Nice thread

I was looking through the market forum to put an estimate on selling my rig when I found this thread.. Anyway, I want to sell a very old CPU (without any other accessories)
- Date of purchase: 2005
- Source of purchase: Local
- Warranty remaining: None
- Condition: Working
AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (1.67 GHz)
Gigabyte Motherboard (7VKMP)
512 MB RAM
80 GB HDD (40 + 40)
GeForce 2 MX 400 (64 MB VRAM)
Floppy Drive
CD Writer
Internal USB Card (provides extra ports)
NO keyboard
NO mouse
NO speakers
NO monitor
It's just the CPU.
I know it's pretty basic, but it still works. Can run XP no problem. Never tried running 7 on it. It can be used for light weight office work and browsing.
So how much can I sell this for?