hell yeah man! thanks for the solutionyou could stay in the labj/k

hell yeah man! thanks for the solutionyou could stay in the labj/k
You are at a disadvantage because of the gap between your degree and CDAC. I think the companies will not view your profile that favourably. But you can take a chanceHi,
I am preparing for C-DAC entrance exam.I have done B.E. in Electrical Engineering in 2012.Is it worth to join C-DAC for a good placement? I don't have any work experience after my graduation.
You will get better response in Crazy Engineers and FB groups created specifically for CDAC. Find and post in Sunbeam Karad FB groups. The alumni of that center will be able to guide you betterI got an admission in SUNBEAM Karad. Is it worth joining ?. Atleast for knowledge's sake.