Missed this one from Dartmouth college
65 yr old prof tackled for confrontation with the cops.
She sounds like she was just defending the students and nothing more but they've banned her from the campus she's been teaching at for over 30 years
This brings up the question of how much force is enough and more importantly when to bring it in. I think Dartmouth got it right. I never heard of it because it wasn't allowed to become national news like Columbia. That this is a private college as well is to their credit.
If kids at the top colleges can't figure out who the bad guys were on Oct 7 then it's down to the teachers.
Tenured profs can get away with anything. You can't fix this.

65 yr old prof tackled for confrontation with the cops.

Orleck: From Buddhist Monks to Riot Police: A Reflection on the Last Week at Dartmouth
History professor Annelise Orleck looks back on the circumstances behind her arrest on May 1 and the lessons she learned from it.

She sounds like she was just defending the students and nothing more but they've banned her from the campus she's been teaching at for over 30 years
This brings up the question of how much force is enough and more importantly when to bring it in. I think Dartmouth got it right. I never heard of it because it wasn't allowed to become national news like Columbia. That this is a private college as well is to their credit.
If kids at the top colleges can't figure out who the bad guys were on Oct 7 then it's down to the teachers.
Tenured profs can get away with anything. You can't fix this.
As defined by the American Association of University Professors, academic freedom ‘is a professional right extended to members of the profession and is subject to certain limitations.
Academic freedom means that faculty are free to engage in the professionally competent forms of inquiry and teaching that are necessary for the purposes of the university. It does not mean that individual faculty members are free to teach or publish whatever they want without repercussions,’” the letter continued.
Rinse and repeat over a couple of decades and this is how the rot sets in“Under the guise of academic freedom, some faculty have pushed a partisan, antisemitic, and anti-Israel political agenda in and out of the classroom and have encouraged their students to do the same.”…
I expect we will see a few uni presidents stepping down for following the rules“Faculty run the university, and they are out of control. They have tenure, and university presidents do not. So, it’s not that administrators are capitulating to students. They are capitulating to the faculty, because they know that if they run afoul of the faculty, they are history”

“This situation is not sustainable, and we have to focus specifically on the faculty,” Rossman-Benjamin continued. “Take away their shared governance. Take away their tenure. You have to get rid of tenure because it has protected faculty whose goal is to upend and undermine the university itself.
I have no idea how you get rid of tenure in a system where it's publish or perish. Once they get tenure these profs see themselves as God's. Simple as..It’s not just about social justice — their aim for decades has been to destroy the university as we know it and to use the university as a tool for revolutionizing society. If you can’t recognize how illegitimate that is, then the universities are lost. We will lose if we do not have the will to take them on.”
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