obvious solution to a never ending problem

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This GIF is courtesy of some (wise) TE Member whose username I don't remember. :P
Mephistopheles said:
Like eBay there should be some guidelines which would govern the dealers as to insure a certain level of consistency in service.

There should be a predefined universal period of time within which a dealer has to make sure he ships the product a member bought from him on TE after receiving cleared payment for the same. If a dealer fails to follow such guidelines more than a predefined number of times, then that dealer should be banned from trading on TE for a predefined period of time following which he may choose to resume trading on TE. Also if the dealer doesn't seem to improve he could be barred from trading for a longer period of time and eventually if such behavior continues he should be barred from trading on TE permanently.

The itrust also need to be improved and I reckon something is being done about it. People need to realize the power of itrust ratings and also not to give +ve ratings blindly and then later rant about how the deal didn't go through as expected etc.

Also, as some of the staff members have said it already members shouldn't be afraid of "revenge ratings" as they will be taken care of if reported by them.
for the same reason the said person doesnt trade much on ebay , u can check his ratings on ebay considering this http://myworld.ebay.in/lynx-india : Member since: 26-May-2003

i know now u wud say person has the right to suit his own needs where he wants to deal or not ,

but still can u read wat i m thinking at the moment , coz ebay requires the seller to ship within a stipulated time and he cant do it , he knows that

the problem i think is that amarbir want to sell every other thing on the planet , the moment he sees some other dealers selling this in good no's , his head spins and he says to himself that i can also do this ,

he does tings without much planning and this is where he ends up in a big hole ,

there's a saying, :"too many cooks spoil the broth"

thats exactly wat has happened with him

he shud try to sell things which only he can and not try to eat into other dealers sales and margins , he thinks he is oversmart and out do all but nothing happens

he shud stick to certain few things and create a niche abt himself in certain selected things which he thinks he has a stronghold on , not by trying to sell every other thing

i hope someone can put this up into or injected this thing into amarbir's head

EDIT: now this is wat i call constructive criticism :P , dont know wat he thinks :bleh:
ultra vires said:
IMHO there is no point discussing it, in the other thread when i mentioned about this, the language used by 1 of the mods is at best disappointing. It feels like that the 5 years that i spent in this forum went down the drain.

My POV : He won't be taken down, mods will keep on repeating about iTrader no matter what happens.
(It's my POV and i am not asking anyone to agree with it and i am sure people would have had good deals with Amarbir.)
The language you used was disappointing too. Why does everyone keep suggesting we're letting him trade 'for the money'. If that is the case, then 5 years have indeed been wasted if you've gathered these wrong assumptions.

There are a lot of threads/posts with people complaining without actually having dealt with Amarbir - take this thread starter for example.
Being a dealer on TE is not a popularity contest.

Going by that do the mods ban someone off TE because they just 'don't like him'?
If on the other hand someone has had repeated infractions, its only due that he be banned.

Likewise, the benchmark for dealers is their iTrader score.
If the experiences are bad - where are the -ve iTrader ratings? Whose fault is it if you guys have failed to give -ve itrader ratings?
And if someone thinks the mods are soft on Amarbir, please check his profile - he has over 2 pages of infractions.
Thanks for the clarification madnav.

crazy eddy ask the members to check amarbir's profile to see the infractions in his previous post.Hence i ask this question.
since, I have not bought anything from Amarbir i can't comment about him being here or not. But seeing that the interwebz is filled with negative comments against Lynx India, I would not buy anything from this guy even if the deal is super lucrative.
guys just forget everything we r wasting time here , does amarbir even care wat we all have to say he will do wat he wants to , mods please delete all the threads giving -ve publicity to him!!

and ban me as well
Crazy_Eddy said:
There are a lot of threads/posts with people complaining without actually having dealt with Amarbir - take this thread starter for example.
By the magnitude of his posts and the way he's writing them, he seems to be more angry/frustrated than those who have actually dealt with him. :lol:

Besides, why didn't most of you guys get this reflected on itrader ratings?? Hmm? Technically newbies rely on that ratings so if there so many complaints despite the high itrader ratings- who is to blame?

People need to start being honest about itrader rating or else they are the one solely responsible to damage the community. If you got a bad experience, be a man and say you have a bad experience. Maybe few can afford a delay of 1 month, but most can't.

