Nvidia RTX 3XXX Series announced

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I gave up on 3xxx series and got myself a GTX 1650 GDDR6 for 23k. This is the only card that is not grossly overpriced. Main need is machine learning and esports. Doing rather well with f1 2016. Will wait for next steam sale to buy a few recent games. Could not go with AMD cards as they do not work with.

Will see if I get an invite for 3070 which is requested last year March. Most probably, will just go with 4xxx series.

Another stupid launch.
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The only good Ti among 3xxx series is 3060 Ti. Every other Ti variant is just useless and not worth extra money over non-Ti.

Ti power died with 1080 Ti.
Exactly. 3070Ti also has potential but the VRAM limitation makes it unattractive.

After May price drops will start appearing as per estimates and recently ASUS also promised to slice 25% off. But they're 2 year old GPUs now. Hype of newer cards will soon take over and people will jump on that bandwagon.
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The performance gain is just 10% and the price is almost 40 percent more which I do not justify. Plus it is going to be heat generator and munching electricity units like anything.
3090/ti is not for people who care about value for money or efficiency at all so pointing the obvious is redundant. Those people buy these GPUs just for getting the feeling of owning the best thing available in the market (currently). I'm sure they're gonna sell every single unit they make cuz they won't "produce" this a lot.
3090/ti is not for people who care about value for money or efficiency at all so pointing the obvious is redundant. Those people buy these GPUs just for getting the feeling of owning the best thing available in the market (currently). I'm sure they're gonna sell every single unit they make cuz they won't "produce" this a lot.
I know this already, so you mean to say that I should not even point out the facts. There are two reasons for this GPU - My Opinion.

1. Every manufacturer wants to push the fab on which the chip was build to its last limit and 3090Ti is the last or the best of the beast that we can see.
2. There are end-users who like to get the best or go for the best and for them this will be a good buy, hey a 2080Ti though a lot old still holds its ground.

But then there is another side of the coin too, we do not know how much powerful or good the next gen of AMD/Intel and NVIDIA will be. Untill then, 3090Ti is the new King !!
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The performance gain is just 10% and the price is almost 40 percent more which I do not justify. Plus it is going to be heat generator and munching electricity units like anything.
Nvidia wont mind launching Xi Yi Zi as well offering some 1.2% gains and chus will fall for it as well and waste up to 5lacs. :tearsofjoy: We have army of such people so nvidia can launch anything and everything can get sold off! :tearsofjoy:
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Yes, they're well aware of their customer base. Also these SKUs are manufactured limited according to their sales estimation.

They always have room for bigger SKUs and bigger PCBs, overvolt and stuff to get 10% more boost.
A logical investor will first analyze his real world need rather peer comparison and will then decide which one will suit him in the long run. 3070ti provides a very fair balance while 3080 is die-hardly sufficient. 3090 is something if one is into extreme machine learning, prof. graphical/modelling work and similar job but not to under estimate 3080 again.

Then there is this class.. every 3-6 months they will keep changing components like we have some half-yearly break holidays...
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