OC & Modding Post your Intel Core 2 Duo overclocks here

Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Chaos said:
Whats the vcore? Seems like its way too high :p. You should e able to do 3GHz at stock volts or thereabouts.

cpuz is known to show wrong volts. so i doubt he is running the volts so high for 3ghz.

anyways hows the stock cooler temps deathvirus
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Well , i initially left the voltage to auto :p .. not its slightly more at around 1.288V :d ...


Also , the stock cooler is doing a great job ... but i do get some strange fluctuations .. With Orthos , temps reach 58C :( ... but running any game , or 3DMark .. the temp. doesn't cross 48c :D ... idles at around 38c :D
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

deathvirus_me said:
Well , i initially left the voltage to auto :p .. not its slightly more at around 1.288V :d ...
Also , the stock cooler is doing a great job ... but i do get some strange fluctuations .. With Orthos , temps reach 58C :( ... but running any game , or 3DMark .. the temp. doesn't cross 48c :D ... idles at around 38c :D

Try both cores loaded with TAT. You'll get alarming temps :p.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Ahhh .. man i'm loving it :D .. doing 3.02 GHz @ ~1.25V :D


Temps are down quite a bit .. Idle's around 33c .. Orthos goes upto 52c .. while games stay around 45c :D ... going to run Orthos for the whole night now .. lets see if this runs stable or not :D ..
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

CPU = 325.9x7 = 2281MHz

Ram = 244.6x2 (4-4-4-12) = 489.2MHz

Ratio = 4:3

CPU Volts = 1.40v Bios 1.34v Real

Ram Volts = Auto

Idle Temp = 42C

Load Temp = 57C

All on a Asus P5LD2-VM-SE :hap2:

Ram was stopping thus used 4:3 Ratio :no:
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Your pic shows Orthos running only for 13 mins :S
Should you not do Orthos Blend for 9 hours first or you already did that?
Also whats your SuperPi 1m score?
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Lord Dagon said:
Ok guys here is my Oc result ,
My cpu is running at STOCK COOLER at 2.8 GHz
My 555mhz kingston value rams is running at 667 at 4-4-4-12
Stable ; CPU TEMP IS 51 at Idle and 60-61 at Load.:p

CPU-Z Validator Database

What software are you using to get these temps? The motherboard software utilities dont reflect the core-temp of CPU. Trying using Intel TAT (Thermal Analysis Tool) to get real temperatures if not already done so. Dont be surprised to see a 10 degree difference between mobo CPU temp and the actual CPU temp as shown by Intel TAT.
I dont want you to kill your proccy on stock cooler just for fun, handle with care and best of luck on your oc endeavours :hap2:
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

techcheat said:
What software are you using to get these temps? The motherboard software utilities dont reflect the core-temp of CPU. Trying using Intel TAT (Thermal Analysis Tool) to get real temperatures if not already done so. Dont be surprised to see a 10 degree difference between mobo CPU temp and the actual CPU temp as shown by Intel TAT.

I dont want you to kill your proccy on stock cooler just for fun, handle with care and best of luck on your oc endeavours :hap2:

TAT does not works on Nvidia Chip set and i am using core temp 0.95, And thanks for the advice. :hap2:

there is a little update here running my rams at 800mhz at 4 4 4 12.

And need some advice is of something is wrong .

will update with ortho's blend test tomorrow.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

I had test this clock setting for 6hr 16min. Zero errors. Temperature was 50 at idle and it went upto 63 at load with the stock cooler, and i have changed the ram timing cos my sys once got restarted after running 4 hr othos test and sandy also to me to keep the loose timing so i kept it at 5 5 5 12.

Cpu vcore : 1.33v in bios : 1.35

Cpu VTT : 1.39v in bios : 1.35

memory : 2.00v in bios : 2

NB 1.31v in bios : auto

SB 1.50v in bios : auto

Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Well i just want to ask the overclocking gurus here... there is an option of Dynamic overclocking with different levels of dynamic overclocking in the MSI Neo F BIOS. It essentialy says that CPU overclocks itself when in Need (highly CPU intensive task).

Is that a good thing to turn ON?
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here


This is what I reach with my 450 Watts SPMS :( any above and Pi test gives Hardware faliur Blue Screen halt...

FSB 1450 ... RAM 750 ... vcore 1.32 .. Rest all Auto !!

E6600 / P5N-E SLi / 2 GB DDR-II 667 MHz


Need a better PSU but short on money :(
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

with that 450 watts, without DVD RW and DVD ROM and with 2 GB RAM, and without extra HDDs, just the signle OS HDD...

FSB 1575 .. vCore 1.45 .. RAM Voltage 2.018 .. RAM FSB 700 MHz



Though the Pi Test is stable, but in multi tasking, (AutoGK + Nero Recode + NFS MW) system is often Restarting !!! should i increase the processor vCore more ??
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

lol ! run Orthos and check if its stable, looks like your system isnt stable bump up the vcore to 1.475 and go down to 390 fsb
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

When I get home I'll post a pic of my new Pentium E2140 1.6ghz chip clocking 2.8ghz @ stock volts with orthos load temps of 45C (stock cooler) :rofl: