Nirbhaya documentary: Why Javed Akhtar, Anu Aga's views differ completely


Post Dimapur lynching, mob beats youth to death for ‘indecent behaviour’ in Agra

(old news from same city) A girl's cry sparks blind rage; Oriya youth becomes scapegoat

If there is a a daughter beaten or chastised by her own parents, there is boy who got murdered for being stupid. Idiots cuts it both ways and no one can win Indians over it. And now we have feminazis too, to empower these idiots.

Such tragedies happens regularly towards boys in 'misogynist' India, but no one cares a shit about it, their cases will not be even heard as murders, but as accidental road kills from justice deliverance departments. This news got exposed just because of currently escalated situation,otherwise it will not even be a blimp on the radar. If one take real count of men dead in suspicious circumstances, rape victims will come out like pussies on cold climate. And I will not even apologize over this comment.

I want to give up, but I wont. India's problem is not about lack of respect to women (as for a culture which considers their women as Godess in all power forms), but lack of respect to life of Indians as a whole. Unlike newly emerged techies, in cities like Mumbai, there is another India which work from dawn to dusk to support their families oblivious of ridiculous ideologies which does not touch Indian realities. They will avenge one day when the straw breaks that proverbial camel's back. I will support egalitarianism in India than stupid cause of voter appeasing womyn empowerment which will further divide the society and increase problems we are already facing.

And as for patriarchy bullshit, British Queen reigned enough slaves all over the world without any resentment. And no slave did ever complain about matriarchy. A rational, never to fault female of a queen, should've thrown away her queenly garments to join freedom fighters - but she reigned her matriarchy with iron will and enjoyed her quality life of feminine power. That is all what feminism is all about. Men did whatever hard-work that was needed to lead a society, hence get blamed for obvious negative aspects. Because blame will always reach people who do lot of work, as usual. Womyn did nothing worthy (unlike mothers of lot of well groomed leaders for eg., Shivaji) till the date patriarchy invented technologies empowered them to start burping, so that they can sit and blame men and patriarchy on facebook. Till the end of human civilization, feminists will stay hippy hipply but never be happy happy.

More icing on that documentary cake:

Second student allegedly rejected because of India's 'rape problem'

Though I never wish such ill fate even for my enemies... Hey, let us hyperventilate and over project our problems (though it is lower than some developed countries) more and more...
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Hear from what @blr_p said:

" means she gets a council flat with rent paid by the govt. if she wants to do nothing with her life then this is a plan. Course they give you only enough to get by. its not an easy life by any stretch. being a single mother never is. So to do so is a rather dumb life decision. any parents nightmare if there even any parents around. but some will not listen or they want to escape..."

Tell me how that is not irrational.

And I'm not saying India is better than other developed countries, everyone know the position we are in. I was just pointing out the fact that even developed countries have their own problems, some, may be more severe than India's. They are not some heavens where everything happens perfectly the way you wish and dream. But people there does not go putting the entire blame on their country, it's rulers, society and their value systems.
Brits are about as likely to have a national freak out as we do. I'll give you an example of the questioning of those values. Brits like a pint like any indian likes tea. The brits got us into tea and we stuck with it. Anyway....

drinking is ok, drinking and driving. not ok.

There was a incident several years ago where this guy was drunk behind the wheel and slammed into a bus stand and killed ten school kids. national freak out time. we drink too much blah blah. They cracked down on drinking and driving to an extent that i feel uncomfortable driving with people who've had a drink. This isn't so much of an issue over here (yet) though of late in my town there are increasingly more random checks where they were very few earlier.

but at the time the media screamed themselves hoarse to the point i ended up being programmed into not doing it. laws followed too. they have a points system for license, get caught under the influence they dock points, your insurance goes up, stays up. if you cant stop drinking, you will no longer be able to drive again.
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@blr+p, "Brits are about as likely to have a national freak out as we do."

Yeah, I know, so does every country and human society on the earth. I don't want you hear how much you can dilute it into senseless.

That cartoon do look cute, can we see a Charlie Hedbo on fallacies of French people and their culture ?
@Prole73 if you werent living under a rock you would know that charlie hebdo has made fun of christians, jesus, pope, jews, politicians and lots of french customs and behaviour as well. Google it

and what is it about french culture that you dont like? No country or culture is bad, it is only people who are bad get that into your racist head
@blr+p, "Brits are about as likely to have a national freak out as we do."

Yeah, I know, so does every country and human society on the earth. I don't want you hear how much you can dilute it into senseless.
I'm not interested in hype as i don't get any cut out of it. I like my news as bland as possible. Is it worth a damn or hot air. very little qualifies in the former category.

That cartoon do look cute, can we see a Charlie Hedbo on fallacies of French people and their culture ?
You would not get it unless you were familiar with their politics. Still sensing a make fun of your own people and not mine. Still vulnerable. The world could care less of your sentiment which this country tries so hard to defend. get used to it. The sooner we as a country do that the better off we will be.

