Using archlinux??Just the torrent client.. Couldn't even login over sshashamed
Did you recently updated using pacman -Syu??^^yes
What exact help do you want ? Its pretty straight forward you just drop the tarball in your usb and boot debian.@varkey & @dinjo I gave up trying with pogo plug... simply don`t know the installing and the linux code..
Sincere request - It will be so helpful if any one can do it for me, I stay in Pune. If required I can ship to your door step and pay the returning charges too...
Else I don`t have any option but to put it in FS section.
Please guys help me out.
Calling all "Pune" members for help...
@varkey It's for 3499 a pop. Agreed that would be easier but then the most expensive Pogo model is coming to 1800 a pop for me. And someone's getting it for me from the US.