Need game recommendations from the past 2 years

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Medal of honour Airbourne (MOHA)
Crysis and Crysis Warhead.
Happy gaming buddy.
games like sins of solar empire :

galactic civilization 2 + expansions

civ4 + all expansions

Hearts of Iron2 + expansions

Europa universalis +expansions

another genre which i m fond of dunno wat do they call it ..

Heroes 5+expansions

King's Bounty

Disciples 2

i guess these turn based strategy games must be enuff to keep u busy for a long time ;)
Grease Monk said:
Any genre is fine except sports games and turn based strategy, and games similar to 'Sins of a Solar Empire' (dont really know what category it comes under, its not really turn based...lets just say 'Hardcore Strategy').

john117 said:
games like sins of solar empire :
galactic civilization 2 + expansions
civ4 + all expansions
Hearts of Iron2 + expansions
Europa universalis +expansions
another genre which i m fond of dunno wat do they call it ..
Heroes 5+expansions
King's Bounty
Disciples 2
i guess these turn based strategy games must be enuff to keep u busy for a long time ;)

Thanks anyway, i know what to stay away from now. And thank you to Rockfella for the suggestions.

@gunman:are the prices you mentioned for the wired or wireless ones? The prices arent very different state-side as well. around $35 for the wired and $40 for the wireless. So might as well pick it up from home only.
stellarhopper said:
i think almost all good games have come up...
dont missportal..ull love it.. topic..but are you in GMU??
yeah, already picked up orange box. :)

Not in george mason, but the lowly Univ of Cincinnati.
Grease Monk said:
@gunman:are the prices you mentioned for the wired or wireless ones? The prices arent very different state-side as well. around $35 for the wired and $40 for the wireless. So might as well pick it up from home only.

I meant for the wired ones. The wireless costs ~2.5k IINM. Bloated prices. :|

The wireless seems to be pretty much inexpensive compared to the wired one. Take your pick. :)
Wireless controllers:

PROS: No cable clutter.

CONS: Expensive, needs battery changes (constant expenditure), prolly heavier = difficult to maintain, can be inaccurate at at times (am not sure but this is generally what happens with remote control/wireless gadgets, a friend uses wireless one and was not happy)

Wired ones:
PROS: Cheaper, no battery needed, precise, build to last, can handle abuse, cable is pretty long enough for average users.
CON: Cable clutter. (not a serious one imo:P )

Gunman said:
I've abs no clue about the performance difference between both of them. :ashamed:

I think a wired one should do. Pretty lengthy cable. You can relax on the recliner which's abt 15ft away and enjoy the game. :P

I got my X360 cntrlr for Rs. 1350. It was a steal back then. All thanx to greenhorn who organised it from his place and sent it over.

Prices here vary from 1.4k~1.65k (sources: landmark, croma). You better get one from there. :)
Since most of them have been mentioned .. get on steam and play team fortress 2, and CSS ... if that doesnt suffice.. Half Life Deathmatch! ...

BTW .... i dont know if any of you guys remember but in 1999 Acclaim released a game called Re-Volt ( toy RC racing )... its only 130 mb but, is really fun if you are seriously bored...


Cheers! and enjoy the card.. :D
can i hijack by asking if there were any good games like on the sides of CAESAR 3. i loved that game but i want a nice upgrade of the same. thanks again.
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