Jesus Christ!!!
I cannot believe this is still going on! Guys can we PLEASE let this *&^%ing go already? It's been going on for over a week! I literally had to convince myself the last time around that everyone here would have something better to do but it seems like I was wrong. Rules, Regulations, Timeframes, Shipping Guarantees, Commitments!!! I don't think this much was discussed at the Davos Summit! Asking the mods to come up with more rules, accusing them of being biased, offering money... Has any stone been left unturned? Oh my god!
All of you need to understand one thing. Rules for any organization or entity need to be broad spectrum. You can never make ultra specific rules under a microscope because there will always be something new around the corner for which new rules will have to be made. If there is a problem, the adminstration will look at it on a case by case basis. The TE staff, I'm sure, have a lot more to their lives than just this forum. This isn't a business for them. Sure they might make some money off the popularity of the site, but at the end of the day this isn't business to them. Don't expect them to treat it like one.
You all have to be grateful for the fact that you are part of a community that is so powerful and ubiquitous, that every sensible dealer around wants to be part of it to the point where they are offering you products and prices that you couldn't ever imagine getting if not for TE. While I wouldn't go so far as to say the dealer response and service here is top notch, it certainly is better than any other online shopping experience in India. Look at the number of scams and frauds by even reputed dealers in eBay. Be content that we rarely ever have to deal with problems like that with our TE dealers.
I'm one of the oldest members of TE and I've been here right from the start, even before it was TE. Over the years, I've seen such a tremendous shift in the overall behavior and feel of the forum to the point where most people now seem to get a kick out of taking pot shots at each other. Everyone has such a short fuse these days. Every other day there is some argument or the other, some instance of a member being rude or dismissive or condescending to another. It's terrible, really. It amazes me to see how this forum went from one of the most dignified and co-operative places to being such a battlefield.
The conversation of any thread is so predictable these days
1) Somebody pisses somebody else off with a rude / snide comment
2) The other guy retaliates
3) Others jump in
4) Before you know it there are 2 warring factions and threads have gone into pages and pages of OT.
5) No one even remembers what the original topic was all about
6) A few old geesers like me will come in with a "calm the **** down guys" post and an ensuing lecture on staying cool and some other worldly advice crap which everyone already knows.
7) Things calm down for a bit till someone else hasn't had his share of rage for the day and we go back to Step 1 all over again.
Look at the last few pages of this thread. It's shameful to see the quality of posts. b**ching, snarling & biting. It's nuts.
Understand one thing... you can never beat sense into anyone. You can never force change by getting mad. If Gandhi did things that way, we wouldn't be here having these discussions.
I always promise myself not to get involved in these things but somehow I always end up back here. My last attempt to hopefully ice the situation.
Amarbir, like I told you earlier, let it go. You have legions of fans and customers. You have had a lot of business from TE. Once in a while something is going to come up that you don't like. It might seem unfair to you, but that's life. Deal with it and move on. There is no need to debase yourself by replying to every snide remark at you. Be the bigger man. You are an elderly person. Act you age.
As far as the current issue is concerned, you made 2 mistakes.
1) You promised your customer a delivery within a specified timeframe as requested by him and you did not keep it up.
2) You did not inform him about the delay.
The truth is that you were doing him a favor by deviating from your "set in stone" policy of delivery within 15 days, but since you did promise to deliver it as per his schedule and did not do so, you are in the wrong. Granted, it's not a 3rd degree sin, but then again not everyone is the same. You have delivered items well beyond your promised delivery time of 15 days to several of your customers including me, but you still have great iTrader ratings. Almost everyone has left you a positive rating. As a business man you can't always expect everyone to take it easy. Realise that and let this go. I can already hear you typing a response... DONT! ah ah ah... I can hear it... DONT!
I'm sure after this whole fiasco, Amarbir feels a little exposed and vulnerable. Let's not completely push him into a corner. We need to take it easy on the poor guy. All this tension can't be good for him at his age.