lil problem for me.. and the small wonder is even low on budget... say 4k less