N-97 mini or Xperia X1

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Congrats on the purchase! 22k for an X1 with with one year of BB Connect is quite good value for money!

Zero Cool said:
Are you high son ? If you don't have anything useful to say then just shut up. Mind your language.:@There is no reason for you to call me names. I can call you in much more colorful names.

Quite obviously, humor isn't a trait you were born with.
hemant0285 said:
Got X1 for 22k ... from Hyderabad... ( My cousin got it from me... at Dealer Price... got some connection there... ) so tats 22k with bill nd warranty with 4gb Card..nd 1 yr subscription to blackberry service nd skype panels..... yippee ... M waitin for my X1 to arrive
Congrats man! But beware, dont become addicted to flashing cooked ROM :ohyeah:
I have used NOKIA N97 mini it's touch screen was not that responsive better go for sony or NOKIA N900 but the problem with N900 is that it's battery life not even last's for more then 4hours you can also try nexus one , i am currently using one !
sumatrix said:
i don know were u tested the mini but its touch screen is quite responsive for a capacitive touch screen.

N97 Mini comes with resistive touch screen and yes, when you compare it to capacitive touch, it's a bit on the low side.

dineshnadar said:
I have used NOKIA N97 mini it's touch screen was not that responsive better go for sony or NOKIA N900 but the problem with N900 is that it's battery life not even last's for more then 4hours you can also try nexus one , i am currently using one !

The battery of N900 is good enough to squeeze in a day of power atleast on heavy usage unless you keep the display on for 4 hours straight, it will most probably drain the battery which happens to any battery powered device.

dineshnadar said:
I have used NOKIA N97 mini it's touch screen was not that responsive better go for sony or NOKIA N900 but the problem with N900 is that it's battery life not even last's for more then 4hours you can also try nexus one , i am currently using one !

The battery of N900 is good enough to squeeze in a day of power atleast on heavy usage unless you keep the display on for 4 hours straight, it will most probably drain the battery which happens to any battery powered device.
i dont know its relevant here or not, but my experience with caPacitive touch screen was with LG Arena and it was pretty bad. it was a pain receiving a call at times. the touch would take forever to register...capacitive bad , resistive good...
oops sorry for the typo.i meant taht n97's resistive screen is quite responsive for a resistive touch screen based phone
ankur_nec said:
i dont know its relevant here or not, but my experience with caPacitive touch screen was with LG Arena and it was pretty bad. it was a pain receiving a call at times. the touch would take forever to register...capacitive bad , resistive good...

that is because of a bad implementation of capacitive touch. I am using 5800XM (resistive touch) and ipod touch (capacitive touch) and typing on capacitive touch is lot lot faster and smoother.
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