Poll on Nokia N8

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Screen resolution taking phones with generally equal price Samsung Galaxy S = 233ppi Nokia N8 = 210ppi HTC HD2 = 202ppi iPhone 3GS = 160ppi
Don't know from where everyone has made the conclusion that N8 has a terribly low resolution screen... :(
webserver2009 said:
Screen resolution taking phones with generally equal price Samsung Galaxy S = 233ppi Nokia N8 = 210ppi HTC HD2 = 202ppi iPhone 3GS = 160ppi

Don't know from where everyone has made the conclusion that N8 has a terribly low resolution screen... :(
True... its just that the apple fanboys make a lot of noise :P
webserver2009 said:
Screen resolution taking phones with generally equal price Samsung Galaxy S = 233ppi Nokia N8 = 210ppi HTC HD2 = 202ppi iPhone 3GS = 160ppi

Don't know from where everyone has made the conclusion that N8 has a terribly low resolution screen... :(
I dont know about others , but most reviews / forums i read had people loathing n8 because of the UI . No one complains about the hardware much , the screen seems good enough . Though i think it should have been a bit bigger , atleast 3.7" , 3GS did have a pretty low res screen but its discontinued and iPhone 4 has a pretty high res screen , the SGS and HD2 have much bigger screens than n8 so a similar / slightly lower resolution is acceptable . Also , if Samsung could have a 800*480 resolution on a 3.3" screen on the wave which was significantly cheaper than the N8 , there's no reason nokia cant do the same. N8 is the flagship nokia phone . Its the best nokia has to offer at the moment so people will compare to the best Sony / Samsung / HTC / Apple have to offer , irrespective of whether the price is different . Also the upcoming E7 has the same resolution on a 4" display . Ouch . Oh and my 6 thousand rupee 5233 also has the same resolution .

My personal gripe with symbian is the lack of decent apps and games . They are nowhere near the kind of apps/games available for Android / iOS . And that wont be fixed by the n8 unfortunately .
Apps? What on Earth do you want different apps for?

YAFA? (Yet another fart app)?

Seriously.. what do you want to do with your phone that a Symbian app can't do?
saw the n8 today in detail .. the phone is sluggish .u can esily see that when u swipe the screen from left to rite .. will wait for some time cause the price on this will fall soon .. it already 23800 in mumbai in the grey mrkt today
I hope you kept in mind that Symbian requires a FULL swipe from left to right to change the homescreen , it does not work with half a swipe like Android. It was never sluggish for me.

And as said above , i agree it can take some pointers from the N900's UI
TechHead said:
Apps? What on Earth do you want different apps for?

YAFA? (Yet another fart app)?

Seriously.. what do you want to do with your phone that a Symbian app can't do?

Buy stuff on ebay ?

I was talking about the quality and not the number of apps and games . Till date i havent been able to find a decent player for s60v5 which plays .avi videos . Smartmovie / CoreCodec , none of them seem to work properly , hang regularly , and this happens with a lot of people . Google sync was a pain in the ass to setup , i had to get the nokia mail for exchange thing and it took 2-3 attempts to sync properly . Most of the applications i have used have a shoddy interface . Its not about what i want to do . Its about how well can i do it . Its subjective , you may feel the quality of apps is adequate , i don't . EOD
manu1991 said:
Buy stuff on ebay ?

I was talking about the quality and not the number of apps and games . Till date i havent been able to find a decent player for s60v5 which plays .avi videos . Smartmovie / CoreCodec , none of them seem to work properly , hang regularly , and this happens with a lot of people . Google sync was a pain in the ass to setup , i had to get the nokia mail for exchange thing and it took 2-3 attempts to sync properly . Most of the applications i have used have a shoddy interface . Its not about what i want to do . Its about how well can i do it . Its subjective , you may feel the quality of apps is adequate , i don't . EOD
Its very well known that S60v5 was just a stop gap measure. It was v3 with touch tacked on.

S^3 with its full support for the Qt framework is going to be VERY different.
yogi7272 said:
@Parv -My dear friend , the photo I took by N8 is in 9MP mode. N8 has much much superiour camera compared to N86. Wait till tom, I will show you first hand how good it is. The led flash of N86 made that board looked yellow while it was a pure white one as represented correctly by N8.

I just cant get it what its with people that make them dislike nokia so much.
Is not N86 a Nokia :)
i can vouch for what dhruv has said. From what i have seen it is going to be lot faster than what u see on N8. Actually N8 itself is a good improvement compared to the other touch models from Nokia like No 97 :D (yes it is not N 97 for god's sake).

I can say that bcause i wrk for Nokia :P
checked out N8 side by side with my wave...little on the slow side but it doesn't lag. Feels huge compared to wave and the screen is not as vibrant. Cant say i was totally impressed but its a good phone. Didn't like the boring rectangle home screen widgets... rest of the OS is similar v5
dhruvrock2000 said:
hu ? what do you mean by that ? o.O
when I said N86 has better camera than N8, yogi7272 posted this

yogi7272 said:
I just cant get it what its with people that make them dislike nokia so much.

I was referring to that :P

Not like I dislike Nokia, My over 6 years old Nokia 2323 is still going strong :) it's just that their current offerings has poor price/performance ratio than it's competition.
I hate nokia since i'm sick of their old, counter intuitive and ugly UI along with poor app support.
The symbian 3 is nothing new, tried it again today and was not impressed.

Hardware is good but software is bad IMO
khanvis2009 said:
saw the n8 today in detail .. the phone is sluggish .u can esily see that when u swipe the screen from left to rite ..
Not sure you are talking about expected behaviour. It 'responds' to your action, doesn't play along with you. So if you swipe the home screen, it will not move with your finger like the iOS or Android, instead will wait for your swipe to be complete.
Yup , thats what i posted earlier.

I dunno what is so different about the S3 UI that people complain.... Its a friekin grid of icons !!!

Isn't it about what you do with your phone ? They all borrow visual clues from each other... grid of icons et all.
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