I seriously find it odd and funny that people are not being honest about this! Why are you guys so afraid of giving -ve ratings especially when you didn't get the service you were being promised? If you're under the impression that if you give a -ve rating and then the dealer will harass you, call you and maybe at worse drop in at your place? Or is it because they will say "From here onwards we will not sell you anything because you have given us a -ve rating"? If a poll was made for this, it would have made a lot of sense. If a large number of population start using the power they have been given by the TE mods, things are not going to change. They might blacklist 1 or 10 members, but they can't afford to blacklist major number of buyers. This is force dealers to improve on their antics. Also its best if people refrain from quoting a dealer as "technically sound" just because he sells good stuff. They're dealers at the end of the day. They're doing this for business- not social service. Some of these guys give importance to service, some only to sales.

The problem is the general population- they feel "bad" when giving a -ve rating. Unless this mindset does not change, don't expect any changes. At the same time, people who are helping the community by displaying monkey business done by a dealer need to just put the facts up and stop trolling. If people still want to deal with such people let them. But they ask you an advice, present the facts rather than badmouthing. If you're badmouthing such unethical dealers but you're trolling- you're no different from them. Learn this lesson and change. Make every itrader count. If you're not satisfied- you're not satisfied. If you're satisfied from 1st sale, it doesn't mean you will happy with the rest.

Last post from my end. We're all members so no point in having a debate about this as most of the them are guilty of giving a +ve rating despite having a -ve experience. I am surprised that of all people, its the educated people with a comfort of spending money on tech in a tech forum doing something like this. If people have so much complaints and bad experiences, get them reflected on the itrader ratings. Stop putting useless rants. Put up your experience in the form of rating- WHERE IT HURTS AND AFFECTS THE MOST!!! Also its best fi some people taking this opportunity to have a debate with an individual or a group of individuals.

There are some members who greatly boosts a dealer to multiple buyers via forums, messengers and networking sites, but chicken out when one of them is in trouble. There are also those who are mascots for dealers, even going to the extreme of badmouthing other members and defending dealers. Some of such samples get something out of this- others don't. Whoever it is, stop messing with this forum.
connect said:
guys just forget everything we r wasting time here , does amarbir even care wat we all have to say he will do wat he wants to , mods please delete all the threads giving -ve publicity to him!!

and ban me as well
Why are you so keen on getting banned?? U too want '-ve publicity'??

Lolzzz :P
OMG its a long thread with some hot post, but where is this amarbir, doesn't he have anything to say from his side
CA50 said:
OMG its a long thread with some hot post, but where is this amarbir, doesn't he have anything to say from his side
If I were him, I too wouldn't bother with this thread... :P

In any case, it is leading nowhere!!!
But his reputation is at stake and anyone after this thread will stop themselves from dealing with him.
CA50 said:
But his reputation is at stake and anyone after this thread will stop themselves from dealing with him.
I don't think so... :no:

Threads like this come and go... Look at his iTrust score:

iTrust Score: 192

Positive Feedback: 99.5%

Members who left positive: 193

Members who left negative: 1

Total positive feedback: 249

Now tomorrow if Amarbir comes up with a deal on say the JVC Marshmallow, selling it for 300 Shipped... The same people crying foul here would be swarming at the deal thread to buy the IEMs... :P

If so many people are truly bothered with Amarbir, how come he has only 1 -ve iTrust rating?? :S

It can mean only one of the 2 things:

1) That Amarbir is a good Dealer.

2) That people have given false +ve iTrust Ratings to Amarbir.

And in either case, people have no right to call him names now!! :P

P.S.: I hope I don't get verbally assaulted by some Amarbir hater for saying this... BTW, I have never had any deal with Amarbir... :rofl:
Hey the thread is still on??? :O

If you guys are having so much problem or had bad experience with it why don't you guys give him negative marking??

As said by others already, peoples who never dealt with him are also voting and replying here by just getting hyper with what said by others in other feedback threads.

I'm sure if he keeps getting negative points he'll be out of TE. Which is not the case, he has positive ratings.

One more thing, if someone of you had bad experience with him why don't you just leave him a negative rating and avoid dealing from him???

Other than driven by some unknown power, try to understand that you can't kick him out by creating such threads everyday as long as he's make smooth deals.

And for online deals everyone assumes the timespan of atleast 1 week to get the product. You can't throw him out just because your product not reached within 3days or 5days, as long as he's following the deal rules and maintaining a minimum time frame.

Well, mods how about adding a min. time frame in deal rules(if not already there)??

I stand for him, because I've nice experience while dealing with him :)
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