[Poll] How many really think India is going 2 win that crunch game against Sri Lanka?

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i m waiting....now even not a one in a billion can strangulate greg?????

have u seen his press conference still arrogant....
Now only a miracle can take India through so I am cheering for Bermuda.

hu ha Bermuda aaya Bermuda :clap::clap::clap::clap:
^^You know, I think tht this is the most cursed Slogan Indian team has ever had..it started with the WI tour(which we lost pretty badly) and since then whenevr the song is used to cheer the team,they falter and fall like a pack of cards... Another one is,"The blue billion is coming.." the only thing is that they never seem to actually arrive.... (god, i dont believe this..i've become so pathetic tht now i have to rely on superstitions to cheer an equally pathetic Indian team..)
this idiots thinking to sack dravid frm captaincy ..and make sachin captain.........and chappel axe......in short all ad world ppl will still remain as they are..irfan pathan wont b sacked becoz he didnt played the wc.......but all other performance of his wont be consider i guess....
You know what, I'm all for having Ganguly back as Captain.

Well, at least we reached the finals when he was the Captain, its worse now...
It's amazing that there were Indians keeping hope in Bermuda yesterday. That 's just the extent to which we are lost.
Cut them some slack... you win some, you lose some. It's not like they were in great form either, to win the world cup - it was all hype from the start. While it is disappointing that they lost, hopefully they learned a valuable lesson from getting knocked out. Just watch the other teams playing (ex, Indies, Aussies and S.Africans)... you can tell they've actually put in training time for this world cup. India simply looked weak, don't even talk about the Bermuda game... my company's team will probably beat Bermuda lol.
^^ Yep you are rt, but what pisses me off is really the expectations. Jeez are we fit enough to win a world cup ? look at the way SA or Aus play and look at our style. Its clear in batting if we cant score 4's and 6's we will loose the match as we cannot rotate the strike for nuts, which leads to frustration and a collapse finally.
The expectations are justified. For a team that finished up as the finalists, the runner-up to the last tournament. Getting knocked out in the first round would be pretty unforgivable to many and rightfully so.

I also understand that we can't win them all, but how you win or lose does matter and we lost our matches pretty pathetically. Another good cause to be angry.
Today, Mark waugh said the aussies have such a brilliant record because they play as a single unit. He even said tht the same goes for SA, Kiwis and to some extent Sri Lanka...but other subcontinental team players only play for individual record and tht is why there is no team spirit.. N now i m thinkin..apparently the man is right...;)

Heard this in the news today tht the BCCI is going to take a few drastic steps..among the 'drastic' steps includes bringing in young blood into the team and at the same time have two teams (yes you read it rit) ready..tht is, we'll be having 22 players ready for the next international series...:rofl: :rofl:

I mean these guys need to wake up...we've got a bunch of loosers for our national team..we dont know who will fill into the who's shoes..we dont know who will be our next captain...and they think we'll be able to have two teams ready for the next series...oh please...:no:
Ya mark waugh is absolutely right.Just look at australia's last match with south africa.Quite a few of their batsmen got out in the 90's while trying to increase the team run rate.They didn't care about the fact they are nearing their centuries.Imagine if tendulkar or ganguly were in similar situation.They would have played tuku-tuku for atleast the next 10 overs to make sure they get to their centuries first.
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