Nintendo Wii queries

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I have Few queries pertaining to the Nintendo Wii.

1. How much does a pre modded wii cost ?
2. What added advantage does modding giving apart from the obvious (of playing *ahem* games) ?
3. Where can i buy a pre modded one in Mumbai?
4. If i am able to procure a Japanese version of wii at around 1800 RMB (approx 12.5k) with additional controller are 20 sort of games.. will it be a steal ??
5. What accessories does the standard package come with ?
6. Will the default remote suffice for most of wii games ??
7. Are additional accessories costly ?
8. How much does a non-modded version of wii cost and what are the game prices like??
raksrules said:
I have Few queries pertaining to the Nintendo Wii.

1. How much does a pre modded wii cost ?
2. What added advantage does modding giving apart from the obvious (of playing *ahem* games) ?
3. Where can i buy a pre modded one in Mumbai?
4. If i am able to procure a Japanese version of wii at around 1800 RMB (approx 12.5k) with additional controller are 20 sort of games.. will it be a steal ??
5. What accessories does the standard package come with ?
6. Will the default remote suffice for most of wii games ??
7. Are additional accessories costly ?
8. How much does a non-modded version of wii cost and what are the game prices like??

1. best place to inquire --- Ninja or Alfa --- last I heard its 12.5k Modded at Ninja
2. Ahem it is....
3. Look at answer 1 :P
4. well if the games are legit yes........else they are mere DVDs
5. one nunchuck one wiimote and console not sure about the cabling but since its SD console, it wouldnt matter, as cables are cheap, unlike a PS3 where you need to buy a HDMI cable separately.
6. yea, unless u wanna play tennis with ur me its addictive !
7. well, they cost between 2 to 2.5k each ........check for an indicative pricing, btw they have modded consoles too on
8. Non-modded is officially at 20k MRP...might be lesser as I checked last at Croma 2 months prices are mostly at par with international dollar prices......though exceptions are still there.......but since its so easily moddable now, I don't know of anyone (the people I know who own a Wii) who still buys legit ones....
2. you can run homebrew software also

4. check if you can change jp to en first

7. accessories are not worth it...stuff like wiigun,wiisheel are only frames which hold the wiimotes in that shape

The 1800 RMB one i am telling you is i suppose a modded one, else how would they give 20 games !!

The price mentioned above is just something that i got to know from a friend's friend who owns a wii and bought from the electronics market here.

Moreover here in Shanghai each Wii game is available at around 5 to 10 RMB .

I will try to go that electronics market and check.

BTW how come the modded one is less expensive in India than the unmodded one. Asking this because incase of PS2 there is not much price difference
For a single player the wiimote and nunchuck that comes with the console is sufficuent. The only other console that is worth buying is the guitar hero guitar attachment, wiifit or zipper imho are not worth it. If you expoect moire than one perosn to be playing on the wii go for another set of wiimote [or buy wiiplay, u will get another set of small games for a lil extra] and nunchuck.

Since wii is still in SD world, the default composite cable that comes in the package will be sufficient. However, you can buy a S-Video or a component cable.

Unmodded Jap version of wii will only play japanese titles.

US versions of Wii come with Wii sports, wiimote, nunchuck, composite cable, sensor bar, wii stand and 110V power adapter.

The deal u ar being offered seems to be a Jap Wii and a wiiplay title that comes with a free wiimote.

All AAA titles only require the wiimote and nunchuck.

Cost of most US Wii titles is USD 50 =~= INR 2700
^^ crisp reply buddy

Thanks for the talking about economics

at 1800 RMB a japanese modded version is worth a buy or get one when i come to Mumbai ?
Some points I'd like to cover,

The price difference between the non-modded and the modded version of Ninendo Wii will be somewhere between 1000 to 2000 INR.

You can buy the Modded Version at Alfa (Shop 1) in Irla along with a good collection of games. Visit the place on a weekday to confirm the price. (weekend's jam-packed)

Depends if you want to buy a Modded version or a Non-Modded version. As of now the Japanese one will be a steal , but in the future when you require new games you will have to spend a lot on the original copies.

Additional Accessories for every console now a days are round about the same price , be it Nintendo Wii , Sony Playstation 3 or 360. Actually depends on what you want to buy. You have quite a wide variety of stuff available in the wii.

Check 'em out here - Discount video games, consoles & accessories on PS2:PSP:PS1, Xbox:Xbox 360, Nintendo DS:Game Cube:GBA, Gizmondo, PC Games, DVD, UMD & Toys and Strategy Guides

So overall I will recommend you buying the modded version from Alfa 1 in Mumbai itself.

Happy buying!
^^ thanks buddy

I too am thinking about buying from Mumbai. Just for saving a few bucks i see no point in picking one from Shanghai and bringing it all over the Mumbai and on top of it, it is a Jap version. I have had a talk with ethan_hunt also, h will probably contact the person at Indraprasth shopping center in Borivali and get the price of wii there. I had bought my modded PS2 from there on his recommendation and also i am a resident of Borivali...hehe
^^ That's good.

Just confirm the prices at Alfa too. My sis had purchased one from there and it's running without any issues. Prices are very good too. Anyway , there shouldn't be much of a difference and buying from Borivali will be a better option for you.

^^ Just confirmed the rates at Alfa Store

16000 INR for the Modded version without warranty of course as it's the modded version (works without any issues because my sis is using one for like two months and there hasn't been any issue whatsoever plus consoles like Wii and PS3 don't have any such issues except hardware damage)

21000 INR for the Locked version

^^ thanks a lot buddy for asking them. Now i am aware about the rates and can make an informed decision. Although actual buying may happen by year end, hopefully the prices will reduce by then.
hey guys i am lookin to buy a Wii and Wii fit bundle since a long time...
i am in delhi and have asked in palika bazaar shops ..they givin me a modded Wii and fit for 23000...but few shops agreed to a lower price also...
Do u guys think its a good price..
and 1 more thing does modded Wii works Wii fit games
@ raksrules,

Yes, the prices will drop drastically by the end of the year. Don't be surprised to see a 20%-30% price drop. Plus more games will be available by then and the price of each will title will be a lot less!
codedlives said:
hey guys i am lookin to buy a Wii and Wii fit bundle since a long time...
i am in delhi and have asked in palika bazaar shops ..they givin me a modded Wii and fit for 23000...but few shops agreed to a lower price also...
Do u guys think its a good price..
and 1 more thing does modded Wii works Wii fit games

I cannot comment on your last query. Why not ask the dealer in palika himself. Tell him if it works i'll keep it , but if it doesn't you'll have to take it back. (There's no reason why it won't work though)

In Europe the Wii Fit is for like 70-80 Euros so of course the price here with the modded version of Wii is very good. Go ahead buy it. Also if you're spending that much amount , have a look at the Sony Playstation 3 as well , you'll easily get the 80 gigz version for 21k. Good luck! :)
Rak, sorry for the delay, was caught up with work. I'm going to Borivali tomorrow. I'll visit the shop & let you know what's the rate & if they have it in stock or not. I'm not too optimistic for the Wii being there, but let me check it out anyway. Anything else you want me to check?
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