* Number Portability From Oct 31 *

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That article states that testing will start from nov.8, i think it will take longer for commercial implementation.
dhruvrock2000 said:
Ditching Vodafone the day this launches... Hutch was indeed awesome.
I second that. Other than good network coverage, i cant see any reason to continue with VF.
pa1pa1 said:
I second that. Other than good network coverage, i cant see any reason to continue with VF.
I believe MNP would force operators to rethink their network strategy. It would be good for them as well as the consumer if they tie up with the Airtel - VF consortium
malhotraraul said:
i think it is not gonna happen & will again get postponed like before :(

subh subh bolo yaar

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Many VF and airtel customers will dump their respective operators and that the reason why both of them are delaying it
techno_guy said:
Many VF and airtel customers will dump their respective operators and that the reason why both of them are delaying it
Sad part though is that many of these would swap providers - VF would go to Airtel and vice versa. The rest would take up Docomo or one of Videocon or Uninor, though I wonder what the latter is up to
Mohit said:
Will we able to change CDMA numbers to GSM ones? Like from Reliance CDMA to Airtel?

yes Reliance itself supported it since many of their CDMA customers wanted to shift to GSM
agantuk said:
Sad part though is that many of these would swap providers - VF would go to Airtel and vice versa. The rest would take up Docomo or one of Videocon or Uninor, though I wonder what the latter is up to

many will go to Reliance and Docomo
this is INDIA "the center of the world" every one wants to sell pin to an Aeroplane here, when our corrupt ministers can make billions just not to sign the bill, what makes us think that this will really work.

all the I&B ministers till now have made billions & billions & this portfolio is the only seat that every minister dreams about after PWD.
RS4 said:
That article states that testing will start from nov.8, i think it will take longer for commercial implementation.
Yeah, and its actually not testing. All the testing is over. Migration of traffic will start from Nov 8 to a logic that enables MNP. The launch date is Nov 25.
I hoping against hope that they implement it soon, I'm waiting to switch over to the network which has the best 3G plans.
well, ill change cdma to gsm (if allowed) because my cdma handset is falling apart and i dont intend to buy another one. but otherwise, reliance cdma was alright over the years. :).
Number portability put off once again :S

Communications Minister A Raja’s promise to let people switch their mobile service operators while retaining their telephone number has got delayed once again — the deadline for the implementation of mobile number portability has been postponed from October 31 to December 20.

This is the third postponement in less than a year. Mobile number portability was first expected to kick off on December 31, 2009 in the metros and category-A circles, and on April 1, 2010 in the rest of the country.

The official reasons for the delay sound familiar. One, the service operators are not ready, though several of them are working overtime to launch third-generation services by Diwali. Two, the investment proposal of the overseas partner of one of the two companies mandated to implement portability has not yet been cleared by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB).

The Department of Telecommunications had given licences to two companies: Syniverse Technologies and MNP Interconnection Telecom Solutions which is a 74-26 joint venture between US-based Telcordia and Deepak Talwar Consultants. In March 2009, Telcordia had received FIPB's approval. But the Ministry of Home Affairs subsequently proposed to revoke the approval, citing security concerns as Telcordia had signed a contract with Pakistan MNP Database for implementing mobile number portability there. Further, Deepak Talwar Consultants had no expertise in running a telecommunication network. FIPB had thus revoked its clearance given to the company. But it again applied for permission; FIPB has deferred the proposal.

Meanwhile, the Department of Telecommunications has asked Syniverse Technologies to get ready for mobile number portability across the country.

Number portability put off once again
mgdelhi said:
Number portability put off once again :S

Communications Minister A Raja’s promise to let people switch their mobile service operators while retaining their telephone number has got delayed once again — the deadline for the implementation of mobile number portability has been postponed from October 31 to December 20.

This is the third postponement in less than a year. Mobile number portability was first expected to kick off on December 31, 2009 in the metros and category-A circles, and on April 1, 2010 in the rest of the country.

The official reasons for the delay sound familiar. One, the service operators are not ready, though several of them are working overtime to launch third-generation services by Diwali. Two, the investment proposal of the overseas partner of one of the two companies mandated to implement portability has not yet been cleared by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB).

The Department of Telecommunications had given licences to two companies: Syniverse Technologies and MNP Interconnection Telecom Solutions which is a 74-26 joint venture between US-based Telcordia and Deepak Talwar Consultants. In March 2009, Telcordia had received FIPB's approval. But the Ministry of Home Affairs subsequently proposed to revoke the approval, citing security concerns as Telcordia had signed a contract with Pakistan MNP Database for implementing mobile number portability there. Further, Deepak Talwar Consultants had no expertise in running a telecommunication network. FIPB had thus revoked its clearance given to the company. But it again applied for permission; FIPB has deferred the proposal.

Meanwhile, the Department of Telecommunications has asked Syniverse Technologies to get ready for mobile number portability across the country.


Number portability put off once again

WTF !! That operator might be Airtel or VF for sure
Great, and to think of it I had already started exploring GSM options to change my CDMA plan to, thinking 31 October is nearing... eeesh !!
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