Old is Gold

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My 1st PC ( completely mine no sharing :P ) was PIII 450 , real POS TOMATO Intel 440BX mobo, Sis 6326 8MB, 256MB ram, 40GB hdd.

Replaced it with Athlon 650 and Gigabyte board (IIRC it was GA7 series ) and 512MB Ram with GF256. Then that was replaced by my first real love DFI AD73 pro and athlon xp 1800+.

Ahh good old times
1983 - My first computer was a 8086 4.77mhz 704kb ram with a Hercules compatible display with a Green text Taxan 14" monitor with only one 5.25" 360kb floppy drive for storage - those days one 360kb floppy was bootable and it stored wordstar along with all my letters :O At that time I used a Seikosha dot matrix printer which used to print one line every 5 - 7 secs and would print only on paper which had the perforations along the edges. THOSE WERE GOOD TIMES !!! :D

1985 - got my first HDD - a Seagate 20mb ST225 !! At that time I thought I would never need any more storage for life !! :ohyeah: I today have 1510 GB !!!

My most stable setup was the classic ASUS P3 Mobo.... the P3B-F based on 440BX chipset..... on which I ran a 633mhz Celeron @ 950. I still have this MoBo setup with me.... I used lifelong warranty Micron ECC SDRAM on this MoBo. Paid 22k for 256mb Micron ram. :(
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