No time for family problem

Till date i was unknown of this problem, until my mom started threatening me that i don't give time to her as well as family :eek:

past 3-4 yr my routine is like that, work till morning 4, sleep till 10, college till 4, store till 10, 1 hr cycling-dinner , then again work (and if i bunk college work in afternoon too :bookworm: )

Initially there were no problem, mom seems to be happy with gifts inflow , but now started saying that i don't talk to her , never eat with her. :nailbiting:

is anyone of you is also facing same problem, is there any good solution, buying gifts don't seems to be working now :eek:
FFS, talk with your dad and be done with it. If he doesn't listen to you, it is still your problem to sort it out. Asking others would just mislead you, the number one reason how more problems are created.
@Mr.J sorry for my bad english, started learning english just 2-3 yr ago only , can just pray it gets better with time :p

@blkrb0t , yeah the problem is that, its only me and my mom & one sis who reside here, both of them were generally out for their job for 8-10 hr, still they blame me that i dont give them time :eek:
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@Being smart
This is not a platform to flood people with your personal problems like crazy,
Stop posting for a while and observe the general trend. People here are tech enthusiast and not evening Tea party members. Your threads probably put Instant Geek Idea to rest. (For that.. thanks for your contribution, but now its necessary to plug the floodgates from your side.)
You should start discussing your s3x life too if you have one. Or when you get married, try opening a thread on "what to do on first night" etc. Now "what to do next" and such things as well.

Did people in here offended u ? What a ghastly suggestion :eek:
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whenever i work online, i keep TE opened on Side , to have some talks in order to avoid falling asleep....
I sometimes think that you really post in TE thinking of it as a family and sharing things. thumbs up for that.
BUT please grow up and try to sort these things with yourself. I really dont believe sometimes that you are a college going cum working guy. Buddy this is not a platform to share something so intimate.
As for your issue Gifts will never and i repeat NEVER replace the time , love , care and affection which you can give to your loved ones. So try to shut the PC and posting here and take time out to have fun with your family.

And GROW UP !!
I am guessing most of your problems are because of your odd working hours. I have the same problem. What I do is try to catch all the meals with my family and the try to go out for a movie on the weekends with them.
That seems to do the trick for me.
Grow Up boy....This is not a forum where you can discuss your family or personal issues.

I sometime think you post all this S*** just for getting attention.

This is the GT section. Isn't it. If we have to talk about Tech only in this section as well then why the need for this section.