N-97 mini or Xperia X1

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oi dude. You have lotsa ways to hide the core windows look n feel. Theres a shell called "SPB Mobile Shell". It can completely hide the contacts UI and put on a really cool looking skin on it. It has kinetic scrolling, a 3d carousal view, quick image contacts etc. you can look at the screenshots over here in my post . I'm using the SPB shell over Windows Mobile 6.1 on my kaiser

hemant0285 said:
i am still confused.. need some more reviews... I wanna go for X1 but worried tat it has the old Microsoft windows 6.1 .... even if I upgradxe it to 6.5... The basic grpahics of contacts messages are as same that of 6.1... compared to N97 s symbian win 6.1//6.5 has cheap lookin graphics... ny suggestions reviews....

SIze s a lil problem for me.. and the small wonder is even low on budget... say 4k less
Neo Anderson said:
oi dude. You have lotsa ways to hide the core windows look n feel. Theres a shell called "SPB Mobile Shell". It can completely hide the contacts UI and put on a really cool looking skin on it. It has kinetic scrolling, a 3d carousal view, quick image contacts etc. you can look at the screenshots over here in my post . I'm using the SPB shell over Windows Mobile 6.1 on my kaiser

+1.. i too using SPBMS.. with X1 and if you dont like SPB then TF3D is there too :hap2: And you will get loads of software for WM
smnrock said:
+1.. i too using SPBMS.. with X1 and if you dont like SPB then TF3D is there too :hap2: And you will get loads of software for WM

and btw SPB Mobile shell comes absolutely free from Sony as one of the X-panels :ohyeah:
Zero Cool said:
N97 mini is a way better choice. No matter how ever powerfull winmo devices are really bad.

And your reasoning behind that is??

That's like advising everyone not to watch the telly just because you're an old hag.
Neo Anderson said:
oi dude. You have lotsa ways to hide the core windows look n feel. Theres a shell called "SPB Mobile Shell". It can completely hide the contacts UI and put on a really cool looking skin on it. It has kinetic scrolling, a 3d carousal view, quick image contacts etc. you can look at the screenshots over here in my post . I'm using the SPB shell over Windows Mobile 6.1 on my kaiser

Thnx.,.... tat was very helpful..
hemant0285 said:
Thnx.,.... tat was very helpful..

yw mate. ol here goes a lil more convincing :ohyeah:
these are few more shells we have out there
1. point UI : google it. its damn cool. but more of a feeding you with live internet all the time. but looks neat
2. winterface
3. manilla : touchflo2d
4. touch flo 3D : what you see on touch diamond or touch HD
5. we also have a app which is just like the widgets UI on samsung omnia (dont remember the name)
Neo Anderson said:
oi dude. You have lotsa ways to hide the core windows look n feel. Theres a shell called "SPB Mobile Shell". It can completely hide the contacts UI and put on a really cool looking skin on it. It has kinetic scrolling, a 3d carousal view, quick image contacts etc. you can look at the screenshots over here in my post . I'm using the SPB shell over Windows Mobile 6.1 on my kaiser

well tat was relieving.. thnx...

Neo Anderson said:
yw mate. ol here goes a lil more convincing :ohyeah:
these are few more shells we have out there
1. point UI : google it. its damn cool. but more of a feeding you with live internet all the time. but looks neat
2. winterface
3. manilla : touchflo2d
4. touch flo 3D : what you see on touch diamond or touch HD
5. we also have a app which is just like the widgets UI on samsung omnia (dont remember the name)

WHER CAN I DWNLD DES?? all of the above
hemant0285 said:
well tat was relieving.. thnx...

WHER CAN I DWNLD DES?? all of the above

pointUI has a free version out there.
and like I mentioned SPB is one of the x-panels available for free at the SE website. rest of the stuff will be available over at the xdadevelopers :cool2:
thnx for the reviews... tat was very helpful... now that I have DECIDED to go for X1...(sorry N97 lovers)........ can u pls lemme know the price.. I m gettin diff diff quotes.... from 21 @ hyderabad...(jagdish mrkt contacted a relative thr...din make a personal visit there),,, 25,,,,27 ,,30 at bangalore...
hemant0285 said:
thnx for the reviews... tat was very helpful... now that I have DECIDED to go for X1...(sorry N97 lovers)........ can u pls lemme know the price.. I m gettin diff diff quotes.... from 21 @ hyderabad...(jagdish mrkt contacted a relative thr...din make a personal visit there),,, 25,,,,27 ,,30 at bangalore...
I know a dealer near my place in koramangala who quoted 24k a few weeks back. so am sure you'll get it around 22-24k in places. you can also check with croma once and also xcite (koramangala). lemme know when and where you get the deal done :cool2:
i'd go with the omnia pro :). But buy what you are comfortable with. Id suggest you DONT buy from national market. We have seen enough spurious stuff from there.
Reconsider the Omnia Pro. Make a comparison between it and the X1 and then decide.

I am using the Omnia II and except for the keyboard both mobiles and almost the same (with a few minor differences here and there). Which is why I am suggesting the Omnia Pro to you.
gforce said:
And your reasoning behind that is??

That's like advising everyone not to watch the telly just because you're an old hag.

Are you high son ? If you don't have anything useful to say then just shut up. Mind your language.:@There is no reason for you to call me names. I can call you in much more colorful names.
No other phone but the X1 all the way. nokia os cant even stand on its feet in front of the win mo 6.5 cooked roms. plus hundreds of apps, which you wont have in Nokia coz of the signed apps policy...and the price of 21K is superb. go get it. check the bill and warranty properly.
mate just what I had mentioned a few posts back. you should reconsider looking at samsung omniapro B7610. It has amoled screen,accelerometer,faster processor,bigger screen, and more. and its coming for 21700 bucks at univercell. yeah have checked with univercell in bangalore :D
Got X1 for 22k ... from Hyderabad... ( My cousin got it from me... at Dealer Price... got some connection there... ) so tats 22k with bill nd warranty with 4gb Card..nd 1 yr subscription to blackberry service nd skype panels..... yippee ... M waitin for my X1 to arrive
hemant0285 said:
Got X1 for 22k ... from Hyderabad... ( My cousin got it from me... at Dealer Price... got some connection there... ) so tats 22k with bill nd warranty with 4gb Card..nd 1 yr subscription to blackberry service nd skype panels..... yippee ... M waitin for my X1 to arrive

awsome deal mate :hap2:
tell us bout your experience when you get the baby in hand!
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