The govts actions to date are shooting ourselves in the foot. Its hard to get justice for rape victims. Now somebody makes a doc about it and what does the govt do ? muzzle it. We don't like to talk about it. well how the hell will we deal with it then ?

If our actions are so commendable post this incident then what is the problem with the film in the first place. Why all this song and dance.

It just reinforces perceptions.[DOUBLEPOST=1426375000][/DOUBLEPOST]
according to you
Nope, nothing to do with me. Everything to do with whether i can hold the position from challenges. Your job is to take my position. You do not invalidate what i said by merely disagreeing with it. So lets have your counters. Until such time what i said holds.

With these topics I don't try to be right, too hard, less wrong is good enough :)
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This is the sensitivity which is shown to rape victims:

All are part of it. The judiciary, the public, the CM. Women will continue to be treated like cattle and flogged mentally (at times physically) like beasts of burden. What will it take for Indian men to say: Yes, women are humans. Not just for breeding, washing clothes, and managing the household.
received a pretty straightforward answer from an employee.....

Wasn't the UK govt that stopped them.

We don't have any rules that say you can't talk to convicts.

I'd take what RT says with a grain of salt.

India’s Daughter and BBC – Belgian Professor speaks out

Jakob De Roover, Professor at the India Platform, Ghent University, Belgium.

Full respect to this Professor, I liked the he reported this issue. It is eye opening and TEians here can take a page from his reporting.
This is a better article

Moves away from the narrow obsession with rape and into a more broader subject of autonomy. As somebody said here who cares if there are more rapes abroad, women are more free over there.

How to achieve autonomy ?
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This was the intended take-away from the documentary. Not to discover a secret plot to usurp the glory and sanctity of India -which- it hardly has anyways.

You seems to have have serious issue with 'glory and sanctity' of India. Can you please excuse us from your psychological sentiments and talk some real sense. Show us a country which is as glorious and sanctimonious as per your utopian dreams ? Why you are not staying in for eg., UK /such a place and stop accusing us for not living up to their standards of hidden rapes (don't remind people hear about their Govt.'s purposefully hidden nasties, it will give trauma to some Indians). If you do no have any respect for India, please stop discussing about India then. At time I wanted to refrain from posting on this forum. But, as an Indian I feel some balanced voices should be heard and addressed.
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@Prole73 you seriously need to improve your english skills and learn to recognize sarcasm

And if you fail to recognize the horrific way Indian society treats women you are the one living in an utopian dream
^^ Yes, my English is not up to be mark, studied in vernacular medium. That post above is not at all sarcasm. He/she and few others here are always having a gripe against Indians as a whole, always engaged in putting us Indians in bad light.

For people who travel outside India multiple times and face foreigners, it sad to hear such ill informed topics and disrespected for being Indian (especially when they are in far bad shape than us on same topic). That German professor who denied Indians visa comes to mind. As it is, we Indians are a third world country, but we enjoy more freedom than people in many countries, but we don't cherish /respect our freedom.
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who travel outside India multiple times and face foreigners, it sad to hear such ill informed topics and disrespected for being Indian (especially when they are in far bad shape than us in same topic). That German professor who denied Indians visa comes to mind.
First of all, it is exactly how Indians feel about foreigners too... for example "Racist attacks on Indians in Australia"

If some foreigner has such an impression about Indians, you dont have to be embarrassed. instead you try educating them about the situation. But, being all that said, you have to accept the reality that you've seen and experienced. For example the area where I lived most of my life, girls in jeans are looked down upon.

Finally, I had to say this. The German professor did not deny visa to the Indian student. She doesnt have that kind of authority. She denied Internship to the Indian male student. The German ambassador to India was quick in replying and setting the record straight and the professor also apologized for the mistake. you should also acknowledge that fact.
He has a gripe against Indians because there is something seriously wrong with both our judicial/political/police system and the attitude of majority of the Indian population

Inspite of the Nirbhaya case being publicized so much the Supreme Court is yet to give a judgement on the sentencing even after a year, doesnt this show that something is seriously wrong with the judicial system and also the attitude of the Supreme Court judge who is handling the case. Does it take 1 year just to decide on the punishment?

There are lots of other rape cases which have been dragging for years through the judicial system, i remember reading about a rape victim who took back her case because there was no end in sight even after 4 years.

If the judicial system is going to take its own sweet time punishing rape accused or accused in any other cases we are going to see more rape cases in the future

and BTW it doesnt take 2-3 years for a rape accused or any other criminal to be tried and sentenced in other countries. Thats the main problem I have with India.

Regarding the German professor issue we Indians are more racist than that, look at the way we treat North Eastern people or South Indians getting treated in North India or North Indians getting treated badly in South India, that goes to show just how morally corrupt Indian society is.

And these problems are not just caused by illiterate lower class people, even educated supposedly higher class people are guilty of these crimes