Massive List of Twitter Clients(Non Air Based)
1) mitter : A PyGTK/console client for Twitter
2) ashtc : A Twitter client for the command line on GNU/Linux operating systems.
3) bti: Console client for Twitter and
4) buzzbird: A XULRunner based Twitter client
5) cltwitter: Command-line utility for posting updates to Twitter, written in C.
6) dtwitzen: A compact twitter client for dzen.
7) frogmicroblog: twitter client.
8) gtktwitter: lightweight Twitter client for Linux written in GTK
9) gtwitter: Linux client for reading and posting to web service.
10) jtwitter: A libpurple plugin which treats Twitter as a full blown IM protocol.
11) mojito: A social store, which will fetch and store data from the social web (twitter, flickr, myspace, facebook, etc.)
11) passerd: Twitter client works like ircd server
12) pidgin-twitter: Pidgin plugin for Twitter support
13) pino: Fast, easy and free Twitter client
14) qtwitter: A simple Qt application for interacting with the Twitter social network
15) qwit: Qt4 cross-platform client for Twitter
16) qwitik: Cross-platform client for
17) sweetgtk: A microblogging Sweetter/Twitter client
18) ttytter: A multi-functional, command-line twitter client
19) turpial: A multi-interface Twitter client written in Python.
20) tweeter: A small Perl script for updating your twitter status
21) tweet: A GNOME Twitter client using OpenGL with Clutter
22) tweetr: Tweetr is a lightweight Twitter client with direct webcam access.
23) twidge: Unix CoA Haskell-based CLI Twitter clientmmand-Line Twitter and Identica Client
24) twitter-gx: A simple script to submit Twitter tweets from the command line or a zenity dialog
25) twittero: Twittero is a simple and powerful Twitter client for the POSIX terminal
26) twitty: A twisted client for twitter-like APIs
27) twitux: A Twitter client for the Gnome desktop.
28) xtwitter: A very tiny twitter client for X
29) yasst: A lightweight multiplatform twitter thingymbob, created with Qt framework
30) zentwitter: A small bash script to update your Twitter status
PS: I haven't added AIR based client on purpose, However I strongly suggest you to have a look at them. Some of them are pretty good, let me know if you need a list.
Why not Adobe Air?Any reason, there are atleast 5-6 excellent twitter client based on AIR:hap2:
Anyways, check the list below and don't tell me, that you don't like any of them. then I would beat crap out of you

lolz seriously, if you so choosy then you will have to write one for yourself:bleh: