BUT hey where has the OP dissapeared - Stay Calm, get your thought's together (and stay put at TE) - You can and will find exciting solutions on how to put your (killer priced) 2600k to it's BEST USE.
I can offer one tinny bit of advice - Go for the "best neccessities FIRST" - within your budget.
Hey everyone...
Yeah I'm still here. (Just had a lot of work at office yesterday).
So after reading the above advises I've dropped the plan to buy a H67.
If you can wait for a few months, say end of April the Z77 series motherboards will come with the new Ivy-Bridge processor launch, they promise a nice performance increment at a minimal increment in price.
But the thing with buying a Z68 now is that after a month or so, I'll be left wishing for a Z77 if there is any major performance increase. Though as stated by Cooleagle I don't see any major change in the specs of the same:
The difference between the capabilities of the current series 6 chipsets and the upcoming series 7 chipsets can understood clearly from the image below:
Yes, I can increase my budget but only by 10K. Which means that apart from the i7 2600k, I'll have roughly 50K to spend.
Welcome to the OC Club (I plan to join it later on this year) ..... OK Now, let's see what more you may need
1. As you migrate from moderate winter (3.3 GHz) to sizzling summer (4.5 GHz or more) - You would need some kinda cooler to keep your brains from gettin roasted & fried
On the Menu : Liquid Cooler; Robust Fans; Hydrogen Cooler etc...etc![]()
2. Now to keep your heart tickin even more reliably - you would need a "stable; efficient; consistent & heavyduty" pump
On the Menu : A Good PSU with 80% or more efficiency![]()
3. Lastly - your mobo has to be friggin robust & solid (to handle the whole show)
On the Menu : Sabertooth salad![]()
4. Finally - good quality bheja-fry from Noorani's
On the Menu : G-Skilled DDR3 1866
Then sit back ..... and enjoy the blast
Upgrading to all of the above will cost a lot more than that I think ( I wish I had an oil field in my backyard

What do you guys suggest now?