Deathbearer said:N00b question..
will installing arch linux get rid of the default pogoplug software?
what if i need to revert back to default pogoplug OS
also plz post a step by step guide if possible
sent by a n00b in linux mumbo jumbo
dinjo said:There is a revert script for it too.
Please also mention whether there would any boot loader changes or not.
e77e6cfb585c1df7f0f0b0ab6c8796bc debian-rootfs-pogopro-varkey.tar.gz
Deathbearer said:Care To Post The Link Buddy, I Got My PogoPlug Pro Today
varkey said:Well, I have been using debian on my GoFlex and Dockstar and more comfortable with it. Since debian is a more mainstream distro there will be more information when you google for some error or issue![]()
dinjo said:Torrent fu
M4SH said:I have a spare internal SATA HDD available. Can I connect it to PogoPlug Pro and download torrent to it without needing a PC in between?