Need suggestions - course in CDAC or go for job

I am preparing for C-DAC entrance exam.I have done B.E. in Electrical Engineering in 2012.Is it worth to join C-DAC for a good placement? I don't have any work experience after my graduation.
AccordinG to ME.
CDAC is just for Placement onlY. U will get more Placement OPPortunities.
I did DSSD from CDAC, HYDERABAD (AUG 2014) BATCH. In MY class, onlY 60% students were Placed. Whatever We were tauGht in CDAC, no comPanY, none at all asked anY Questions. Course FEEs is waY too muCh. The course isn't worth accordinG to ME. DSSD is useless. maYBe DAC/DESD is GooD. I studied SYSTEM PROGRAMMING and finallY was Placed in ANDROID, whiCh I was tauGht for Just 3 daYs in CDAC.
I went through DAC long time ago (been like 10 years now) but tell you what, those things that they taught me in less than 10 days, is probably more valuable that my peers did learn in 4 years degree. I agree its more about the placements and the fees is way too high. But trust me, it all is worthwhile.
I am preparing for C-DAC entrance exam.I have done B.E. in Electrical Engineering in 2012.Is it worth to join C-DAC for a good placement? I don't have any work experience after my graduation.
You are at a disadvantage because of the gap between your degree and CDAC. I think the companies will not view your profile that favourably. But you can take a chance
hello guyzz.. i have done electronics and telecomm engg from pune university
wnt to go for cdac but my rank for dac is 2881. is there any chances of geting sunbeam pune
i ll get know it pune... but it is worth it to go for know it as i knw placements are good at cdac acts and sunbeam pune nly
plzz guyzz do help me????
id any! having any info please share it.
Hello guys,
I am computer science engg. 2015 batch .
My cdac rank is 392. I am confused regarding center selection for PG-DAC course.
what should be the order of center for choice filling.
Can i get cdac aundh center for dac course.
I got an admission in SUNBEAM Karad. Is it worth joining ?. Atleast for knowledge's sake.
You will get better response in Crazy Engineers and FB groups created specifically for CDAC. Find and post in Sunbeam Karad FB groups. The alumni of that center will be able to guide you better