* Number Portability From Oct 31 *

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I am fine with it as long as it is implemented before all major operators have rolled out their 3G services.
We are living in very sad times, lacking in launching of everything...

why cant the PMO make a call on this and instruct that CORRUPT Raja to get it to launch asap...

after the PMO receives all sorts of reports and can do so.

if this is the case with the number portability then we will see not good 3g services from thes communications cartel...
Any TE member actually changed their number? Please post your experience here.

Hopefully on Jan 20th I can go around shouting - Screw you Idea!
^^Im with you there but i haven't had too bad a time with idea. Its improved a lot in the last few years.

But Im thinking of switching to BSNL purely for the 700 bucks 3G plan
NinByChoice said:
Any TE member actually changed their number? Please post your experience here.

Hopefully on Jan 20th I can go around shouting - Screw you Idea!
i thought it was about 'Not Changing the number' !! :P
I'm gonna be the first person on Jan 20 to migrate from Airtel to Uninor. :P

Airtel coverage totally sucks at my place. :|
I don't need to use it right now... Am happy with my network (Loop)...

But I am happy to see it coming thru as a reality nevertheless...

arun687 said:
I'm gonna be among the first few people migrating from Docomo to Reliance GSM. :D
Check with a few reliance GSM users before subscribing...I'm not at all happy with the reliance GSM service in my area (kerala). They keep adding some stupid VAS packs (30 rupees per month) once in a while without your permission. You can cancel it, but the amount would already be deducted and nothing you can do about it. No use escalating as well...I've kinda learned to live with it.
Tell me about it. My mom's using Reliance GSM and she has lost about ~250 rupees due to this. They added caller tunes and some stupid retarded thing called 'Style', these remained active for several months. The keyword they mentioned in the SMS to deactivate it never worked and everytime I called CC, I was put on hold for more than 30 minutes, and hence couldn't deactivate these for a long time.

Finally got through to CC and deactivated them, blasted them for doing such things and now all is fine for the last few months. Elder people generally don't keep track of balance every now and then and they got away with such a practice.

But all in all, they seem to have best calling plans (unlimited plans etc., I've quite a few friends on reliance), SMS plans and they have 3G which I believe will be the most affordable in Mumbai. Docomo is just not cutting it for me anymore. No auto renewal of activated packs (what a shame!), the EDGE speed has come down to less than 5-10 kbps in the daytime. I don't want a broadband replacement, I just want applications to 'just work' when I'm using the phone.
^^ Actually was thinking of shifting to Docomo from Vodafone, the service is good so far but EDGE speeds suck big time, so much so that its a pain to check my email...

How are EDGE plans in other providers? Also are there any cheap 3G plans for prepaid users in other providers?
EDGE speeds in Docomo were awesome for the first few months, it was just amazing, but as the subscriber base increased and they started giving away high bandwidth plans, the speeds have come down drastically and sometimes it doesn't even connect properly, the main reason why I'm moving away. Besides, the network even though has improved drastically in the last few months, still isn't on par and there's no network in some areas inside buildings.

I've found Reliance infrastructre to be overall superior and the speeds are very good, atleast when I use occasionally on my mom's sim. In Mumbai, MTNL and Reliance would turn out to be the cheapest in 3G and if you don't have much data usage, you can subscribe to 250mb pack for around 199 it is I think.

Will be interesting to see the pricing of Vodafone and Airtel for 3G but I'm just guessing it won't be cheaper than Reliance or MTNL for sure.

As of now, even a 2G data plan is working just fine in Rcom with 3G speeds :P
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